Iniziative dal 2003 al 2017 vedi: AGENDA 2003-2017: archivio delle iniziative
3-5 September 2025, Leeds (UK),
RS5C 2025, Road Safety on Five Continents, the 20th international RS5C conference.
1-4 July 2025, Kyoto (Japan),
CASPT 2025, Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport and TransitData 2025. Organized by Kyoto University and Gifu University.
15-18 June 2025, Hamburg (D),
UITP Summit. With nearly 140 years of history, the UITP Summit is the not-to-miss high-level event for the public transport sector.
11-13 June 2025, Penang (Malaysia),
13th International Conference on City Logistics. (Call for papers).
May 11-15, 2025, Denver, CO (USA),
ICOET 2025, International Conference On Ecology and Transportation.
April 8-11, 2025, Los Angeles, California (USA),
10th International Urban Freight Conference (I-NUF).
2-4 April 2025, Porto (PT),
VEHITS 2025, 11th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems.
March 30-April 4, 205, Da Nang (Vietnam),
13th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods (ISCTSC2025).
11-13 February 2025, Brussels (B),
#RTR2025, Conference on Results from Road Transport Research. Going on its 8th edition, the RTR Conference is a unique entry point into the achievement of EU-funded projects in road transport.
28.01.2025, Potsdam (D),
Tag der Verkehrswissenschaft 2025, Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V. (DVWG).
06. Dezember 2024, Berlin (D),
DVWG Forum 2024, Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V. (DVWG).
6-7 November 2024, Arnhem (NL),
Nationaal Verkeerskundecongres 2024.
6.-7. November 2024, Frankfurt (D),
10. Deutscher Mobilitätskongress.
November 5-7, 2024, Barcelona (Spain),
Tomorrow.Mobility World Congress. Celebrated alongside Smart City Expo World Congress.
4-8 November 2024, Online,
Transport and Climate Change Week. Since its first edition in 2017, the Transport and Climate Change Week has established itself as a successful format for dialogue, cooperation and
exchange between developing countries and growing economies. In 2024, the 7th edition of Transport and Climate Change Week will again take place in a virtual format.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
25 ottobre 2024, Milano (I),
Convegno "La cura del ferro", 11. edizione. L'evento organizzato dalla Uiltrasporti e dalla Uil Lombardia, che negli anni è diventato sistemico, pone all'attenzione del mondo politico
e imprenditoriale su quanto sia importante far decollare il trasporto delle merci su ferro, un aspetto che nel nostro paese è ancora scarsamente diffuso e si attesta più o meno al 11%.
Il cambiamento climatico impone al Governo e alle restanti forze politiche di intervenire senza indugi per mettere in atto tutte le azioni affinché ci sia una svolta vera nel rilanciare
il trasporto merci su ferro. In caso contrario si rischia di mettere a rischio gli obiettivi ambientali fissati dalla UE nel suo libro bianco del 2011.
La Uiltrasporti continuerà nel solco iniziato nel lontano 2014 a continuare a sostenere questo tipo di trasporto coinvolgendo tutti gli attori, dando appuntamento a Milano il 25 ottobre
presso l'auditorium del Palazzo del lavoro GI Group sito in piazza 4 Novembre in cui verranno messi a confronto gli stakeholder del ferro e della gomma.
24th-26th October 2024, Seoul (Corea),
The 2024 Global Mobility Humanities Conference.
18-20 October 2024, Shanghai (China),
CSTFM 2024, International Conference on Smart Transportation and Future Mobility. Shanghai Maritime University.
10-11 ottobre 2024, Genova (I),
Mobilità Genova. Innovazione e multimodalità del trasporto pubblico.
Un insieme di "piazze di confronto" su temi come SBE innovative, verso il "biglietto unico nazionale", AI nel TPL, MaaS e sistemi di accesso.
9-11 October 2024, Bologna (I),
Fueling Tomorrow is the event dedicated to the transformation of fuels and the use of new energy vectors in the transport sector
and 'hard-to-abate' industries, in the context of ecological transition.
9-10 October 2024, Copenhagen (DK),
The International Mobility Summit.
1-3 October 2024, Parma (I),
CIVITAS Forum 2024. Join the mobilty renaissance!
30 September - 3 October 2024, Hobart, Tasmania (Australia),
ARSC 2024, the Australasian Road Safety Conference 2024.
26-28 September 2024, Sveti Martin na Muri (Croatia),
SuTRA 2024, International Conference on Sustainable Transport. The conference is organized jointly by the University North, Croatia and University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Croatia.
26-27 September 2024, Delft (NL),
International Research & Policy Symposium "(Re-) Connecting Maritime-Urban Ecosystems",
A Framework for Planning and Designing Sustainable "Spaces of Flows" in Port-City Regions.
26 septembre 2024, En ligne / webinaire,
Rendez-vous Mobilités du Cerema "Transports routiers automatisés: de l'expérimentation au déploiement". L'inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire pour recevoir
les informations de connexion. Celles-ci seront communiquées aux inscrits après la clôture des inscriptions, fixée au 25 septembre à 16h.
24-26 September 2024, Seville (Spain),
Sustainable Tourism 2024, 11th International Conference on Sustainable Tourism.
23-25 September 2024, Leipzig (D),
2024 T2M Annual Conference "Mobilities and Infrastructures: Transitions and Transformations". The 2024 annual conference of the International Association for the History of
Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M), will focus on transitions and transformations of mobilities and infrastructures.
19th-20th September 2024, Rome (I),
AIIT 4th International Conference : TIS Roma 2024.
The objective of the AIIT International Conference TIS Rome 2024 is to promote the knowledge of the new trends of development of mobility systems and transport infrastructures.
The Conference aims at providing a forum for discussion, interactions and exchange among researchers, scientists and engineers whose fields of interest concern transport
and infrastructure engineering. The congress is organized by the Italian Association for Traffic and Transport Engineering AIIT founded in 1957.
18-20 September 2024, Milano (I),
XXVI Conference of the Italian Society of Transport Economics and Logistics (SIET). "Methods, Practices, and Policies for the Future of Mobility".
18-20 September 2024, Antwerp (B),
European Transport Conference 2024. The European Transport Conference (ETC) is the annual conference of the Association for European Transport, attracting transport policy makers,
practitioners and researchers from all over Europe and beyond. ETC offers in-depth presentations on policy issues, best practice and research findings across the broad spectrum of transport.
16-22 September 2024, Europe,
EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK. EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK is the European Commission's flagship awareness-raising campaign on sustainable urban mobility.
Town and cities are warmly invited to register their participation for the main event week (16-22 September).
September 16-20, 2024, Dubai (UAE),
30th ITS World Congress, the leading event in smart mobility & digitalisation of transport: Mobility Driven by ITS.
September 16-18, 2024, Florence (I),
ICITT 2024, 8th International Conference on Intelligent Traffic and Transportation.
12-13 September 2024, EPFL, Lausanne (CH),
Swiss Mobility Conference 2024. The conference will be conducted in both French and English.
September 10-11, 2024, Singapore (Singapore),
Asia Shipping Decarbonization Summit 2024.
9th-10th September 2024, Porto (Portugal),
Cycling and Society 2024 Annual Symposium, School of Higher Education of the Polythecnic Institute of Porto.
4-6 September 2024, Karditsa (Greece),
CSuM 2024. 7th Conference on Sustainable Mobility "Climate Crisis and Transportation Resilient Systems".
4 settembre 2024, Bologna (I),
Workshop "Ridisegnare la sostenibilità delle supply chain utilizzando l'intermodalità ferroviaria: i
l nuovo ruolo dell'interporto di Bologna", Interporto di Bologna
3-4 September 2024, Amsterdam (NL),
Sustainable Road Transport Europe 2024. "Net-Zero Now. Accelerating Decarbonisation in Europe's Road Freight".
20-21. August 2024, Aalborg (Denmark),
Traffic Days / Trafikdage 2024. Trafikdage helps set a clear path in the Danish traffic debate and is largely instrumental in giving traffic and transport research in Denmark
a significant boost.
19-22 August 2024, Tel Aviv (Israel),
ICTTP 8, International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology.
July 14-18, 2024, Vienna (A),
17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, "Transformative Travel Behaviour Research - Looking beyond Back-to-Normal".
19. Juni 2024, Solothurn (CH),
Fachtagung Fussverkehr 2024 "Wege zur Erholung - direkt vor der Haustür", Fussverkehr Schweiz.
18-21 June 2024, Ghent (B),
Velo-city 2024 Ghent, the annual world cycling summit.
14 June 2024, Florence (I),
13th Florence Intermodal Forum: Urban nodes along the trans-european transport network.
13. Juni 2024, Luzern (CH),
Fachveranstaltung Mobilitätskonzept in Gemeinden.
13 juin 2024, en ligne,
Conférence en ligne: No parking, no business? Mobilité et vitalité commerciale dans les centres-villes.
Cette présentation fait partie du cycle de conférences "Unpacking car-centric culture" organisé par l'OUVEMA avec le soutien du Centre de compétences en durabilité,
de l'Institut de géographie et durabilité et de l'Institut des sciences du sport de l'Université de Lausanne.
11. Juni 2024, Webinar,
16. Mobilservice Webinar. Nudging: Verhaltenspsychologische Interventionen für eine nachhaltige Mobilität.
6 juin 2024, Lausanne (CH),
Séminaire mobilité seniors 2024: Vieillissement démographique et transports publics: quels défis ?. ATE Association transports et environnement.
4. und 5. Juni 2024, Wien (A),
XVIII. Österr. Fachkonferenz für FußgängerInnen 2024, "Zu Fuß aktiv mobil in der Nachbarschaft - Transformation öffentlicher Räume & lebenswerte Straßenräume".
31. Mai 2024, Online, mit Anmeldung,
Online Seminar der IHK Leipzig: Fokus Lastenrad: Handwerk und Kleinunternehmen auf neuen Wegen.
Projektleiter Dr. Johannes Gruber informiert über die Möglichkeit, im Sommer bei dem Lastenradtest von "Ich entlaste Städte 2" mitzumachen. Die Teilnahme an dem Seminar ist kostenlos.
29 maggio 2024, Webinar (I),
Nuovo regolamento Ue sulla decarbonizzazione del trasporto pesante, webinar organizzato dal Freight Leaders Council.
Partecipazione gratuita e aperta a tutti gli interessati.
24 maggio 2024, Trento (I),
Convegno Tram-Treno. Problematiche e opportunita del sistema. Organizzato da CIFI (Collegio Ingegneri Ferroviari Italiani), sezione di Verona.
22-24 May 2024, Leipzig (D),
ITF 2024 Summit: Greening Transport: Keeping Focus in Times of Crisis, International Transport Forum
22 maggio 2024, Roma (I),
Presentazione del Rapporto MobilitAria 2024: qualità dell'aria, effetti sanitari dell'inquinamento, sicurezza stradale e città 30.
20-21 May 2024, Portoroz (Slovenia),
ICTS 2024, 21st International conference on Transport Science. Organized by the Slovene Association of Transport Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime
Studies and Transport, University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Scientific Council for Traffic.
16-17 mai 2024, Strasbourg (F),
JEMS2024. 6ème Journées Européennes de la Mobilité de Strasbourg. Mobilités dans les territoires, le défi de la demande. Organisées par le Cerema et le CNFPT,
en partenariat avec l'Eurométropole de Strasbourg, le GART, l'UTP, la Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière, l'UGE, l'Agence d'urbanisme de Strasbourg Rhin supérieur,
et le réseau européen POLIS.
15-17 May 2024, Cavtat (Croatia),
CETRA 2024, 8th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure. Organized by the University of Zagreb.
7-8 May 2024, Barcelona (Spain),
Greentech for Ports and Terminals Conference 2024.
15-18 April 2024, Dublin (Ireland),
TRA 2024, Transport Research Arena. "Advancing Sustainable and Inclusive Mobility".
10th-12th April 2024, Munich (D),
mobil.TUM 2024. The Future of Mobility and Urban Space.
8.-9. April 2024, Wien (A),
1. Mobilitätskonferenz des BMK. Gemeinsam stärker für den Wandel.
Aus dem Forschungsforum Mobilität für Alle und dem Nationalen Forum für Klimaneutrale Mobilität (NFKM) wird eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung - die 1. Mobilitätskonferenz
des BMK: Informativ, partizipativ und wegweisend für die Mobilität zur Erreichung der Klimaziele.
In vier interaktiven Allianzen und einer Panel-Diskussion werden die Zukunftsthemen der Mobilität von Morgen diskutiert. Darüber hinaus bieten vier eigenständige Side-Events die
Gelegenheit in einzelne Fachthemen einzutauchen.
5 aprile 2024, Bologna (I),
Seminario "Zona 30 nelle aree urbane: valutazioni e proposte. Tecnici, amministratori ed operatori a confronto", organizzato da Sipotra e Università di Bologna.
Si prega di confermare la partecipazione a
March 26-27, 2024, Chapel Hill, North Carolina (USA),
2024 Safe Mobility Conference. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.
18-19 March 2024, Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington (New Zealand),
2WALKandCYCLE 2024, "People Power: the path to low carbon transport".
13 March 2024, Webinar,
How can we decarbonise all of Europe's cars? T&E's car decarbonisation roadmap. 11:30 - 12:10 CET.
What's the most effective way to clean up the car fleet? Tune in to the webinar presentation of T&E's Car Decarbonisation Roadmap to find out.
The roadmap explores the contribution of the current car CO2 law and 100% zero-emission car target in 2035. But it also explains how the current framework is not sufficient to decarbonise the
legacy fleet.
The European Commission has just announced a -90% CO2 reduction target across the European economy by 2040. To address this challenge, the EU will need more ambition in the car sector.
T&E's Road-to-Zero roadmap shows a clear pathway to secure the EU's climate targets while providing clean and affordable solutions to help all drivers make the transition away from polluting
fossil cars.
Join us for a 40-minute webinar where we will present this new roadmap for decarbonising cars in Europe, followed by an opportunity for Q&A.
Some of the key issues we will be exploring are:
How to deal with old ICEs still on the road by 2040?
What are the most appropriate solutions to ensure a just transition?
What are the key policies required to achieve the new 2040 target in the car sector?
06. März 2024, Luzern (CH),
Mobilitätskongress 2024. Am Mobilitätskongress 2024 steht Energie im Zentrum. Durch Veränderungen in der Energiepolitik, technologische Fortschritte und anhaltendes Wachstum
der Agglomerationen wird die Zentralschweiz mit umfassenden Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Diese stehen an der Schnittstelle von Energie, Mobilität und Wirtschaft.
February 5-7, 2024, Brussels (B),
RTR Conference 2024, 7th European Conference on Results from Research Projects on Road Transport.
February 5-6, 2024, Brussels (B),
ShareDiMobiHub Academy 2024. Implementing an event format that has been successful in the past to train cities and regions in rolling out and upscaling shared mobility hubs, the Interreg NS Region
project ShareDiMobiHub in cooperation with the SMALL and Shared North Squared projects will bring together European cities and regions to a 2-day Academy with a focus on two topics: inclusivity, and
real estate integration of shared (and digital) mobility hubs. On top of this, the academy will be held back-to-back with the Shared Mobility Rocks Conference in Brussels on 6 and 7 February.
January 7-11, 2024, Washington, DC (USA),
2024 TRB 103rd Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board.
19 decembre 2023, Online (CH),
Seminaire/Webinaire "Comment inclure les personnes à mobilité réduite dans les projets d'habitat à stationnement réduit?".
12. Dezember 2023, Bern (CH),
6. SAMOSA (Shared Mobility Salon) zum Thema "Uber - Effiziente und nachhaltige Plattformmobilität". Mobilitätsakademie des TCS.
Das Referat wird auf Deutsch gehalten, die Diskussion kann mehrsprachig geführt werden. Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos, die Teilnehmerzahl begrenzt.
December 11, 2023, Online,
Virtual Event "Navigating to net zero: Decarbonisation in shipping and aviation". International Transport Forum.
30 novembre 2023, Parma (I),
23. Conferenza Nazionale sul Mobility Management e la mobilità sostenibile.
29 novembre 2023, Parma (I),
Conferenza PUMS 2023. Settima Conferenza Nazionale sui Piani Urbani della Mobilità Sostenibile.
29-30 novembre 2023, Parma (I),
MobyDixit. Euromobility anche per l'anno 2023 organizza l'evento MobyDixit, che si terrà a Parma il 29 e 30 novembre 2023, presso il Paganini Congressi di Parma - Spazi Ipogei.
L'evento MobyDixit ospiterà, oltre alla Conferenza PUMS e alla Conferenza sul Mobility Management, anche una serie di Mobility Talk.
29.-30. November 2023, Düsseldorf (D),
Deutschland-Ticket: Halbjahresbilanz und Perspektiven für Marketing und Vertrieb. VDV-Akademie.
29-30 November 2023, Leuven (B),
2023 Annual POLIS Conference, Europe's leading sustainable urban mobility event.
November 24-26, 2023, Amsterdam (NL),
ICBF 2023, International Cargo Bike Festival.
20.-21. November 2023, Düsseldorf (D),
DECOMM 2023, 12. Deutsche Konferenz für Mobilitätsmanagement.
20.-21. November 2023, Frankfurt/Main (D),
Moderner Stadtverkehr, Konferenz. ApS.
16 novembre 2023, (webinaire),
Rendez-vous du CEREMA "L'évaluation des projets de mobilité décarbonée". L'inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire.
Au programme: Un temps introductif au cours duquel deux experts présenteront leur vision: Yves Crozet (économiste, ancien directeur du Laboratoire Aménagement Économie Transports
(LAET-CNRS) et professeur à Sciences-Po) sur l'approche quantitative; Joël Meissonnier (socio-anthropologue des transports, chercheur au Cerema) sur l'approche qualitative;
Des retours d'expériences d'évaluation de projets variés (ferroviaire, voies réservées, tramway/piétons, fluvial/route).
November 15th and 16th, 2023, Barcelona (Spain),
ULaaDS final event. (Urban Logistics as an on-Demand Service).
10 novembre 2023, Roma (I),
Seminario "Quale riforma per la portualità italiana" organizzato da Sipotra (Società Italiana di Politica dei Trasporti).
9th November 2023, Budapest (Hungary),
The Trolley90 & its sustainable future conference.
6 novembre 2023, Roma (I),
Cambia la mobilità in Italia. Presentazione del nuovo sondaggio Osservatorio Stili di mobilità Ipsos-Legambiente. Alle ore 10,00. Spazio Sette Libreria, via dei Barbieri 7, Roma.
Introduce e modera Andrea Poggio, responsabile mobilità Legambiente. Intervengono: Alberta Della Bella, researcher IPSOS, Andrea Cardinali. direttore generale UNRAE, Claudio Magliulo,
Clean Cities Campaign, head of Italy, Francesco Naso, segretario generale Motus-E, Eugenio Patanè, assessore alla mobilità Comune di Roma. Conclusioni: Stefano Ciafani,
presidente nazionale Legambiente.
25-28 October 2023, hybrid Seoul (Korea),
The 2023 Global Mobility Humanities Conference (GMHC) and 21st Annual Conference of the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M),
"Mobilities, Aesthetics and Ethics", organised by T2M and the Academy of Mobility Humanities (Konkuk University).
25-26 ottobre 2023, Roma (I),
Mercintreno 2023, il forum del trasporto ferroviario delle merci.
24-25 October 2023, Copenhagen (Denmark),
Future of Biofuels 2023, 5th European Conference. This year we are focusing on production and implementation of biofuels and future fuels in maritime and aviation sectors to speed up
their decarbonization. Other points of focus are: development of new supply chains, latest trends and perspectives for low carbon fuels in fuels mix but also new production technologies,
refineries case studies and more.
19 ottobre 2023, Napoli (I),
Urban Mobility Conference. La nuova mobilità urbana nella smart city: sostenibile, multimodale, sicura e digitale.
17-19 octobre 2023, Clermont-Ferrand (F),
RNTP 2023, Rencontres nationales du transport public (RNTP), organisées par le Groupement des Autorités Responsables de Transport (GART) et l'Union des
Transports Publics et Ferroviaires (UTP).
16-19 October 2023, Kigali (Rwanda),
Walk21 Kigali, Action for Walking - The Affordable and Essential Steps to Improve Walkability.
The 23rd International Walk21 Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities will be hosted by the University of Rwanda, in partnership with the City of Kigali, UNEP and Walk21.
16-17 October 2023, Stockholm (Sweden),
STRV 2023, the 12th Annual Swedish Transport Research Conference.
13-14 ottobre 2023, Roma (I),
Convegno e tavola rotonda "Ferrovie italiane: architettura e ingegneria per la mobilità" organizzato da Italia Nostra e AIPAI Associazione Italiana Patrimonio Archeologico Industriale.
Iscrizione obbligatoria.
12 ottobre 2023, Firenze (I),
Giornata Nazionale di Studio e Dibattito Settore Trasporto su Rotaia "L'evoluzione dei sistemi di trazione ferroviaria per un trasporto più efficiente e sostenibile",
organizzata da AICQ in collaborazione con il CIFI. In presenza e via webinar. Iscrizione necessaria.
11 October 2023, Antwerp (B),
Accessibility and Connectivity of the 15-minute-city. Scientific seminar, open to practitioners. (ACUTE / UERA TWG Urban Accessibility and Connectivity).
11 October 2023, (Digital),
Webinar. Andreas Pfeffer: "Sorgenkind Verkehrssektor: Umrüstung von Diesel auf Elektrisch - der kostengünstige, schnelle und dazu noch nachhaltigere Weg zu emissionsfreien Nutzfahrzeugen und Bussen".
October 9th-11th, 2023, Aachen (D),
32. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility.
6 ottobre 2023, Milano (I),
Decima edizione della Cura del Ferro organizzata dalla Uiltrasporti - Uil Milano e Lombardia. "Il treno dei desideri, 10 anni di analisi, proposte, confronti e strategie per il potenziamento
del trasporto merci ferroviario".
5-6 October 2023, Geneva (CH),
The Maritime Transport Efficiency Conference (MTE Conference), Concrete Solutions for Sustainable Maritime Transport.
5 octobre 2023, En ligne - online (F),
Webinaire "Les aménagements pour réduire la vitesse", Cerema.
5 ottobre 2023, Roma (I),
7. Conferenza Nazionale sulla Sharing Mobility "LESSCARS drives decarbonization".
La Conferenza è organizzata dall'Osservatorio Nazionale sulla Sharing mobility, promosso dal MIT Ministero infrastrutture e Trasporti e MASE-Ministero dell'Ambiente e della sicurezza energetica
e dalla Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, in collaborazione con CDP. Pre-registrazione gratuita necessaria.
4-6 October 2023, Seville (Spain),
Urban Mobility Days 2023. Urban Mobility Days will bring together politicians, local authorities, industry, and urban transport practitioners with the European Commission to connect, share and
discuss the path forward for a sustainable, innovative, and equitable future for Europe's urban mobility.
2-3 October 2023, Odense (DK),
Light Rail Day, international tramway conference.
28-29 September 2023, Regensburg (D),
RECIPROCITY Mobility Assembly Regensburg, final event of the RECIPROCITY project.
28 septembre 2023, En ligne - online (F),
Webinaire "Les Engins de Déplacement Personnel Motorisés (EDPM) et les Cyclomobiles légers", Cerema.
28 septembre 2023, En ligne - online (F),
Webinaire "Les dispositifs de comptage des cyclistes", Rendez-vous Mobilités Cerema.
27-29 September 2023, Helsinki (Finland),
ICLT, The 13th International Conference on Logistics & Transport 2023.
26-27 settembre 2023, Roma (I),
Convegno Nazionale SIDT. Società Italiana Docenti di Trasporti.
25-28 September 2023, Gothenburg (Sweden),
Joint TAP and S&E Conference 2023. 25th International Transport and Air Pollution and 3rd Shipping and Environment Conference.
22. September 2023, Luzern (CH),
Luzerner Mobilitätsgespräche 2023, 28. Veranstaltung."Die Jugend für den ÖV gewinnen".
21.-22. September 2023, Kassel (D),
Nahverkehrs-Tage 2023. "Verkehrswende und ÖPNV: Wie holen wir alle an Bord, bevor der Zug abgefahren ist?". Zweitägige Fachtagung mit Begleitausstellung.
21. September 2023, Cargo Center Graz, Werndorf (A),
Südhafenforum 2023. "Drehscheiben für leistungsstarke Logistikketten". Um global stabile und wettbewerbsfähige Lieferketten sicherzustellen, rücken die Südhäfen
vermehrt in den Blickpunkt und werden vielfach als Alternative betrachtet. Die Nachfrage nach Container-, RoRo-, Stückgut- und Projektladung wird weiterhin steigen. Um dem Wachstum gerecht
zu werden, sind Investitionen in neue Logistikdienstleistungsangebote an den Terminalstandorten in Österreich und im Adriaraum notwendig. VNL Österreich.
18-20 September 2023, Ljubljana (Slovenia),
REAL CORP 2023, 28th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society . Let it grow, Let us plan, let it grow.
Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable Resilient Smart Green and Blue Cities.
September 18-20, 2023, Bilbao (Bizkaia, Spain),
26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2023).
September 18-20, 2023, Madrid (Spain),
ICITT 2023, 7th International Conference on Intelligent Traffic and Transportation.
17th-19th September 2023, Graz (A),
48. Tagung "Moderne Schienenfahrzeuge" / 48th Conference on "Modern Rolling Stock", TU Graz / Institut für Eisenbahnwesen und Verkehrswirtschaft.
16-22 September 2023, (EU),
European Mobility Week.
14-15 September 2023, Lausanne (CH),
Swiss Mobility Conference 2023, University of Lausanne.
14. September 2023, Winterthur (CH),
Infotreffen Bikesharing und Velostationen 2023, Forum Velostationen Schweiz.
14. September 2023, Zürich-Oerlikon (CH),
Fachtagung Forschung 2023 SVI, Schweizerische Vereinigung der Verkehrsingenieure und Verkehrsexperten.
12-13 September 2023, Online,
3rd International Workshop on High-Speed Rail Socioeconomic Impacts, the UIC Alliance of Universities.
6-8 September 2023, Zurich (CH),
hEART 2023, 11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation.
6-8 September 2023, Milan (I),
European Transport Conference 2023.
6.-7. September 2023, Berlin (D),
8. Railway Forum Berlin 2023. Europäische Leitkonferenz der Bahnindustrie. Motto: "Die Verkehrswende gemeinsam beschleunigen!"
4-8 September 2023, Prague (Czech Republic),
WMCAUS 2023, 8th World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium.