Iniziative dal 2003 al 2017 vedi: AGENDA 2003-2017: archivio delle iniziative

3-5 September 2025, Leeds (UK), RS5C 2025, Road Safety on Five Continents, the 20th international RS5C conference.

1-4 July 2025, Kyoto (Japan), CASPT 2025, Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport and TransitData 2025. Organized by Kyoto University and Gifu University.

15-18 June 2025, Hamburg (D), UITP Summit. With nearly 140 years of history, the UITP Summit is the not-to-miss high-level event for the public transport sector.

11-13 June 2025, Penang (Malaysia), 13th International Conference on City Logistics. (Call for papers).

May 11-15, 2025, Denver, CO (USA), ICOET 2025, International Conference On Ecology and Transportation.

April 8-11, 2025, Los Angeles, California (USA), 10th International Urban Freight Conference (I-NUF).

2-4 April 2025, Porto (PT), VEHITS 2025, 11th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems.

March 30-April 4, 205, Da Nang (Vietnam), 13th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods (ISCTSC2025).

11-13 February 2025, Brussels (B), #RTR2025, Conference on Results from Road Transport Research. Going on its 8th edition, the RTR Conference is a unique entry point into the achievement of EU-funded projects in road transport.

28.01.2025, Potsdam (D), Tag der Verkehrswissenschaft 2025, Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V. (DVWG).

06. Dezember 2024, Berlin (D), DVWG Forum 2024, Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V. (DVWG).

6-7 November 2024, Arnhem (NL), Nationaal Verkeerskundecongres 2024.

6.-7. November 2024, Frankfurt (D), 10. Deutscher Mobilitätskongress.

November 5-7, 2024, Barcelona (Spain), Tomorrow.Mobility World Congress. Celebrated alongside Smart City Expo World Congress.

4-8 November 2024, Online, Transport and Climate Change Week. Since its first edition in 2017, the Transport and Climate Change Week has established itself as a successful format for dialogue, cooperation and exchange between developing countries and growing economies. In 2024, the 7th edition of Transport and Climate Change Week will again take place in a virtual format. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

25 ottobre 2024, Milano (I), Convegno "La cura del ferro", 11. edizione. L'evento organizzato dalla Uiltrasporti e dalla Uil Lombardia, che negli anni è diventato sistemico, pone all'attenzione del mondo politico e imprenditoriale su quanto sia importante far decollare il trasporto delle merci su ferro, un aspetto che nel nostro paese è ancora scarsamente diffuso e si attesta più o meno al 11%. Il cambiamento climatico impone al Governo e alle restanti forze politiche di intervenire senza indugi per mettere in atto tutte le azioni affinché ci sia una svolta vera nel rilanciare il trasporto merci su ferro. In caso contrario si rischia di mettere a rischio gli obiettivi ambientali fissati dalla UE nel suo libro bianco del 2011. La Uiltrasporti continuerà nel solco iniziato nel lontano 2014 a continuare a sostenere questo tipo di trasporto coinvolgendo tutti gli attori, dando appuntamento a Milano il 25 ottobre presso l'auditorium del Palazzo del lavoro GI Group sito in piazza 4 Novembre in cui verranno messi a confronto gli stakeholder del ferro e della gomma.

24th-26th October 2024, Seoul (Corea), The 2024 Global Mobility Humanities Conference.

18-20 October 2024, Shanghai (China), CSTFM 2024, International Conference on Smart Transportation and Future Mobility. Shanghai Maritime University.

10-11 ottobre 2024, Genova (I), Mobilità Genova. Innovazione e multimodalità del trasporto pubblico. Un insieme di "piazze di confronto" su temi come SBE innovative, verso il "biglietto unico nazionale", AI nel TPL, MaaS e sistemi di accesso.

9-11 October 2024, Bologna (I), Fueling Tomorrow is the event dedicated to the transformation of fuels and the use of new energy vectors in the transport sector and 'hard-to-abate' industries, in the context of ecological transition.

9-10 October 2024, Copenhagen (DK), The International Mobility Summit.

1-3 October 2024, Parma (I), CIVITAS Forum 2024. Join the mobilty renaissance!

30 September - 3 October 2024, Hobart, Tasmania (Australia), ARSC 2024, the Australasian Road Safety Conference 2024.

26-28 September 2024, Sveti Martin na Muri (Croatia), SuTRA 2024, International Conference on Sustainable Transport. The conference is organized jointly by the University North, Croatia and University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Croatia.

26-27 September 2024, Delft (NL), International Research & Policy Symposium "(Re-) Connecting Maritime-Urban Ecosystems", A Framework for Planning and Designing Sustainable "Spaces of Flows" in Port-City Regions.

26 septembre 2024, En ligne / webinaire, Rendez-vous Mobilités du Cerema "Transports routiers automatisés: de l'expérimentation au déploiement". L'inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire pour recevoir les informations de connexion. Celles-ci seront communiquées aux inscrits après la clôture des inscriptions, fixée au 25 septembre à 16h.

24-26 September 2024, Seville (Spain), Sustainable Tourism 2024, 11th International Conference on Sustainable Tourism.

23-25 September 2024, Leipzig (D), 2024 T2M Annual Conference "Mobilities and Infrastructures: Transitions and Transformations". The 2024 annual conference of the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M), will focus on transitions and transformations of mobilities and infrastructures.

19th-20th September 2024, Rome (I), AIIT 4th International Conference : TIS Roma 2024. The objective of the AIIT International Conference TIS Rome 2024 is to promote the knowledge of the new trends of development of mobility systems and transport infrastructures. The Conference aims at providing a forum for discussion, interactions and exchange among researchers, scientists and engineers whose fields of interest concern transport and infrastructure engineering. The congress is organized by the Italian Association for Traffic and Transport Engineering AIIT founded in 1957.

18-20 September 2024, Milano (I), XXVI Conference of the Italian Society of Transport Economics and Logistics (SIET). "Methods, Practices, and Policies for the Future of Mobility".

18-20 September 2024, Antwerp (B), European Transport Conference 2024. The European Transport Conference (ETC) is the annual conference of the Association for European Transport, attracting transport policy makers, practitioners and researchers from all over Europe and beyond. ETC offers in-depth presentations on policy issues, best practice and research findings across the broad spectrum of transport.

16-22 September 2024, Europe, EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK. EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK is the European Commission's flagship awareness-raising campaign on sustainable urban mobility. Town and cities are warmly invited to register their participation for the main event week (16-22 September).

September 16-20, 2024, Dubai (UAE), 30th ITS World Congress, the leading event in smart mobility & digitalisation of transport: Mobility Driven by ITS.

September 16-18, 2024, Florence (I), ICITT 2024, 8th International Conference on Intelligent Traffic and Transportation.

12-13 September 2024, EPFL, Lausanne (CH), Swiss Mobility Conference 2024. The conference will be conducted in both French and English.

September 10-11, 2024, Singapore (Singapore), Asia Shipping Decarbonization Summit 2024.

9th-10th September 2024, Porto (Portugal), Cycling and Society 2024 Annual Symposium, School of Higher Education of the Polythecnic Institute of Porto.

4-6 September 2024, Karditsa (Greece), CSuM 2024. 7th Conference on Sustainable Mobility "Climate Crisis and Transportation Resilient Systems".

4 settembre 2024, Bologna (I), Workshop "Ridisegnare la sostenibilità delle supply chain utilizzando l'intermodalità ferroviaria: i l nuovo ruolo dell'interporto di Bologna", Interporto di Bologna

3-4 September 2024, Amsterdam (NL), Sustainable Road Transport Europe 2024. "Net-Zero Now. Accelerating Decarbonisation in Europe's Road Freight".

20-21. August 2024, Aalborg (Denmark), Traffic Days / Trafikdage 2024. Trafikdage helps set a clear path in the Danish traffic debate and is largely instrumental in giving traffic and transport research in Denmark a significant boost.

19-22 August 2024, Tel Aviv (Israel), ICTTP 8, International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology.

July 14-18, 2024, Vienna (A), 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, "Transformative Travel Behaviour Research - Looking beyond Back-to-Normal".

19. Juni 2024, Solothurn (CH), Fachtagung Fussverkehr 2024 "Wege zur Erholung - direkt vor der Haustür", Fussverkehr Schweiz.

18-21 June 2024, Ghent (B), Velo-city 2024 Ghent, the annual world cycling summit.

14 June 2024, Florence (I), 13th Florence Intermodal Forum: Urban nodes along the trans-european transport network.

13. Juni 2024, Luzern (CH), Fachveranstaltung Mobilitätskonzept in Gemeinden.

13 juin 2024, en ligne, Conférence en ligne: No parking, no business? Mobilité et vitalité commerciale dans les centres-villes. Cette présentation fait partie du cycle de conférences "Unpacking car-centric culture" organisé par l'OUVEMA avec le soutien du Centre de compétences en durabilité, de l'Institut de géographie et durabilité et de l'Institut des sciences du sport de l'Université de Lausanne.

11. Juni 2024, Webinar, 16. Mobilservice Webinar. Nudging: Verhaltenspsychologische Interventionen für eine nachhaltige Mobilität.

6 juin 2024, Lausanne (CH), Séminaire mobilité seniors 2024: Vieillissement démographique et transports publics: quels défis ?. ATE Association transports et environnement.

4. und 5. Juni 2024, Wien (A), XVIII. Österr. Fachkonferenz für FußgängerInnen 2024, "Zu Fuß aktiv mobil in der Nachbarschaft - Transformation öffentlicher Räume & lebenswerte Straßenräume".

31. Mai 2024, Online, mit Anmeldung, Online Seminar der IHK Leipzig: Fokus Lastenrad: Handwerk und Kleinunternehmen auf neuen Wegen. Projektleiter Dr. Johannes Gruber informiert über die Möglichkeit, im Sommer bei dem Lastenradtest von "Ich entlaste Städte 2" mitzumachen. Die Teilnahme an dem Seminar ist kostenlos.

29 maggio 2024, Webinar (I), Nuovo regolamento Ue sulla decarbonizzazione del trasporto pesante, webinar organizzato dal Freight Leaders Council. Partecipazione gratuita e aperta a tutti gli interessati.

24 maggio 2024, Trento (I), Convegno Tram-Treno. Problematiche e opportunita del sistema. Organizzato da CIFI (Collegio Ingegneri Ferroviari Italiani), sezione di Verona.

22-24 May 2024, Leipzig (D), ITF 2024 Summit: Greening Transport: Keeping Focus in Times of Crisis, International Transport Forum

22 maggio 2024, Roma (I), Presentazione del Rapporto MobilitAria 2024: qualità dell'aria, effetti sanitari dell'inquinamento, sicurezza stradale e città 30.

20-21 May 2024, Portoroz (Slovenia), ICTS 2024, 21st International conference on Transport Science. Organized by the Slovene Association of Transport Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport, University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Scientific Council for Traffic.

16-17 mai 2024, Strasbourg (F), JEMS2024. 6ème Journées Européennes de la Mobilité de Strasbourg. Mobilités dans les territoires, le défi de la demande. Organisées par le Cerema et le CNFPT, en partenariat avec l'Eurométropole de Strasbourg, le GART, l'UTP, la Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière, l'UGE, l'Agence d'urbanisme de Strasbourg Rhin supérieur, et le réseau européen POLIS.

15-17 May 2024, Cavtat (Croatia), CETRA 2024, 8th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure. Organized by the University of Zagreb.

7-8 May 2024, Barcelona (Spain), Greentech for Ports and Terminals Conference 2024.

15-18 April 2024, Dublin (Ireland), TRA 2024, Transport Research Arena. "Advancing Sustainable and Inclusive Mobility".

10th-12th April 2024, Munich (D), mobil.TUM 2024. The Future of Mobility and Urban Space.

8.-9. April 2024, Wien (A), 1. Mobilitätskonferenz des BMK. Gemeinsam stärker für den Wandel. Aus dem Forschungsforum Mobilität für Alle und dem Nationalen Forum für Klimaneutrale Mobilität (NFKM) wird eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung - die 1. Mobilitätskonferenz des BMK: Informativ, partizipativ und wegweisend für die Mobilität zur Erreichung der Klimaziele. In vier interaktiven Allianzen und einer Panel-Diskussion werden die Zukunftsthemen der Mobilität von Morgen diskutiert. Darüber hinaus bieten vier eigenständige Side-Events die Gelegenheit in einzelne Fachthemen einzutauchen.

5 aprile 2024, Bologna (I), Seminario "Zona 30 nelle aree urbane: valutazioni e proposte. Tecnici, amministratori ed operatori a confronto", organizzato da Sipotra e Università di Bologna. Si prega di confermare la partecipazione a

March 26-27, 2024, Chapel Hill, North Carolina (USA), 2024 Safe Mobility Conference. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

18-19 March 2024, Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington (New Zealand), 2WALKandCYCLE 2024, "People Power: the path to low carbon transport".

13 March 2024, Webinar, How can we decarbonise all of Europe's cars? T&E's car decarbonisation roadmap. 11:30 - 12:10 CET. What's the most effective way to clean up the car fleet? Tune in to the webinar presentation of T&E's Car Decarbonisation Roadmap to find out. The roadmap explores the contribution of the current car CO2 law and 100% zero-emission car target in 2035. But it also explains how the current framework is not sufficient to decarbonise the legacy fleet. The European Commission has just announced a -90% CO2 reduction target across the European economy by 2040. To address this challenge, the EU will need more ambition in the car sector. T&E's Road-to-Zero roadmap shows a clear pathway to secure the EU's climate targets while providing clean and affordable solutions to help all drivers make the transition away from polluting fossil cars. Join us for a 40-minute webinar where we will present this new roadmap for decarbonising cars in Europe, followed by an opportunity for Q&A. Some of the key issues we will be exploring are: How to deal with old ICEs still on the road by 2040? What are the most appropriate solutions to ensure a just transition? What are the key policies required to achieve the new 2040 target in the car sector?

06. März 2024, Luzern (CH), Mobilitätskongress 2024. Am Mobilitätskongress 2024 steht Energie im Zentrum. Durch Veränderungen in der Energiepolitik, technologische Fortschritte und anhaltendes Wachstum der Agglomerationen wird die Zentralschweiz mit umfassenden Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Diese stehen an der Schnittstelle von Energie, Mobilität und Wirtschaft.

February 5-7, 2024, Brussels (B), RTR Conference 2024, 7th European Conference on Results from Research Projects on Road Transport.

February 5-6, 2024, Brussels (B), ShareDiMobiHub Academy 2024. Implementing an event format that has been successful in the past to train cities and regions in rolling out and upscaling shared mobility hubs, the Interreg NS Region project ShareDiMobiHub in cooperation with the SMALL and Shared North Squared projects will bring together European cities and regions to a 2-day Academy with a focus on two topics: inclusivity, and real estate integration of shared (and digital) mobility hubs. On top of this, the academy will be held back-to-back with the Shared Mobility Rocks Conference in Brussels on 6 and 7 February.

January 7-11, 2024, Washington, DC (USA), 2024 TRB 103rd Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board.

19 decembre 2023, Online (CH), Seminaire/Webinaire "Comment inclure les personnes à mobilité réduite dans les projets d'habitat à stationnement réduit?".

12. Dezember 2023, Bern (CH), 6. SAMOSA (Shared Mobility Salon) zum Thema "Uber - Effiziente und nachhaltige Plattformmobilität". Mobilitätsakademie des TCS. Das Referat wird auf Deutsch gehalten, die Diskussion kann mehrsprachig geführt werden. Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos, die Teilnehmerzahl begrenzt.

December 11, 2023, Online, Virtual Event "Navigating to net zero: Decarbonisation in shipping and aviation". International Transport Forum.

30 novembre 2023, Parma (I), 23. Conferenza Nazionale sul Mobility Management e la mobilità sostenibile.

29 novembre 2023, Parma (I), Conferenza PUMS 2023. Settima Conferenza Nazionale sui Piani Urbani della Mobilità Sostenibile.

29-30 novembre 2023, Parma (I), MobyDixit. Euromobility anche per l'anno 2023 organizza l'evento MobyDixit, che si terrà a Parma il 29 e 30 novembre 2023, presso il Paganini Congressi di Parma - Spazi Ipogei. L'evento MobyDixit ospiterà, oltre alla Conferenza PUMS e alla Conferenza sul Mobility Management, anche una serie di Mobility Talk.

29.-30. November 2023, Düsseldorf (D), Deutschland-Ticket: Halbjahresbilanz und Perspektiven für Marketing und Vertrieb. VDV-Akademie.

29-30 November 2023, Leuven (B), 2023 Annual POLIS Conference, Europe's leading sustainable urban mobility event.

November 24-26, 2023, Amsterdam (NL), ICBF 2023, International Cargo Bike Festival.

20.-21. November 2023, Düsseldorf (D), DECOMM 2023, 12. Deutsche Konferenz für Mobilitätsmanagement.

20.-21. November 2023, Frankfurt/Main (D), Moderner Stadtverkehr, Konferenz. ApS.

16 novembre 2023, (webinaire), Rendez-vous du CEREMA "L'évaluation des projets de mobilité décarbonée". L'inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire. Au programme: Un temps introductif au cours duquel deux experts présenteront leur vision: Yves Crozet (économiste, ancien directeur du Laboratoire Aménagement Économie Transports (LAET-CNRS) et professeur à Sciences-Po) sur l'approche quantitative; Joël Meissonnier (socio-anthropologue des transports, chercheur au Cerema) sur l'approche qualitative; Des retours d'expériences d'évaluation de projets variés (ferroviaire, voies réservées, tramway/piétons, fluvial/route).

November 15th and 16th, 2023, Barcelona (Spain), ULaaDS final event. (Urban Logistics as an on-Demand Service).

10 novembre 2023, Roma (I), Seminario "Quale riforma per la portualità italiana" organizzato da Sipotra (Società Italiana di Politica dei Trasporti).

9th November 2023, Budapest (Hungary), The Trolley90 & its sustainable future conference.

6 novembre 2023, Roma (I), Cambia la mobilità in Italia. Presentazione del nuovo sondaggio Osservatorio Stili di mobilità Ipsos-Legambiente. Alle ore 10,00. Spazio Sette Libreria, via dei Barbieri 7, Roma. Introduce e modera Andrea Poggio, responsabile mobilità Legambiente. Intervengono: Alberta Della Bella, researcher IPSOS, Andrea Cardinali. direttore generale UNRAE, Claudio Magliulo, Clean Cities Campaign, head of Italy, Francesco Naso, segretario generale Motus-E, Eugenio Patanè, assessore alla mobilità Comune di Roma. Conclusioni: Stefano Ciafani, presidente nazionale Legambiente.

25-28 October 2023, hybrid Seoul (Korea), The 2023 Global Mobility Humanities Conference (GMHC) and 21st Annual Conference of the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M), "Mobilities, Aesthetics and Ethics", organised by T2M and the Academy of Mobility Humanities (Konkuk University).

25-26 ottobre 2023, Roma (I), Mercintreno 2023, il forum del trasporto ferroviario delle merci.

24-25 October 2023, Copenhagen (Denmark), Future of Biofuels 2023, 5th European Conference. This year we are focusing on production and implementation of biofuels and future fuels in maritime and aviation sectors to speed up their decarbonization. Other points of focus are: development of new supply chains, latest trends and perspectives for low carbon fuels in fuels mix but also new production technologies, refineries case studies and more.

19 ottobre 2023, Napoli (I), Urban Mobility Conference. La nuova mobilità urbana nella smart city: sostenibile, multimodale, sicura e digitale.

17-19 octobre 2023, Clermont-Ferrand (F), RNTP 2023, Rencontres nationales du transport public (RNTP), organisées par le Groupement des Autorités Responsables de Transport (GART) et l'Union des Transports Publics et Ferroviaires (UTP).

16-19 October 2023, Kigali (Rwanda), Walk21 Kigali, Action for Walking - The Affordable and Essential Steps to Improve Walkability. The 23rd International Walk21 Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities will be hosted by the University of Rwanda, in partnership with the City of Kigali, UNEP and Walk21.

16-17 October 2023, Stockholm (Sweden), STRV 2023, the 12th Annual Swedish Transport Research Conference.

13-14 ottobre 2023, Roma (I), Convegno e tavola rotonda "Ferrovie italiane: architettura e ingegneria per la mobilità" organizzato da Italia Nostra e AIPAI Associazione Italiana Patrimonio Archeologico Industriale. Iscrizione obbligatoria.

12 ottobre 2023, Firenze (I), Giornata Nazionale di Studio e Dibattito Settore Trasporto su Rotaia "L'evoluzione dei sistemi di trazione ferroviaria per un trasporto più efficiente e sostenibile", organizzata da AICQ in collaborazione con il CIFI. In presenza e via webinar. Iscrizione necessaria.

11 October 2023, Antwerp (B), Accessibility and Connectivity of the 15-minute-city. Scientific seminar, open to practitioners. (ACUTE / UERA TWG Urban Accessibility and Connectivity).

11 October 2023, (Digital), Webinar. Andreas Pfeffer: "Sorgenkind Verkehrssektor: Umrüstung von Diesel auf Elektrisch - der kostengünstige, schnelle und dazu noch nachhaltigere Weg zu emissionsfreien Nutzfahrzeugen und Bussen".

October 9th-11th, 2023, Aachen (D), 32. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility.

6 ottobre 2023, Milano (I), Decima edizione della Cura del Ferro organizzata dalla Uiltrasporti - Uil Milano e Lombardia. "Il treno dei desideri, 10 anni di analisi, proposte, confronti e strategie per il potenziamento del trasporto merci ferroviario".

5-6 October 2023, Geneva (CH), The Maritime Transport Efficiency Conference (MTE Conference), Concrete Solutions for Sustainable Maritime Transport.

5 octobre 2023, En ligne - online (F), Webinaire "Les aménagements pour réduire la vitesse", Cerema.

5 ottobre 2023, Roma (I), 7. Conferenza Nazionale sulla Sharing Mobility "LESSCARS drives decarbonization". La Conferenza è organizzata dall'Osservatorio Nazionale sulla Sharing mobility, promosso dal MIT Ministero infrastrutture e Trasporti e MASE-Ministero dell'Ambiente e della sicurezza energetica e dalla Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, in collaborazione con CDP. Pre-registrazione gratuita necessaria.

4-6 October 2023, Seville (Spain), Urban Mobility Days 2023. Urban Mobility Days will bring together politicians, local authorities, industry, and urban transport practitioners with the European Commission to connect, share and discuss the path forward for a sustainable, innovative, and equitable future for Europe's urban mobility.

2-3 October 2023, Odense (DK), Light Rail Day, international tramway conference.

28-29 September 2023, Regensburg (D), RECIPROCITY Mobility Assembly Regensburg, final event of the RECIPROCITY project.

28 septembre 2023, En ligne - online (F), Webinaire "Les Engins de Déplacement Personnel Motorisés (EDPM) et les Cyclomobiles légers", Cerema.

28 septembre 2023, En ligne - online (F), Webinaire "Les dispositifs de comptage des cyclistes", Rendez-vous Mobilités Cerema.

27-29 September 2023, Helsinki (Finland), ICLT, The 13th International Conference on Logistics & Transport 2023.

26-27 settembre 2023, Roma (I), Convegno Nazionale SIDT. Società Italiana Docenti di Trasporti.

25-28 September 2023, Gothenburg (Sweden), Joint TAP and S&E Conference ​2023. 25th International Transport and Air Pollution and 3rd Shipping and Environment Conference​.

22. September 2023, Luzern (CH), Luzerner Mobilitätsgespräche 2023, 28. Veranstaltung."Die Jugend für den ÖV gewinnen".

21.-22. September 2023, Kassel (D), Nahverkehrs-Tage 2023. "Verkehrswende und ÖPNV: Wie holen wir alle an Bord, bevor der Zug abgefahren ist?". Zweitägige Fachtagung mit Begleitausstellung.

21. September 2023, Cargo Center Graz, Werndorf (A), Südhafenforum 2023. "Drehscheiben für leistungsstarke Logistikketten". Um global stabile und wettbewerbsfähige Lieferketten sicherzustellen, rücken die Südhäfen vermehrt in den Blickpunkt und werden vielfach als Alternative betrachtet. Die Nachfrage nach Container-, RoRo-, Stückgut- und Projektladung wird weiterhin steigen. Um dem Wachstum gerecht zu werden, sind Investitionen in neue Logistikdienstleistungsangebote an den Terminalstandorten in Österreich und im Adriaraum notwendig. VNL Österreich.

18-20 September 2023, Ljubljana (Slovenia), REAL CORP 2023, 28th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society

. Let it grow, Let us plan, let it grow. Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable Resilient Smart Green and Blue Cities.

September 18-20, 2023, Bilbao (Bizkaia, Spain), 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2023).

September 18-20, 2023, Madrid (Spain), ICITT 2023, 7th International Conference on Intelligent Traffic and Transportation.

17th-19th September 2023, Graz (A), 48. Tagung "Moderne Schienenfahrzeuge" / 48th Conference on "Modern Rolling Stock", TU Graz / Institut für Eisenbahnwesen und Verkehrswirtschaft.

16-22 September 2023, (EU), European Mobility Week.

14-15 September 2023, Lausanne (CH), Swiss Mobility Conference 2023, University of Lausanne.

14. September 2023, Winterthur (CH), Infotreffen Bikesharing und Velostationen 2023, Forum Velostationen Schweiz.

14. September 2023, Zürich-Oerlikon (CH), Fachtagung Forschung 2023 SVI, Schweizerische Vereinigung der Verkehrsingenieure und Verkehrsexperten.

12-13 September 2023, Online, 3rd International Workshop on High-Speed Rail Socioeconomic Impacts, the UIC Alliance of Universities.

6-8 September 2023, Zurich (CH), hEART 2023, 11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation.

6-8 September 2023, Milan (I), European Transport Conference 2023.

6.-7. September 2023, Berlin (D), 8. Railway Forum Berlin 2023. Europäische Leitkonferenz der Bahnindustrie. Motto: "Die Verkehrswende gemeinsam beschleunigen!"

4-8 September 2023, Prague (Czech Republic), WMCAUS 2023, 8th World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium.

17-21 July 2023, Montreal (Canada), World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR)

28. Juni 2023, Bern (CH), Fachtagung Fussverkehr Schweiz "Probieren geht über Studieren. Mit temporären Gestaltungen den Fussverkehr fördern" / Journée d'étude "Aménagements temporaires. Un pas vers la ville de demain".

22nd-23rd June 2023, Trieste (I), XXV Conference of the Italian Society of Transport and Logistics Economists (SIET), "Pandemic, climate change and energy crisis: how to adapt the transportation systems?"

June 21-25, 2023, Frankfurt am Main (D), EUROBIKE 2023. Exhibition and Festival.

20.-21. Juni 2023, Frankfurt am Main (D), 8. Nationaler Radverkehrskongress (zeitgleich mit der Eurobike)

19th-21st June 2023, On-line and in-person, at University of Bordeaux, France, 12th International Conference on City Logistics.

12. Juni 2023, Zürich (CH), Dialoganlass: Verhaltensökonomie & Mobilität. Avenir Mobilité / Zukunft Mobilität.

7. Junij 2023, Ljubljana (Slovenia), Mobilnost 2023 (poslovna konferenca). Re:INOVIRANJE mobilnosti.

6 June 2023, Online, Public Event "The Promises of European Rail in the Face of Climate and Financial Challenges". Presentation of the CERRE Report, by Yves Crozet, Paolo Beria, Heike Link and Thierry Vanelslander. Full recording of the online event.

June 4-8, 2023, Burlington, VT (USA), ICOET 2023. Thirteenth biennial ICOET conference (International Conference on Ecology & Transportation)

June 4-7, 2023, Anchorage, Alaska (USA), IEEE IV Symposium 2023, Intelligent Vehicles Symposium.

4-7 June 2023, Barcelona (Spain), UITP Global Public Transport Summit is the world's biggest event dedicated to sustainable mobility which brings together all transport modes, industry authorities and operators, as well as exhibitors.

1. Juni 2023, Luzern (CH), Luzerner Mobilitätsgespräche 2023, 27. Veranstaltung. "Die Schweiz als Werkplatz innovativer Produkte und Dienstleistungen für den Mobilitätssektor".

26 maggio 2023, Milano e Online Streaming (I), Convegno "Connected Car & Mobility".

24-16 May 2023, Leipzig (D), 2023 ITF Summit: Transport Enabling Sustainable Economies. International Transport Forum.

24. Mai 2023, Lausanne (CH), Frühlingstreffen. 18. Erfahrungsaustausch des Netzwerks "Monitoring Fuss- und Veloverkehr". Language DE/FR.

22-24 May 2023, Lisbon (Portugal), 15th ITS European Congress. The largest event entirely dedicated to smart mobility and digitalisation of transport is organised by ERTICO - ITS Europe.

9-12 May 2023, Leipzig (D), Velo-city 2023 Leipzig.

8-9 maggio 2023, Venezia (I), Digitalizzazione della Mobilità a Venezia. Tecnologie abilitanti per bigliettazione elettronica.

28. April 2023, Luzern (CH), Luzerner Mobilitätsgespräche 2023, 26. Veranstaltung. "Verkehrsperspektiven in den Entwicklungsschwerpunkten LuzernNord und Sursee Plus".

April 23-26, 2023, Minneapolis, MN (USA), Mobility Conference. The Mobility Conference addresses the critical priorities and challenges facing bus and paratransit systems and explores the changing environment in which systems operate in today's mobility landscape. Participate in specialty workshops, APTA's Bus Display, the Products and Services Showcase and technical tours (APTA).

19-20 aprile 2023, Padova (I), ECO, Festival della mobilità sostenibile.

19 aprile 2023, Roma (I), Le Alpi al centro delle politiche di trasporto per la competitività dell'economia italiana organizzato da ANITA.

18. April 2023, Bern (CH), Workshop "Shared Mobility Blueprint". Welches Regelwerk für geteilte Mikromobilität?.

5. April 2023, Olten (CH), SVI-Veranstaltungsreihe: Wie verkehrt die Agglomeration? In den Agglomerationen Mobilität mit Qualität schaffen, Schweizerische Vereinigung der Verkehrsingenieure und Verkehrsexperten.

31. März-2. April 2023, Lüneburg (D), 24. BUVKO, Bundesweiter Umwelt- und Verkehrs-Kongress, "Was uns antreibt - gesund und klimaschonend unterwegs".

28-30 March 2023, Athens (Greece), Mediterranean Ports and Shipping 2023. Continues to be the Biggest Annual Ports, Shipping and Transport Logistics Exhibition and Conference in the Mediterranean Region.

27-28 March 2023, Frankfurt am Main (D), UTC 2023, Urban Transport Conference.

23. März 2023, Zürich (CH), SVI-Veranstaltungsreihe: Wie verkehrt die Agglomeration? Herausforderungen im Planungsprozess für ein Entwicklungsgebiet, Schweizerische Vereinigung der Verkehrsingenieure und Verkehrsexperten.

21. März 2023, Bern (CH), VI-Tagung 2023. Veranstaltung: Elektrische Kleinstfahrzeuge: praktisch, schnell - sicher?, BFU Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung.

21 mars 2023, Fribourg (CH), Conférence Transports et mobilité, SwissMoves.

16 marzo 2023, Milano (I), Convegno Webinar CIFI "Tramlink: un nuovo tram per Milano. Caratteristiche del veicolo ed evoluzione della rete tranviaria", CIFI (Collegio Ingegneri Ferroviari Italiani).

16. März 2023, St. Gallen (CH), SVI-Veranstaltungsreihe: Wie verkehrt die Agglomeration? Tieftempo auf Hauptachsen, Schweizerische Vereinigung der Verkehrsingenieure und Verkehrsexperten.

6. März 2023, Zollikofen (CH), SVI-Veranstaltungsreihe: Wie verkehrt die Agglomeration? Tangentiallinien in der Agglomeration, Schweizerische Vereinigung der Verkehrsingenieure und Verkehrsexperten.

28. Februar 2023, Bern (CH), 2. SAMOSA (Shared Mobility Salon), "Shared Mobility - die Rolle des Bundes".

28 February 2023, Online, ECF online presentation of cargo bike developments across Europe (European Cyclists' Federation).

23 febbraio 2023, Roma (I), Workshop "Trasformare i trasporti: attualità di Giuseppe Sciarrone", S.I.Po.Tra. - Società Italiana di Politica dei Trasporti.

9 febbraio 2023, Roma (I), Presentazione di Linee Guida Operative MaaS e Tecnologie Digitali Abilitanti, a cura di Club Italia, Asstra, Anav, Agens.

December 11-15, 2022, Santiago (Chile), 16th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research "Mobility in a post-pandemic world", ​organised by Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. (The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR)

30 November-1 December 2022, Brussels (B), 2022 Annual POLIS Conference provides an opportunity for cities and regions to showcase their transport achievements to a large audience of mobility experts, practitioners and decision-makers.

29-30 November 2022, Tampere (Finland), 3rd International Conference on Mobility as a Service - ICoMaaS.

23 novembre 2022, Roma (I), MercinTreno 2022, il Forum sul trasporto ferroviario merci che anche quest'anno riunirà i principali stakeholder del settore per un confronto sul futuro del comparto.

14-17 November 2022, Lisbon (Portugal), Transport Research Arena TRA 2022, the largest European research and technology conference on transport and mobility.

16-17 November 2022, Konstanz (D), Intelligent Rail Summit 2022.

14-16 November 2022, Vienna (A), REAL CORP 2022, 27th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society. "Mobility, Knowledge and Innovation Hubs in Urban and Regional Development".

3. November 2022, Biel (CH), Aufbruch zu einem Paradigmenwechsel in der Mobilität / Un changement de paradigme s'annonce dans la mobilité. Schweizer Tag Mobilität der Zukunft / Journée suisse - Mobilité du futur. Schweizerischer Verband der Strassen- und Verkehrsfachleute / Association suisse des professionnels de la route et des transports.

30 October-3 November 2022, Tel Aviv (Israel), CASPT2022, Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport and TransitData 2022, organized by Bar-Ilan Universitry and The Technion. The 15th International Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport (CASPT2022) will be held in Tel Aviv (Israel) from 30th of October to 3rd of November 2022. It will be in conjunction with the 8th International Workshop and Symposium on Research and Applications on the Use of Passive Data from Public Transport (TRANSIT DATA).

27-29 October 2022, Expo Haarlemmermeer, Vijfhuizen (NL), International Cargo Bike Festival at World of eMobility.

13 October 2022, En ligne, Rendez-vous du Cerema. Plans piétons: vers des villes plus marchables. Plans piétons, stratégies marche, schémas directeurs d'itinéraires piétons ... De plus en plus de grandes collectivités, mais aussi des petites villes, élaborent ce type de démarches. Ces différents documents montrent une diversité d'outils, d'enjeux et de manière d'aborder les actions visant à rendre les villes plus marchables. Ce "Rendez-vous Mobilités", co-organisé par le Cerema et le Club des villes et territoires cyclables et marchables, vise à partager des retours d'expériences de services de collectivités ayant mis en place un plan piétons ou des démarches similaires.

October 10th-12th, 2022, Aachen (D), 31st Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility 2022. Since decades, automotive experts present future-oriented mobility technologies and concepts at the Aachen Colloquium Automobile and Engine Technology. One of the major challenges of today consists of shaping future mobility efficiently and environmentally friendly. This is why the event brings together international specialists with different scopes to discuss the latest research results and developments for a sustainable mobility. In the future, this will also be reflected in the new title of the annual conference: Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility.

10-12 October 2022, Rome (I), Sustainable City 2022, 16th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability (Wessex Institute).

10 ottobre 2022, Roma (I), 6° Conferenza Nazionale della sharing mobility, "Lesscars: drive the (r)evolution", organizzata dall'Osservatorio Nazionale Sharing mobility.

6.-7. Oktober 2022, Korneuburg bei Wien(A), XVI. Österr. Fachkonferenz für FußgängerInnen "Gut zu Fuß in Stadt und Land - Fußgängerkonzepte, Bewusstseinswandel".

October 5-7, 2022, Padova (I), Green Logistics Expo is an international event of business, marketing, culture, in-depth analysis, exhibition and comparison on the most advanced issues of logistics.

October 5-6, 2022, Amsterdam (NL), Conference on Mobility-as-a-Service in Europe: Plans and Opportunities; Technology and Solutions.

5-6 ottobre 2022, Roma (I), 9° Convegno Nazionale Sistema Tram, Giornate di Studio "I sistemi a guida vincolata per il TPL e le Aree Metropolitane". Coordinato dal Ministero delle infrastrutture e della mobilità sostenibili. Organizzato da Asstra in collaborazione con AIIT e CIFI.

29 September-1 October 2022, Opatija (Croatia), SUTRA 2022, International Conference on Sustainable Transport, organized jointly by the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Croatia and University North, Croatia.

September 28-30, 2022, Adelaide (Australia), ATRF Australasian Transport Research Forum 2022.

28 settembre 2022, Milano (I), Smart Mobility Report 2022, La mobilità sostenibile alla prova della crescita: lo scenario competitivo ed i fattori di contesto tecnologici e normativi. Organizzato da Energy & Strategy, Politecnico di Milano. Ore 9.30-15.30. Il Convegno si svolgerà in modalità mista ON-LINE / IN-PRESENZA.

September 25-27, 2022, Paris (F), ICITT 2022, 2022 6th International Conference on Intelligent Traffic and Transportation.

21-24 September 2022, Padua (I), T2M 20th annual conference: joint T2M & MoHu hybrid conference. "Mobilities: Disruptions and Reconnections", hybrid conference jointly organized by the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility Centre for Advanced Studies in Mobility & Humanities.

19-21 September 2022, Valencia (Spain), Urban and Maritime Transport 2022, 28th International Conference on Urban and Maritime Transport and the Environment (Wessex Institute).

9-11 settembre 2022, Cornuda, Treviso (I), Biennale ferroviaria expo, organizzato da Ferrovie Arrugginite.

September 8th-9th, 2022, Varese (I), XXIV Conference, Società Italiana degli Economisti dei Trasporti e della Logistica (SIET)/Italian Society of Transport and Logistics Economists "Transport, Tourism and Sustainable Development".

7-9 September 2022, Milan (I), European Transport Conference 2022.

22-23 August 2022, Aalborg (DK), Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet / Traffic days at Aalborg University. The Section for Roads, Traffic and Transport at Aalborg University holds the conference every year in August: Traffic days at Aalborg University.

23-15 August 2022, Gothenburg (Sweden), ICTTP 7, 7th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology. Due to the uncertainty regarding COVID-19 the Organizing Committee has found it necessary to further postpone the International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP) planned for 2020 to August 23-25, 2022. All presentations (oral and posters) accepted for 2020 will automatically be accepted for the 2022 conference. In addition, the submission portal will be re-opened for new abstracts between August and December 2021.

July 24-28, 2022, New York, NY (USA), AHFE 2022 International Conference. 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022) and the Affiliated Conferences.

July 20th-July 22nd, 2022, Toronto (Canada), Nectar Conference 2022 "Mobilizing Justice: Moving Toward Action for an Equitable Transportation Future", The Network on European Communication and Transport Activity Research.

4-6 July 2022, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland (UK), UTSG 2022: 54th Annual Conference of the Universities' Transport Study Group, hosted by Edinburgh Napier University.

22. Juni 2022, Zürich Oerlikon (CH), Fachtagung Räume für Menschen. Die Begegnungszone wird 20 Jahre alt: Tendenzen und Herausforderungen / Journée d'étude La rue pour les gens. La zone de rencontre fête ses 20 ans: Tendances et défis. Fussverkehr Schweiz.

14-17 June 2022, Ljubljana (Slovenia), VELO-CITY 2020 (postponed to 2022).

June 13-17, 2022, Toulouse (F), ITEA Toulouse 2022. Annual School and Conference of the International Transportation Economics Association (ITEA). ITEA 2022 is hosted by the National School of Civil Aviation.

1-3 June 2022, Leuven (B), hEART 2022, the 10th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART).

31.5.-2.6.2022, Turku (Finland), ECOMM Turku 2022, European Conference on Mobility Management.

31 mei 2022, Den Haag (NL), Congres Mobiliteitstransitie.

18-20 May 2022, Monte Verità, Ascona (CH), STRC 2022, 22nd Swiss Transport Research Conference. Swiss transportation scientists' and spatial planners' annual conference.

May 17-18, 2022, Chicago (USA), 2022 National Shared Mobility Summit.

16-18 May 2022, Vancouver (Canada), IAPH2022, World Ports Conference 2022.

10-12 May 2022, Karlsruhe (D) in person and online, IT-TRANS, International Conference and exhibition, the leading International Conference and exhibition focused on IT solutions for Public Transport.

20-21 April 2022, Riga (Latvia), Track Access Charges Summit 2022, RailTech.

5-7 April 2022, Singapore (Singapore), mobil.TUM 2022, 12th International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport.

25 March 2022, Virtual Meeting, ITF, Presentation of ITF report "Mode Choice in Freight Transport".

25 marzo 2022, Torino (I), Convegno "Mobilità sostenibile al lavoro" organizzato da CGIL Piemonte e FIOM Piemonte, Campagna Sbilanciamoci!, WWF, Legambiente, Kyoto Club, Transport & Environment, Motus E. Un'iniziativa che mette a confronto sindacato, organizzazioni ambientaliste e istituzioni sul futuro del settore dell'automotive e della mobilità.

17th March 2022, Online - Zoom, Webinar "Seville: How to improve cycling mobility in a city with no cycling culture". Manuel Calvo (Sustainable Mobility Consultant) will give a talk on improving cycling mobility in Seville.

17th March 2022, Brussels (B) and online, Maritime decarbonisation seminar "Green shipping - Nordic actions to foster European and global zero emission shipping", organised by the Mission of Norway to the EU and the European Federation for Transport & Environment (T&E). The seminar is sponsored by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment will participate at the event.

9-11 marzo 2022, a Milano, e in web streaming (I), Shipping, Forwarding&Logistics meet Industry. Evento promosso da Confetra, ALSEA e The International Propeller Clubs.

3 mars 2022, Neuchâtel (CH), Journée d'étude "Un centre vivant avec (ou malgré) le trafic", EspaceSuisse.

3. März 2022, online, Fachdialog "Die Energiewende proben - (wie) geht das?", Workshop "Innovation in der Schnittmenge von Energie und Mobilität". 9:00-14:30 Uhr. Das Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK) (Austria).

28 febbraio 2022, Roma (I) e online, Convegno "Mobilità a Roma e nel Lazio. Prospettive di un futuro presente" organizzato dalle organizzazioni sindacali CGIL, CISL e UIL dei trasporti di Roma e del Lazio.

23. Februar 2022, online, #DBUdigital Online-Forum "Nachhaltige Mobilität im Quartier". Die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU).

21. Februar 2022, online, Difu-Seminar "Klimagerechte Mobilität im ländlichen Raum. (Wie) kann die Verkehrswende auf dem Land gelingen?". Difu, Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik (D).

18. Februar 2022, online, NiMo-Webinar "Zwei Jahre Pandemie: Auswirkungen auf Arbeitskultur und betriebliche Mobilität". Netzwerk intelligente Mobilität e.V. (CH).

17-19 January 2022, online, 1st Conference on Future Challenges in Sustainable Urban Planning & Territorial Management.

January 9-13, 2022, Washington, DC (USA), 2022 TRB Annual Meeting, the Transportation Research Board.

December 24-26, 2021, Chengdu (China), ICTTE 2021, 2021 10th International Conference on Transportation and Traffic Engineering.

14-17 December 2021, Melbourne (Australia), (CANCELLED) UITP Global Public Transport Summit.

01.-02. December 2021, online conference, 9th European Aviation Conference. Getting real about climate change and aviation: Economics & Policy for this decade.

1-2 December 2021, Gothenburg (Sweden), 2021 POLIS Annual Conference. The POLIS Annual Conference provides an opportunity for cities and regions to showcase their transport achievements to a large audience of mobility experts, practitioners and decision makers.

24-26 novembre 2021, Le Havre (F), ICoSCAl21, International Conference on Smart Corridors and Logistics. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes jusqu'au 20 novembre 2021.

24th-26th November 2021, Cascais (Portugal), ECOMM 2021. ECOMM (European Conference on Mobility Management) is a global event, the true meeting place for everyone involved in mobility management and every year attracts between 300 and 400 people to the city which hosts it. Throughout its 22 editions it has been placed in numerous countries and cities in Europe. Cascais, due to its pioneering and interest in this matter, was the place chosen to host the most recent edition of ECOMM.

November 23rd-25th, 2021, Chiba (Japan), STECH2021, the 9th International Symposium on Speed-up and Sustainable Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems.

17th-19th November 2021, (virtual), Gender and Equality in Transport. 10th International Travel Demand Management (TDM) Symposium in conjunction with TInnGO and DIAMOND final conference. "Creating a paradigm shift towards gender and equality in smart mobility".

November 17th-18th, 2021, Bergamo (I) Online, III European Conference on Sustainable Mobility at Universities, University of Bergamo, U·MOB LIFE project.

16th-17th November 2021, Barcelona (Spain), Smart Ports: Piers of the Future 2021 will be celebrating its third edition as part of the Smart City Expo World Congress event. The content produced by Port Technology International will revolve around SMART concepts (Sustainability, Multimodal, Agility, Resilience and Transpvirtualarency).

16 novembre 2021, Roma (I), Agorà Confetra 2021 "Dal PNRR al futuro. Le transizioni green e digital. Le sfide della logistica italiana". Assemblea pubblica annuale.

November 11-12, 2021, Venice (I), ICMT003 2021, 15. International Conference on Maritime Transport.

10-11 November 2021, Frankfurt (D) & virtual, escar Europe 2021, 19th escar Europe - The World's Leading Automotive Cyber Security Conference.

9-11 November 2021, online, 8th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight Technologies for Transport Decarbonisation: Options, Impacts and Uncertainties, TU Delft.

03-05 November 2021, Online, T2M Conference 2021, "Mobilities in Transition: Circulation, Appropriation, Globalization". CIUHCT will organize the next annual congress of T2M - Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility. The event will take place from the 3rd to the 5th of November, 2021. The congress is planned to be held online, being able to pass in person if the sanitary conditions permit.

2. November 2021, Verkehrshaus Luzern (CH), Fachtagung Velokonferenz Schweiz 2021 "Knoten auf der Strasse - Knoten im Kopf?" / Journée technique de la Conférence Vélo Suisse "Carrefours ou casse-têtes?".

31 October-12 Movember 2021, Glasgow (UK), COP 26. The UK will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 31 October - 12 November 2021. The COP26 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

26-28 October 2021, online conference, Air Pollution 2021, 29th International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution. Wessex Institute.

20-22 October 2021, Piraeus (Greece), 2021 GreenPort Cruise & Congress.

20-21 October 2021, Aachen (D), online and onsite conference, CIVITAS Forum Conference 2021, "Smart routes towards climate-neutral cities". This year's CIVITAS Forum will utilise a hybrid format, combining online and onsite activities. Over the course of its two days, it will continue the tradition of offering interactive workshops, intriguing sessions, and interesting site visits, whilst introducing exciting new programme elements. These will provide the ideal opportunity to hear from the cities, people and projects driving innovation in smart, inclusive and sustainable mobility, as well as to exchange and connect with city representatives, policymakers, practitioners, planners, NGOs, and academics.

18 ottobre 2021, webinar (I), Webinar di Legambiente nazionale "Una mobilità a zero emissioni nelle città". La sfida nella sfida: cambiare mezzo di trasporto e ripensare gli spazi urbani in favore di una mobilità integrata, multimodale e non inquinante. (dalle ore 17 alle 20). La partecipazione è riservata ai soci e alle socie di Legambiente. È necessario iscriversi al webinar compilando il form per ricevere il link e le indicazioni per collegarsi.

16 ottobre 2021, online Facebook Live (I), La dieta elettrica del traffico - Evento Asvis. Come le auto elettriche possono diventare alleate di ciclabilità, pedonalità, micromobilità e trasporto pubblico. Evento di Clorofilla - podcast ecologista.

15 October 2021, online, Mobilities Symposium: John Urry's Living Legacy (15 October 2021, 12:00-16:00), co-organised by the Bauman Institute, School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds, UK and CE.MO.RE (Centre for Mobilities Research).

October 13-15, 2021, Copenhagen (Denmark), #CRBAM21, 5th Cycling Research Board Annual Meeting.

13 ottobre 2021, Roma (I), MercinTreno 2021, il Forum sul trasporto ferroviario merci che anche quest'anno riunirà i principali stakeholder del settore per un confronto sul futuro del comparto. Il principale Think Tank del trasporto ferroviario merci, dunque non si ferma anche quest'anno, nonostante il perdurare della crisi sanitaria.

12th-14th October 2021, online, 7th Annual Electric Vehicle Event "Electric vehicle revolution across the globe". Transport Research Institute (TRI), Edinburgh Napier University.

11-15 October 2021, Hamburg (D), ITS World Congress. The ITS World Congress is the world's largest and most prominent event focused on smart mobility and the digitalisation of transportation.

8.-10. Oktober 2021, München (D), 23. Bundesweite Umwelt- und Verkehrs-Kongress BUVKO, "Ist noch 'Platz da!'? Mehr Raum für Menschen".

8 ottobre 2021, Milano (I), Uiltrasporti: La cura del ferro, 8.a edizione. Oltre la crisi: la logistica integrata nell'era post Covid 19,

7.-8. Oktober 2021, Wien (A), 19. Wiener Eisenbahnkolloquium: Zug statt Flug?, Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.

October 7-8, 2021, Maribor (Slovenia), 19th European Transport Congress of the EPTS Foundation e.V., "European Green Deal. Challenges and Solutions for Mobility and Logistics in Cities.

6-8 October 2021, online conference, Energy and Sustainability 2021, 9th International Conference on Energy and Sustainability. Wessex Institute.

6-8 ottobre 2021, Genova (I), Port&ShippingTech, 13. edizione. Main Conference della Genoa Shipping Week, è l'evento che in dodici anni ha dimostrato la propria posizione di leadership nel panorama degli appuntamenti internazionali dedicati alla logistica, allo shipping e più in generale allo sviluppo del sistema logistico-portuale. Il Forum è dedicato al confronto tra professionisti sulle innovazioni tecnologiche d'avanguardia, orientate a favorire lo sviluppo del sistema logistico e marittimo. Unica nel settore di riferimento, la manifestazione offre tre giornate ricche di iniziative focalizzate allo sviluppo del business per le aziende.

4-10 ottobre 2021, Genova (I), Genoa Shipping Week. Nata dalla partnership tra Assagenti e Clickutility Team, è un evento biennale che riunisce operatori portuali, marittimi e logistici provenienti da tutto il mondo.

3-7 October 2021, Tel-Aviv (Israel), CASPT2021, the 15th International Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport. It will be in conjunction with the 7th International Workshop and Symposium on Research and Applications on the Use of Passive Data from Public Transport (TRANSIT DATA).

September 30th-October 1st, 2021, Rome (I), XXIII Scientific Meeting of the Italian Association of Transport Economics and Logistics (SIET) / XXIII Riunione Scientifica della Società Italiane di Economia dei Trasporti e della Logistica (SIET). "Resilience, Innovation and Behaviour Change in Transport".

30. September-01. Oktober 2021, Friedrichshafen (D), Grenzüberschreitender Verkehr der Zukunft - Perspektiven des DACH-Raumes.

28-30 septembre 2021, Toulouse (F), RNTP 2021, Rencontres nationales du trasport public.

28-30 September 2021, Fiera Milano Rho, Milan (Italy), EXPO Ferroviaria 2021, the 10th edition of Italy's showcase for railway technology, products and systems.

September 27-29, 2021, online conference, ICCL2021, International Conference on Computational Logistics, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.

23.-24. September 2021, Graz (A), 18th Symposium "Sustainable Mobility, Transport and Power Generation" (formerly: The Working Process of the Internal Combustion Engine).

22-24 settembre 2021, Bologna (I), MAAS-MOBILITY AS A SERVICE. Corso di formazione ASSTRA. Il corso di formazione - che fa parte dell'offerta formativa per l'aggiornamento permanente degli Ingegneri iscritti agli Ordini, con il rilascio di Crediti Formativi Professionali (CFP) - è stato progettato, in collaborazione con TPER SPA e con il contributo tecnico di UITP (Associazione Internazionale del Trasporto Pubblico Locale) - per fornire un'alta formazione, di profilo internazionale, sul processo di implementazione di un modello di business MaaS sostenibile. Le prime due giornate di corso saranno dedicate a lezioni teoriche che si svolgeranno in aula in lingua inglese, con traduzione simultanea in italiano, e che si concentreranno sui processi di integrazione gestionale delle diverse soluzioni di trasporto per rendere la mobilità più flessibile e i servizi più rispondenti alle esigenze della domanda. La mattinata del 24 settembre sarà dedicata ad una visita tecnica presso le strutture di TPER S.p.A - Azienda Trasporto Passeggeri Emilia-Romagna. Per chiarimenti sul contenuto tecnico del corso è possibile rivolgersi in ASSTRA contattando il Servizio Innovazioni Tecnologiche: Per informazioni sulle modalità di iscrizione contattare ASSTRA Service:

22nd-23th September 2021, Virtual Conference, GreenTech for Ports and Terminals Conference, the only large-scale green technology conference which caters to both ports and terminals, with a focus on collaboration between the two. The event will offer two afternoons focused on green technology and one morning dedicated to green financing and investment. The afternoons will be dedicated to showcasing the most promising technologies from large-scale electrified equipment to software solutions and emerging technology. The aim of the conference is to inform decision makers at port authorities and port terminals as to which technologies will be the most opportune in their path to cutting emissions.

September 21-30, 2021, (Virtual Conference), ICOET 2021, 11th International Conference on Ecology & Transportation, "Transforming Transportation Ecology in the Global Village".

20 settembre 2021, Webseminar (I), Presentazione del Rapporto SIPOTRA 2020-2021 "Politiche e strumenti per una nuova mobilità urbana", ore 16:00-19:00. Per registrarsi ed ottenere le istruzioni per accedere è necessario scrivere ad

September 19-22, 2021, Indianapolis, IN (USA), IEEE ITSC2021, 24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation.

September 17-19, 2021, Frankfurt (D), ICoTSC 2021, 2021 International Conference on Transport and Smart Cities.

17th September 2021, Webinar, Webinar "Cycling for Sustainable Cities - A Unique International Comparison". Our webinars look at transport, active travel, health and sustainability issues. Join us for the next in the series when Professors Ralph Buehler and John Pucher, editors of Cycling for Sustainable Cities, summarise the key findings assembled by 45 leading academics from across the globe and discuss recent developments in the light of the Covid pandemic. This book is the reference publication on comparative cycling for academics and policy makers around the world. (London Cycling Campaign).

16 September 2021, Webinar, Decarbonising Air Transport: Acting Now for the Future. Open access webinar prior to the European Aviation Conference.

13th-17th September 2021, Dakar (Senegal), the Dakar Week for Sustainable Mobility and Climate 2021. Organised by CODATU and CLIMATE CHANCE ASSOCIATION, in partnership with CETUD (Executive Council of Urban Transport in Dakar), this week will host two joint events: The Conference CODATU XVIII and the Climate Chance Summit Africa and will be the perfect opportunity to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of CODATU.

13-15 September 2021, online, European Transport Conference 2021, The Association of European Transport.

13 September 2021, Webinar, The Innovative Mobility Landscape: The Case of Mobility as a Service, International Transport Forum.

8-10 September 2021, Online Conference, Logistics Research Network Conference 2021, "Sustainable and resilient supply chains in disruptive times".

8-10 September 2021, Virtual Event, EWGT2021, the 24th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting.

September 9-10, 13-14, 2021, Virtual Event, Conference on Advancing Transportation Equity (CATE), Transportation Research Board.

7-12 September 2021, Munich (D), IAA MOBILITY 2021. Experience the leading international mobility platform. (Summit, Conference, Exhibition).

7-10 September 2021, Vienna (A), REAL CORP 2021, 26th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society.

7. September 2021, Wien (A), Forum Green Logistics, FIT4urban : Wege zur klimaneutralen Stadt und die Rolle der Logistik.

6-9 September 2021, Lisboa (Portugal), Velo-city 2021 Lisboa. Velo-city is widely considered as the premier worldwide annual cycling summit, serving as a global knowledge exchange platform.

6. September 2021, Bern (CH), Fachtagung Forschung ASTRA - SVI 2021, Schweizerische Vereinigung der Verkehrsingenieure und Verkehrsexperten.

5-10 September 2021, Kobe (Japan), Thredbo 17 Conference, the 17th conference of the International Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport (The Thredbo Series).

2.-3. September 2021, Graz (A), ÖVG-Jahrestagung 2021: Verkehr und Innovation, Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.

1-17th September 2021, online/University of Salford, Greater Manchester (UK), Cycling and Society Symposium 2021, "Cycling (dis)connections: researching a (post?) pandemic world".

30 August - 2 September 2021, Mallorca (Spain), Railways 2021, The Fifth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance.

August 23-26, 2021, New York (USA), ISEE 2021, 33rd Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, "Promoting Environmental Health and Equity in a Shifting Climate".

12.-13. August 2021, Berlin (D), DVWG-Jahresverkehrskongress 2021, Neue Mobilitätsformen in Metropolregionen - nachhaltig und digitalisiert in die Verkehrswende. Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V.

August 9-11, 2021, Virtually from Portland, OR, USA, 2021 World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research, hosted by Portland State University.

July 28-22, 2021, Santiago (Chile), 16th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, "Mobility in a post-pandemic world", International Association for Travel Behaviour Research.

July 20-22, 2021, Virtual Symposium (online), 15th Annual Electric Aircraft Symposium organized by the Comparative Aircraft Flight Efficiency (CAFE) Foundation and the Vertical Flight Society.

20 July 2021, Virtual meeting, Ask the Author: "Zero Carbon Supply Chains: The Case of Hamburg", International Transport Forum.

20 luglio 2021, Web Conference (I), Sharing mobility: dati 2021 e ultime tendenze. (Workshop) Tavola rotonda e presentazione Live, dell'Osservatorio Nazionale Sharing Mobility. [necessaria registrazione gratuita].

July 14-15, 2021, (Virtual Workshop), How We Move Matters: Exploring the Connections between New Transportation and Mobility Options and Environmental Health, The National Academies of Science.

13-14 luglio 2021, Roma (I), Giornate Nazionali del MaaS organizzate da Club Italia e TTS Italia per presentare i risultati dei Gruppi di Lavoro delle due Associazioni: "Le Linee guida per lo sviluppo dei servizi MaaS in Italia" elaborate da TTS Italia, e "Sistemi di pagamento e di accesso per i MaaS. Linee guida per il trasporto collettivo" di Club Italia.

5-6 July 2021, (Online), UTSG 2021: 53rd Annual Conference of the Universities' Transport Study Group, hosted online by Loughborough University

16-18 June 2021, Heraklion, Crete (Greece), MT-ITS 2021, 7th International IEEE Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems.

16-18 June 2021, Cascais (Portugal), ECOMM 2021, 24th European Conference on Mobility Management.

16 June 2021, (Webinar), eHUBS Webinar: Behavioural change at electric mobility hubs. The eHUBS project is happy to invite representatives of local authorities, city planners, researchers, shared and electric mobility experts and providers to a one-hour webinar, where we will present and discuss the topic of behavioral change at electric mobility hubs. The webinar will take place on Wednesday 16 June 2021 from 11.00 to 12.00 CEST.

15. Juni 2021, (Webinar)(CH), 3. Mobilservice Webinar: Vorfahrt für das Velo in Städten und Gemeinden. Das dritte Mobilservice Webinar findet am 15. Juni 2021 von 16.30 bis 17.45 Uhr auf Deutsch statt und ist dem Thema Velostrassen gewidmet. Mit der Verordnungsrevision über Tempo-30-Zonen per 1.1.2021 wurde die rechtliche Grundlage für Velostrassen in der Schweiz geschaffen (vgl. Praxis Beispiel "Velostrassen"). Das Webinar bietet mit den Erfahrungen aus dem Schweizer Pilot seit 2016, mit einem inspirierenden Blick über die Grenze und mit aktuellen Planungen in Städten einen wertvollen Austausch unter Fachleuten. Bitte melden Sie sich bis spätestens 14.06.2021 mit untenstehendem Formular an. Die Teilnahme ist gratis.

14-18 June 2021, (virtual), 29th GERPISA International Colloquium "The transformations of the Global Auto Industry: Digitalisation, Ecological Transition and the impact of the COVID-19 Crisis".

14-17 June 2021, (virtual), ICBEN 2021, 13th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem.

10.-12. Juni 2021, Berlin (D), DVWG-Jahrestagung 2021 mit Jahresverkehrskongress. Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e. V.

9-11 June 2021, Genoa (I), NAV 2021, 20th International Conference on Ship & Maritime Research.

8.-9. junija 2021, Na spletu, City as a Lab: Mobilnost 2021. Vpogled v trende na področju mobilnosti, e-mobilnosti, pametnih mest in digitalnih vozil doma in po svetu. (Slovenia).

17-28 May 2021, Virtual Summit, International Transport Forum Summit 2021, "Transport Innovation for Sustainable Development".

May 18, 2021, Warsaw (Poland), Shared Mobility, 2nd World Conference.

6-9 mai 2021, Bordeaux (F), Electric-Road, le Forum expert de la mutation des mobilités. Axes d'expertises, groupes de travail et congrès, Parc des Expositions de Bordeaux.

27-30 April 2021, Berlin (D), InnoTrans 2021,

27.-28. April 2021, Hamburg (D), 7. Nationaler Radverkehrskongress / 7th National Cycling Congress.

22 April 2021, Webinar (fr/en), . Politiques cyclables des villes européennes. Active Mobility in Vienna. Strategies and measures with a special focus on cycling. Deuxième rencontre du cycle de 4 conférences de l'OUVEMA autour des politiques cyclables des villes européennes. Inscription nécessaire.

23-25 March 2021, Gothenburg (Sweden), 4th VREF Conference on Urban Freight.

23-24 March 2021, Paris (F), European Zero Emission Bus Conference.

16.-17. März 2021, Hamburg (D), DVWG Fachkongress: Digitaler Transformationsprozess - veränderte Rahmenbedingungen für die Mobilität. Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e. V.

March 15-17, 2021, (TRB Virtual Event), Advancing the Marine Transportation System through Automation and Autonomous Technologies: Trends, Applications, and Challenges, Sixth Biennial Marine Transportation System Innovation Science and Technology Conference, TRB.

4 March 2021, Webinar (fr/en), . Politiques cyclables des villes européennes. Odense Cycle City - A Vision Comes True. Première rencontre du cycle de 4 conférences de l'OUVEMA autour des politiques cyclables des villes européennes. Inscription nécessaire.

03.-17. März 2021, (Seminar im Internet), Sicherer Radverkehr - Grundlagen und Praxisbeispiele. Veranstalter: Fahrradakademie - Vernetzung, Fortbildung und Informationen für Kommunen.

3-4 March 2021, Online, . SMR 2021, Shared Mobility Rocks. The 24h online symposium on shared mobility that travels around the globe. During 24 hours and Taxistop will lock themselves up in a Belgian studio. From there we will virtually travel across the globe. We start in Ghent and then go to Brussels, Leeds, Lima, Chicago, Melbourne, Phnom Penh, Tokyo, Kampala and out last stop will be Lviv.

18 February 2021, (online), FABULOS Final Conference. The FABULOS project invites cities, public transport authorities and operators, road authorities, mobility and robotics specialists from around the world to join them online on 18 February 2021 to talk about autonomous shared mobility. After three years, the FABULOS project (H2020) is coming to an end. The project team would like to share their results and lessons with stakeholders at the final conference. Via a pre-commercial procurement, six cities worked together with three commercial consortia to bring automated shared mobility in Europe a big step further. As a result of this R&D project, a proof-of-concept for the management of autonomous fleets as part of public transportation is now available. Therefore, the FABULOS Final conference offers a unique opportunity to hear about the state of the art in autonomous shared mobility. During the Final Conference, presenters will dive deeper into the three different prototype solutions from their Norwegian, Estonian and Finnish consortia. The experiences from the FABULOS cities (Helsinki, Tallinn, Gjesdal, Lamia, Helmond, Porto) will also play a prime role.

5. Februar 2021, Web-Seminar, Anreizsysteme für eine nachhaltige betriebliche Mobilität, NiMo Innovativ, 10:00 bis 14:30 Uhr

February 3-5, 2021, (virtual), Transforming Transportation 2021. World Bank Transport Global Practice and World Resources Institute. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the global transport sector and the people and businesses that rely on it in unprecedented ways. Across the globe, rethinking mobility is now a priority to build back better, with safer, more resilient and efficient transport systems for all. Transforming Transportation 2021 will bring together sustainable mobility world leaders from the public, private, academic and civil society spheres in a global virtual event to discuss the path forward.

4 February 2021, webinar, Webinar Cycling Cities III - Getting more people to cycle. the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform. In order to register, you have to create a free account. From 14:00 to 15:30 PM.

January 28, 2021, Online workshop, Final on-line workshop "Metrology and measurements for an efficient Electric Railway System", 9:30 am - 4:00 pm, MyRailS project.

28 gennaio 2021, webinar, Il sistema portuale italiano. Alle ore 10.30 è in programma un webinar che sarà occasione per la presentazione del saggio di Andrea Appetecchia su "Il sistema portuale italiano" pubblicato da "Il Mulino" nel volume "Trasporti e Logistica: analisi e prospettive per l'Italia". La presentazione del saggio, a cura dell'autore, avverrà dopo l'introduzione di Marco Romani, amministratore delegato di Isfort, e l'intervento di saluto di Daniele Rossi, presidente dell'Associazione Porti Italiani (Assoporti). Seguiranno gli interventi di Zeno D'Agostino, presidente dell'Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Orientale, Marco Spinedi, presidente di Interporto di Bologna, Sergio Bologna, presidente di A.I.O.M., Francesco Lugli della direzione commerciale di RFI e Pietro Spirito, esperto in trasporti e logistica. Il webinar sarà condotto da Vito de Ceglia, direttore di "ShipMag". La partecipazione al webinar, che avrà termine alle ore 12.30, avverrà cliccando sul link, con conferma della partecipazione all'indirizzo email

28 January 2021, webinar, Webinar Cycling Cities II - Infrastructure Development. the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform. In order to register, you have to create a free account. From 14:00 to 15:30 PM.

22 January 2021, webinar, Webinar Cycling Cities I - Strategic planning for cycling. the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform. In order to register, you have to create a free account. From 14:00 to 15:30 PM.

19 gennaio 2021, webinar, Metrocargo Italia: webinar "Intermodalità tra ovest ed est, Una rete di servizi logistici per unire il nord Italia". Ore 11-12.30. Moderato dal Direttore di Trasport, Fabio Enrico Pasquarelli, il dibattito vedrà la partecipazione, oltre che di Guido Porta, Amministratore Delegato di Metrocargo Italia, di Beniamino Morselli, Presidente della Provincia di Mantova, Antonino Virgillito, Direttore Supply Chain di Verallia Italia, Carlo Rosignoli dell'International Propeller Club Port of Mantova, Corrado Donà, Amministratore Delegato di Portogruaro Interporto, Mauro Biason, Responsabile Acquisti di Zignago Vetro e Raffaele Maccioni, CEO di Actor.

18.-22. Januar 2021, online, 18. Internationaler Fachkongress für erneuerbare Mobilität "Kraftstoffe der Zukunft 2021 - online" / 18th International Congress on Renewable Mobility "Fuels of the Future 2021 - online",

2-3 December 2020, Arnhem-Nijmegen City Region (NL), 2020 Polis Annual Conference.

26.-27. November 2020, Wien (A), ÖVG-Kongress "Fahrstromanlagen". Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.

26. November 2020, Online, Urbane Logistik neu denken. Mobilitätslunch der Mobilitätsberatung (Kanton Zürich). Es ist keine Anmeldung erforderlich. Die Veranstaltung beginnt um 11.00 Uhr.

24. November 2020, Online, Schulwegsicherheit - Herausforderungen und Lösungen für Gemeinden (Mobilservice Webinar). Das erste Mobilservice Webinar findet am 24. November 2020 von 16.30 bis 17.30 Uhr auf Deutsch statt und ist dem Thema Schulwegsicherheit gewidmet. Anmeldung: Bitte melden Sie sich bis 23.11.2020.

23. November 2020, Online, Städtische Handlungsspielräume für klimafreundliche Mobilität (Zoom-Meeting), Städtekonferenz Mobilität (Schweiz).

19 November 2020, Online/Zoom, Transportation Seminar "An analytical approach to equity", Fearghal King. Equity in Transport Seminar Series. The TRAM / CIRRELT seminars are held every Thursday organized by the School of Urban Planning, McGill University from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm on Zoom; each seminar requires separate registration.

November 16-18, 2020, Washington DC (USA), TRB National Transit Safety and Security Conference and APTA Mid-year Safety and Security Seminar.

12-13 November 2020, live Padova (I)/ online, Green Logistics Intermodal Forum 2020. Post Covid-19 Logistics "A return to the past" or "transformative resilience"? / La Logistica post Covid-19 "Ritorno al passato" o "resilienza trasformativa"? Live 12 novembre, Online 13 novembre.

12.-13. November 2020, Wien (A), A3PS Konferenz - Eco-Mobility 2020.

12 November 2020, Online/Zoom, Transportation Seminar "Transport and Equity in the Global South", Prof. Karen Lucas. Equity in Transport Seminar Series. The TRAM / CIRRELT seminars are held every Thursday organized by the School of Urban Planning, McGill University from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm on Zoom; each seminar requires separate registration.

10-12 November 2020, Sitges, Barcelona (Spain), Conference "Urban Transitions 2020", "Integrating urban and transport planning, environment and health for healthier urban living".

10.-11. November 2020, Frankfurt am Main (D), 6. Deutscher Mobilitätskongress, "Mobil trotz Klimawandel?!".

9-11 November 2020, Dakar (Senegal), CODATU XVIII Conference, Cooperation for urban mobility in the developing world.

5 November 2020, Online/Zoom, Transportation Seminar "Equity Matters: Creating Safe, Healthy, and Inclusive Places for All", Prof. Charles T. Brown. Equity in Transport Seminar Series. The TRAM / CIRRELT seminars are held every Thursday organized by the School of Urban Planning, McGill University from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm on Zoom; each seminar requires separate registration.

4-6 November 2020, Lund (Sweden), ICSC, the International Cycling Safety Conference, "Safe cycling as an integral part of the future mobility system: planning and designing for a safe interaction between road users".

3-5 November 2020, Delft (NL), FORUM-ISTS2020, Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation System. RESCHEDULED from 30 June-2 July 2020.

3. November 2020, Wien (A), ÖVG-Forum "Masterplan für einen nachhaltigen Güterverkehr". Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.

29-30 October 2020, Lausanne (CH), Swiss Mobility Conference 2020, University of Lausanne.

29 October 2020, Online/Zoom, Transportation Seminar "Just Sustainabilities in Urban Planning and Practice", Prof. Julian Agyeman. Equity in Transport Seminar Series. The TRAM / CIRRELT seminars are held every Thursday organized by the School of Urban Planning, McGill University from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm on Zoom; each seminar requires separate registration.

October 26-27, 2020, Singapore (Singapore), mobil.TUM 2020 - 12th International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport.

October 22-25, 2020, Shanghai (China), 18th Annual T2M Conference "Belts and Roads: Governmental Visions for Transport and Mobility. Strategic Transport Infrastructures and the State", the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility.

22 ottobre 2020, Webinar Online e Diretta Facebook, Treni turistici e ferrovie locali: la mobilità dolce per una ripartenza green organizzato da AMODO, FIFTM e la Fondazione Cesare Pozzo.

22 October 2020, Online/Zoom, Transportation Seminar "Equity and Automobility", Prof. Evelyn Blumenberg. Equity in Transport Seminar Series. The TRAM / CIRRELT seminars are held every Thursday organized by the School of Urban Planning, McGill University from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm on Zoom; each seminar requires separate registration.

22.10.2020, Fribourg (CH), Dialoganlass Internalisierung externer Kosten / Rencontre-débat: Internalisation des coûts externes, Avenir Mobilité / Zukunft Mobilität.

21.-23. Oktober 2020, Berlin (D), Deutscher Logistik-Kongress 2020.

21. Oktober 2020, Digitaler Kongress / Stuttgart (D), FUKO2020, 3. Deutscher Fußverkehrskongress. Der Kongress wird als digitaler Kongress durchgeführt. Alle Inhalte der Konferenz werden als Livestreams übertragen, interaktive Chat- und Video-Formate ermöglichen einen aktiven Austausch. Ein Teil des Programms wird von einer Bühne im Herzen Stuttgarts aus gesendet.

20-21 ottobre 2020, Torino (I), Future Mobility Forum, la più completa manifestazione sulla mobilità delle persone e delle merci per le esigenze di oggi e di domani, torna con una formula innovativa che utilizza appieno le possibilità della tecnologia digitale e, nelle sessioni in presenza, rispetta le regole della sicurezza sanitaria. Obiettivo: riunire fisicamente e virtualmente la community della mobilità smart e sostenibile per fare il punto su strategie, modalità di finanziamento, opzioni di governance, soluzioni tecnologiche ed infrastrutturali.

October 20-21, 2020, Ljubljana (Slovenia), City as a Lab Summit: Mobility 2020. A two-day international conference on new opportunities in the field of mobility, e-mobility, challenges of smart cities and content which will entertain us while traveling.

October 19-21, 2020, Madrid (Spain), International Conference on Smart Transportation and Future Mobility (CSTFM 2020).

19. Oktober 2020, Wien (A), ÖVG-Dialog "Lessons Learned: Wie verändert COVID-19 unsere Mobilität?". Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.

16 ottobre 2020, Milano (I), "La cura del ferro", settima edizione del convegno organizzato da Uiltrasporti, in collaborazione con Ferpress, sul trasporto delle merci su ferro.

15 October 2020, Online/Zoom, Transportation Seminar "The human dimension in the culture of mobility", Carlota Pedersen Madero. Equity in Transport Seminar Series. The TRAM / CIRRELT seminars are held every Thursday organized by the School of Urban Planning, McGill University from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm on Zoom; each seminar requires separate registration.

14.-15. Oktober 2020, Freistadt, Oberösterreich (A), XIV. Österr. Fachkonferenz für FußgängerInnen 2020 "Gut zu Fuß daheim und für die Gäste".

14-15 October 2020, Riga (Latvia), Track Access Charges Summit 2020. This years conference focusses on both the regulative and political aspects of track access charging and the implementation of the minimum access package and different additional aspects. Presenting already implemented models, discussing ideas and approaches to improve the schemes especially in relation to a fair intermodal competition, and learning from each other are central during the conference.

13. Oktober 2020, Eisenstadt, Burgenland (A), ÖVG-Jahrestagung 2020 "Mobilität ohne Grenzen - Grenzenlose Mobilität?". Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.

12-14 October 2020, Lyon (F), 7th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention (DDI2020).

8 October 2020, Online/Zoom, Transportation Seminar "A Cycle-Inclusive Planning Approach: Key to Inclusion and Transport Justice", Lake Sagaris. Equity in Transport Seminar Series. The TRAM / CIRRELT seminars are held every Thursday organized by the School of Urban Planning, McGill University from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm on Zoom; each seminar requires separate registration.

7.-9. Oktober 2020, Dortmund (D), Deutscher Straßen- und Verkehrskongress 2020.

October 4-8, 2020, Los Angeles (USA), ITS World Congress 2020.

1 October 2020, Online/Zoom, Transportation Seminar "Through the eyes of a vision impaired traveler; what has the pandemic done to change travel for me?", Donna Jodhan. Equity in Transport Seminar Series. The TRAM / CIRRELT seminars are held every Thursday organized by the School of Urban Planning, McGill University from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm on Zoom; each seminar requires separate registration.

30 settembre 2020, Napoli (I), Assemblea pubblica dell'Associazione dei Porti Italiani (Assoporti) "La crescita sostenibile dei porti italiani".

30 September - 2 October 2020, (online), 9th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns: Mannheim 2020, organized by ICLEI & Stadt Mannheim.

30.09.-01.10.2020, Wien (A), 18. Wiener Eisenbahnkolloquium "ÖPNV - Wachstum & Leistungsgrenzen".

29 September - 2 October 2020, (Online - Digital Conference), Urban Mobility Days 2020, "Zero-emission mobility for all". Previously intended to take place as a three-day conference in Brussels, the event's new online format will enable participants to join debates and exchange expertise on the most important urban mobility topics safely from their own desks. The conference combines two leading events from Europe's transport calendar: the CIVITAS Forum Conference and the European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). It will allow policymakers, local authorities, academics, NGOs, urban transport practitioners, urban planners and all those putting the SUMP concept into practice to share their experiences using a virtual forum.

28-30 September 2020, Melbourne (Australia), 10th Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics Conference, The University of Melbourne.

27-29 September 2020, Oslo (Norway), AIS Alcohol Interlock Symposium organised by the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF), "Technology Saving Lives".

25.-26.09.2020, Salzburg (A), 16. Gemeinsames Symposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verkehrsmedizin e. V. (DGVM) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verkehrspsychologie e. V. (DGVP). "Krank, beeinträchtigt, berauscht - Fahrsicherheit und Verantwortung bei der Verkehrsteilnahme".

24-25 September 2020, (online), Urban Transport Conference. Worldwide experts will present and discuss innovative approaches dealing with inner‐city transport of goods and people. As urban challenges are becoming more and more interdisciplinary, we look forward to welcome speakers and participants from various fields with different expertise to support sustainable transport solutions. The conference addresses national and international speakers & participants from different sectors: research, private companies, public administration and politics.

24 September 2020, Online/Zoom, Transportation Seminar "Bringing Access for All to Public Transportation and New Mobility", Chris Pangilinan. Equity in Transport Seminar Series. The TRAM / CIRRELT seminars are held every Thursday organized by the School of Urban Planning, McGill University from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm on Zoom; each seminar requires separate registration.

24 September 2020, (video talk), International Bus Forum "Is the future electric? Strategies for e-busses between climate protection and austerity dictates" organised by the German Transport Forum (DVF)

23 September 2020, (video talk), "Systematic investment and swift implementation - for a digital and expanded rail network" organised by the German Transport Forum (DVF)

23 September 2020, (online), InnoTrans Convention 2020. This year, in September 2020, parts of the InnoTrans convention program will go online with a digital format. The events planned by the German Transport Forum (DVF) within the scope of InnoTrans will take place on the originally scheduled dates. The DVF is organizing the two specialist forums as video talks, giving an outlook of next year's InnoTrans in April 2021. The German Railway Industry Association will also be offering digital events. An interview with high-ranking representatives of both associations can be found in the InnoTrans Blog.

22-25 September 2020, Seoul (South Korea), Walk21 Seoul. POSTPONED TO 2021.

September 20-23, 2020, Atlantic City, New Jersey (USA), 9th biennial Northeastern Transportation & Wildlife Conference.

September 17th-18th, 2020, Online Conference, XXII Conference of the Italian Society of Transport Economics and Logistics (SIET). Società Italiana degli Economisti dei Trasporti e della Logistica (SIET) / Italian Society of Transport and Logistics Economists, XXII Scientific Meeting: "Transport in a changing world".

17 September 2020, Online/Zoom, Transportation Seminar "Childhood disability, mobilities and access to education", Prof. Ron Buliung. Equity in Transport Seminar Series. The TRAM / CIRRELT seminars are held every Thursday organized by the School of Urban Planning, McGill University from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm on Zoom; each seminar requires separate registration.

17. September 2020, Zürich (CH), SVI Schwerpunktthema Zukunft zu Fuss "Hot Spots - Personenlenkung an Bahnhöfen. Umgang mit Personenströmen an grossen Bahnhöfen und in deren Umfeld.

16-22 September 2020, (Europe), European Mobiity Week 2020. This year's EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK theme is "Zero-emission mobility for all". The theme reflects the ambitious targets of a carbon-neutral continent by 2050, as laid out by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, when presenting the European Green Deal. It also aims to highlight the importance of accessibility to zero-emission transport and promote an inclusive framework involving everyone. Despite the different climatic, geographical and socio-economic conditions across Europe's urban areas, measures can be taken to promote a carbon-neutral and inclusive urban environment. Therefore, EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 2020 encourages people and local authorities to take steps to achieve the long-term goal of a carbon-neutral continent.

16-17 settembre 2020, Bologna (I), 20 anni di Club Italia e di bigliettazione elettronica, "Insieme nella evoluzione della bigliettazione elettronica dal 2000 a oggi e nei progetti del futuro".

16 settembre 2020, webinar, Green mobility Next Generation EU, organizzato da Legambiente e Kyoto Club. Un incontro tra tecnici e stakeholders, deputati e manager, imprese e governo, utile per raccogliere proposte, presentare progetti cantierabili e stime di spesa. Mercoledì 16 settembre in streaming dalle ore 10:30 alle 12:00 sulle pagine facebook di Legambiente e La Nuova Ecologia.

15-18 September 2020, Ljubljana (Slovenia), Velo-city 2020. "Smart Cycling Inclusion". (postponed from 2-5 June 2020)

September 15-17, 2020, London (UK), LOGMS 2020, 10th International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems, Imperial College London.

15.-16. September 2020, Bern (CH), Schweizer Mobilitätsarena. Die Mobilitätsarena wird wie angekündigt am 15. und 16. September im Eventforum in Bern stattfinden. Wir sind der Meinung, dass es gerade in diesen schwierigen Zeiten wichtig ist, einen Ort der Begegnung zu schaffen, um auch über die Krise zu sprechen.

14. September 2020, Live-Stream, FTI-Strategie Mobilität : Abschlussveranstaltung. Eine Forschungs-, Technologie- und Innovationsstrategie für Mobilität (FTI-Strategie Mobilität) des Bundesministeriums für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK) (Austria).

10 September 2020, Online/Zoom, Transportation Seminar "Transport as a public good: What do we know?", Dinesh Mohan, PhD,. Equity in Transport Seminar Series. The TRAM / CIRRELT seminars are held every Thursday organized by the School of Urban Planning, McGill University from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm on Zoom; each seminar requires separate registration.

9-11 September 2020, Milano (I), The 48th European Transport Conference 2020, Annual Conference of the Association for European Transport.

9 settembre 2020, Online, #lesscars, 4. Conferenza nazionale della Sharing Mobility (Osservatorio Nazionale Sharing Mobility). Edizione straordinaria. "Il futuro della sosta nella battaglia per lo spazio urbano". Tavola rotonda, presentazione.

8-10 September 2020, Bilbao (Spain), Urban Transport 2020, 26th International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment (Wessex Institute).

7-14 settembre 2020, Salerno (I), 2nd Summer School SIDT, "Teoria e Tecnica del Traffico e dei Trasporti".

3 September 2020, Online/Zoom, Transportation Seminar "Inequality in Transport", Prof. David Banister. Equity in Transport Seminar Series. The TRAM / CIRRELT seminars are held every Thursday organized by the School of Urban Planning, McGill University from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm on Zoom; each seminar requires separate registration.

2-3 September 2020, Online, #2020TPM, 18th Annual Transport Practitioners' Meeting.

September 1-3, 2020, Lyon (F), 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART 2020) organized by LAET.

September 1, 2020, Online webinar, ECCENTRIC online seminar: clean and efficient urban freight. This webinar will introduce work conducted as part of CIVITAS ECCENTRIC for fostering clean and efficient urban logistics, with Stockholm (Sweden) and Madrid (Spain) set to present their innovative solutions. Stockholm will discuss its night-time deliveries using silent vehicles and Madrid will reveal its fully electric municipal delivery truck and the scheme that sits behind it.

August 31-September 2, 2020, Irvine, CA (USA), Conference on Sustainability and Emerging Transportation Technology (SETT) 2020 "Shaping the Future of Mobility". This conference will not be held as originally scheduled. TRB has been closely monitoring the evolving situation related to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak. The health and safety of our volunteers, sponsors, meeting guests, staff, and the greater community are of utmost importance to us. In light of the current situation, we regret that the Sustainability and Emerging Transportation Technology (SETT) Conference cannot be held as scheduled. Any decision regarding whether to re-schedule the event or to hold it in some other format will be made at a later date.

27-28 August 2020, Hannover (D), Micromobility Expo, Virtual Event. The trade show for micromobility, mobility infrastructure and services will be staged on 27 and 28 August as an online event. Deutsche Messe is thus launching a new, digital networking hub for the micromobility industry, offering an alternative to anyone who is not in a position to be an exhibitor or visitor at the micromobility expo this year.

27.-28. August 2020, Rüschlikon (CH), Innovationsforum Mobility. Die unabhängige Schweizer Plattform für Akteure der Verkehrswende und Player im zukünftigen Mobilitätsmarkt.

25-27 August 2020, Gothenburg (Sweden), 7th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP)

20. August 2020, Bern (CH), SVI Schwerpunktthema Zukunft zu Fuss "Personenlenkung in Bahnhöfen und bei Veranstaltungen. Wie Fachpersonen aus den Bereichen Verkehr, Signaletik und Crowdmanagement grosse Fussgängerströme prognostizieren und lenken".

18-21 August 2020, Vienna (Austria), IST2020 ONLINE, the 11th International Sustainability Transition conference. The conference is co-organized by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Center for Innovation Systems & Policy and Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien), Institute for Law and Governance/Research Institute for Urban Management and Governance in association with the Sustainable Transition Research Network (STRN).

August 13-14, 2020, Venice (I), ICPMS 2020, 14. International Conference on Port and Maritime Security.

August 11-12, 2020, (online), BTR Bridging Transportation Researchers Online Conference. At zero cost, and practically zero carbon, BTR brings transportation engineers, planners, & policymakers together globally by removing the burden of travel, the cost of registration, & greenhouse gases associated with transport & hotelling. We welcome researchers and practitioners from diverse transportation areas, particularly individuals who are unable to obtain a visa or afford traveling to and participating in international conferences. BTR #2 is also designed to address the mass cancellation of Summer 2020 transportation conferences due to COVID-19. Topics: Any transportation-related areas including - but not limited to: Multi-modal transportation network & systems; Freight transport & logistics; Travel survey methods, big data acquisition & fusion; Traffic management & operations; Transport safety & security; Intelligent transportation systems; Connected & automated vehicles, shared & electric vehicles; Travel behavior modeling & demand forecasting, transport econometrics; Land use planning & policy; Environmental impacts & sustainability; Transport economics & policy; Design, construction, & pavement engineering.

15-16-17 juillet 2020, (online), Webconférence "Encourager la pratique du vélo", IdealCO et France Mobilités.

July 12-15, 2020, Denver, CO (USA), Transportation, Environment, and Energy: An Integrated Research Symposium.

9 luglio 2020, (I), Web Conference, 3. Conferenza Nazionale delle Green City. "La rigenerazione urbana delle green city. Per uscire dalla crisi, dopo la pandemia, con piu' cura per il nostro futuro". Registrazione necessaria.

8-10 juillet 2020, Marne-La-Vallée (F), Troisièmes Rencontres Francophones Transport Mobilité.

8-9 July 2020, Oxford (UK), Cycle County Active County Oxfordshire.

6th-8th July 2020, Loughborough (UK), 52nd Annual UTSG Conference, Universities' Transport Study Group.

30 juin-1er juillet 2020, Lille (F), 7èmes Journées Nationales du Management de la Mobilité.

June 25-26, 2020, Rotterdam (NL), Urbanism Next Europe Conference.

25. Juni 2020, St. Gallen (CH), SVI Schwerpunktthema Zukunft zu Fuss "Fussverkehrsplanung in Agglomerationen. Förderprogramm einer Gemeinde mit urbanen und ländlichen Gebieten.

24-26 June 2020, Delft (NL), 2020 TRAIL International PhD Summer School on Automated Driving, organized by the Research School for TRansport, Infrastructure and Logistics (TRAIL), Delft University of Technology.

24-26 juillet 2020, Lausanne (CH), Salon du Vélo et de la mobilité durable.

24-25 June 2020, Amsterdam (NL), Impact>Mobility Europe 2020 Conference. "Infrastructure, Investment & Partnership Strategies for Profitable & Scalable Mobility Services".

24-25 June 2020, London (UK), 18th Annual Transport Practitioners' Meeting (TPM).

24. Juni 2020, Zurich (CH), Forumanlass "Mobilität 2050", Avenir Mobilité / Zukunft Mobilität.

June 23-25, 2020, Amsterdam (NL), Electric & Hybrid Marine World Expo 2020, the International Exhibition of Electric and Hybrid Marine Charging and Propulsion Technologies and Components. RESCHEDULED TO NEXT YEAR (2021).

June 18, 2020, online, The Mobility Roundtable Series: Mobility and Health: Impacts and Implication of Travel Choice on Health. A multidisciplinary platform for discussion on the implication and impact of mobility and travel choice on health, and COVID-19 impact on mobility and sustainable transportation. Speakers: Dr. Alvaro Guzman, Strategic Advisor at Cercana in Ecuador; Dr. Haneen Khreis, Assistant Research Scientist at Texas A&M Transportation Institute; Professor Kevin Krizek, Director of Program in Environmental Design at University of Colorado Boulder; Dr. Xavier Brice, Chief Executive Officer of Sustrans. Organized by Dr. Mojtaba Moharrer at Harvard Medical School, MEE/SERI, and Dr. Andrew Tomlinson at the University of Leeds, Institute for Transport Studies. Free Registration here:

June 17-20, 2020, Jeju (Korea), 7th International Electric Vehicle Expo. Postponed from April 29th-May 2nd, 2020.

17-19 June 2020, VIRTUAL / London (UK), Conference "The City and Complexity - Life, Design and Commerce in the Built Environment". AMPS confirms that the "CITY AND COMPLEXITY" conference will go ahead in a virtual format. If public health advice permits, in-person presentations will be added.

17-19 June 2020, Skiathos Island (Greece), Virtual CSUM2020, the 5th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility, "Advances in Mobility as a Service Systems".

17 giugno 2020, online / Roma (I), #lesscars, 4. Conferenza nazionale della Sharing Mobility (Osservatorio Nazionale Sharing Mobility). La giornata sarà l'occasione per la presentazione del 4º Rapporto nazionale sulla Sharing Mobility.

17. juin 2020, Genève (CH), SVI Schwerpunktthema Zukunft zu Fuss / Avenir à pied "Voie verte: potentiels pour le développement de la mobilité piétonne. Retour d'expérience une année après la mise en service de la voie verte sur la couverture de la tranchée couverte Eaux-Vives - Annemasse.

10-13 June 2020, Hong Kong (Hong Kong), Online IAME2020 Conference (International Association of Maritime Economists) "Sustainable Development of Shipping and Trade". Online event only.

12 giugno 2020, Milano (Italia), Convegno in streaming "Connected Car & Mobility: un nuovo inizio" dalle 9:30 alle 12:30. Organizzato da; Osservatori Digital Innovation, Politecnico di Milano e Osservatorio Smart & Connected Car, Politecnico di Milano. Streaming gratuito, necessaria la registrazione ed iscrizione gratuita.

4. Juni 2020, Luzern (CH), SVI Schwerpunktthema Zukunft zu Fuss "Den Raum als FussgängerIn erleben. Stadtrundgang mit Besuch von unterschiedlichen Fussgängerhotspots".

June 3-5, 2020, Segovia (Spain), AScUS, the 2020 Actionable Science for Urban Sustainability (un)conference. The 2020 Actionable Science for Urban Sustainability (AScUS) - pronounced 'ask us' -(un)conference emphasizes the urgent need for the production of actionable and multidisciplinary knowledge to tackle urban sustainability challenges across the globe. It will serve as a convergence platform for researchers and practitioners of all backgrounds (from political science and psychology to architecture and engineering) focused on the development of actionable and scalable solutions and their transfer to implementers. NOTE on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the AScUS (un)conference: The AScUS (un)conference may be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, thanks to its strong remote component, we are keeping the current dates for the (un)conference (June 3-5). The in-person event may or may not take place, depending on how the situation unfolds. On May 1st, we will make a final call on the in-person event, but the remote component will go on as scheduled. When registration opens (early April), we will allow for people to initially register as a remote participant and upgrade their registration in May depending on the situation.

3-5 June 2020, Cascais (Portugal), ECOMM 2020, 23rd European Conference on Mobility Management. CANCELLED.

2-5 June 2020, Ljubljana (Slovenia), Velo-city 2020. POSTPONED to 15-18 September 2020.

June 2-4, 2020, Montreal, Quebec (Canada), GreenTech 2020, 13th annual conference of Green Marine. CANCELLED.

28 maggio 2020, (I), Presentazione del Rapporto "Mobilitaria 2020" presentato in diretta streaming da Kyoto Club e CNR-IIA. La presentazione sarà trasmessa dalle ore 10 alle ore 12,30 in diretta streaming sulle pagine facebook di Kyoto Club e Muoversi in città. Delineare un quadro complessivo sull'andamento della qualità dell'aria e delle politiche di mobilità urbana nelle principali 14 città e aree metropolitane italiane nel periodo 2018-2019. È quello che fa "MobilitAria 2020", il terzo rapporto realizzato dal gruppo di lavoro "Mobilità sostenibile" di Kyoto Club e dagli esperti di CNR-IIA (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto sull'Inquinamento Atmosferico). Le 14 città ed aree metropolitane prese in considerazione: Bari, Bologna, Cagliari, Catania, Firenze, Genova, Messina, Milano, Napoli, Palermo, Reggio Calabria, Roma, Torino, Venezia. Quest'anno oltre a fare il punto sui dati 2018/2019 su mobilita e qualità dell'aria, abbiamo aggiunto una valutazione sui PUMS e sullo stato della logistica urbana delle merci. Inoltre il rapporto contiene un approfondimento su questi primi mesi del 2020 con la pandemia, il lockdown, il crollo della mobilità ed il miglioramento della qualità dell'aria. Valuteremo la fase due con i provvedimenti del Governo e delle Città per la mobilità sostenibile e per evitare la crescita del traffico veicolare, inquinamento e congestione.

27-29 May 2020, Leipzig (D), ITF 2020 Summit: Transport Innovation for Sustainable Development, International Transport Forum. POSTPONED.

May 27-29, 2020, Arlington, VA (USA), The Transportation Science and Logistics Society Conference (TSL). POSTPONED.

27.5.2020, Langenthal (CH), Fachtagung Fussverkehr 2020 / Journée d'étude "Zu Fuss zum ÖV. Attraktive und gut zugängliche Haltestellen des öffentlichen Verkehrs / Marche et transports publics. Attractivité et accessibilité des arrêts", Fussverkehr Schweiz.

27. Mai 2020, Eisenstadt (A), ÖVG-Jahrestagung 2020 "Mobilität ohne Grenzen - Grenzenlose Mobilität?", Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.

26-27 maggio 2020, Roma (I), 4. Convegno Sistema Gomma nel Trasporto Passeggeri organizzato da ASSTRA, AIIT, ANAV con l'alto coordinamento del Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti.

21-22 maggio 2020, Ravenna (I), Quarta Conferenza Nazionale sui PUMS (Piani Urbani della Mobilità Sostenibile) organizzata da Euromobility e Comune di Ravenna. La partecipazione è gratuita ma è richiesta la registrazione. RINVIATA. In riprogrammazione nell'autunno 2020.

18-20 May 2020, Lisbon (Portugal), ITS European Congress 2020. POSTPONED. Due to the current COVID-19 health emergency, ERTICO - ITS Europe, the City of Lisbon and ITS Portugal would like to announce the postponement of the 2020 ITS European Congress.

14-17 May 2020, Rennes (F), inOut: Let's design new mobility solutions. POSTPONED.

14-15 May 2020, Cork (Ireland), European Maritime Day Conference and Expo 2020. POSTPONED.

May 13-15, 2020, Portland, Oregon (USA), Urbanism Next Conference. Virtual Forum.

13-15 maggio 2020, Padova (I), Green Logistics Expo. RINVIATO. Green Logistics Expo viene nuovamente rinviato a una nuova data che sarà individuata e comunicata appena più chiara si presenterà l'evoluzione della pandemia da Covid-19.

13. Mai 2020, Bern (CH), SVI Schwerpunktthema Zukunft zu Fuss "Mehr Sicherheit für den Fussverkehr - Selbstverantwortung oder Schutzelemente? Umgang mit Gefahrenstellen und Auswirkungen auf den öffentlichen Raum.

May 12-14, 2020, Richmond, Virginia (USA), Safer Roads 2020 International Conference, AASHTO. POSTPONED. The conference has been rescheduled for November 2020 and will be held in Richmond, Va.

12 May 2020, Lillestrøm (Norway), Evolve Arena, "Smarter Life in Human Cities". POSTPONED TO APRIL 22, 2021.

May 11-15, 2020, Amsterdam (NL), Planning Public Transport Services course, organized by the Smart Public Transport Lab at TU Delft. SUSPENDED. Due to the travel restrictions, health concerns and uncertain development surrounding the spread of the covid-19 virus, the PLANNING PUBLIC TRANSPORT SERVICES May 11-15 May 2020 in Amsterdam is suspended until further notice.

5-7 May 2020, Beijing (China), 2nd United Nations Global Sustainable Transport Conference. POSTPONED. In light of the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and growing public health concerns, the second United Nations Global Sustainable Transport Conference, which was scheduled to take place from 5 to 7 May 2020 in Beijing, China, has been postponed after consulting with the host country. The UN will further consult with the host country to identify a new date, subject to the development of the pandemic.

2-4 May 2020, Prague (Czech Republic), VEHITS 2020, 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems. ONLINE STREAMING.

2020 April 29th-May 2nd, Jeju (Korea), 7th International Electric Vehicle Expo. POSTPONED.

27-30 April 2020, Helsinki (Finland), Transport Research Arena TRA 2020, "Rethinking transport. Towards clean and inclusive mobility". CANCELLED. TRA2020 conference in April 2020 has been cancelled

April 27-29, 2020, Copenhagen (Denmark), Planning and Promotion of Cycling in Denmark - Study Trip, Cycling Embassy of Denmark.

23 aprile 2020, Bellinzona (CH), SVI Schwerpunktthema Zukunft zu Fuss "Pianificare il traffico pedonale tra mobilità, urbanistica e psicologia. Verso un approccio integrato per la definizione dello spazio pubblico.

22. April 2020, Basel (CH), SVI Schwerpunktthema Zukunft zu Fuss "Wie hoch ist die Nachfrage und wo liegt das Potential? Wie misst sich die heutige Nachfrage, wo liegt das künftige Fussverkehrs-Potential?.

15-18 April 2020, Aachen (D), REAL CORP 2020, 25th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society.

15-16 aprile 2020, Bologna (I), "20 anni di Club Italia. Insieme nella evoluzione della bigliettazione elettronica dal 2000 a oggi e nei progetti del futuro.

15-16 April 2020, Athens (Greece), GST 2020, 3rd International Green Shipping and Technology Summit.

7th-8th April 2020, Paris (F), European Zero Emission Bus Conference 2020.

7 aprile 2020, (I), Webinar online "Città e nuova mobilità. È ora di cambiare aria". MOTUS-E, in collaborazione con Kyoto Club e CNR-Istituto sull'Inquinamento Atmosferico, organizzano il primo webinar sul tema "CITTÀ E NUOVA MOBILITÀ: È ORA DI CAMBIARE ARIA". Il webinar si terrà il prossimo 7 aprile dalle 15:00 alle 16:30 in diretta sui canali Facebook e YouTube dell'Associazione. Parleremo di Piani Urbani di Mobilità Sostenibile delle maggiori città italiane e del coraggio di re-agire alla situazione che abbiamo di fronte, del traffico urbano e dei suoi effetti negativi sulla qualità dell'aria e capiremo quali sono i progetti e le proposte per la nuova mobilità dalla viva voce di un amministratore locale di una città strategica come Torino. Seguite la diretta dell'evento sui canali Facebook e YouTube di MOTUS-E.

6-9 April 2020, Évora (Portugal), IENE 2020 International Conference "LIFE LINES - Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions" (Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe).

6-7 April 2020, Lisbon (Portugal), 5th International Conference on Urban e-Planning.

4 et 5 avril 2020, Genève (CH), Salon du Vélo. Le salon réunit, dans le même événement, cyclistes urbains, sportifs, familles, associations, professionnels du cycle et de la mobilité et pouvoirs publics.

2-3-4 avril 2020, Bordeaux (F), Electric-Road, le Forum expert de la mutation des mobilités. POSTPONED. Le Forum expert de la mutation des mobilités fixé du 6 au 9 mai 2021 au Palais 2 l'Atlantique - Bordeaux. La 6ème édition du congrès ELECTRIC-ROAD qui n'a pu se tenir en avril dernier, renaîtra au printemps prochain: du 6 au 9 mai 2021.

2-3 April 2020, Kiev (Ukraine), City Trans Ukraine 2020, fourth International City Trans EXPO and Conference.

2. April 2020, Wien (A), ÖVG-Forum "Verkehrswende findet "Stadt" Lösungen durch Alternative Antriebssysteme", Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.

April 1-3, 2020, Lisbon (Portugal), URBAN FUTURE Global Conference.

April 1-3, 2020, Paris (F), ESRA2 International Conference on Measuring Traffic Safety Culture (E-Survey of Road Users' Attitudes).

April 1-3, 2020, Portorož (Slovenia), EUROLOG 2020 / Logistics Congress 2020.

1-2 April 2020, London (UK), Autonomous Ships conference, The Royal Institution of Naval Architects.

1. April 2020, Basel (CH), Bahn-Kongress bk20, 3. Trinationaler Bahn-Kongress, "Drei Länder - ein Ziel - eine Bahn / Trois pays, un objectif, un réseau ferré".

1.4.2020, Essen (D), Bundesweites Forum für Kinder- und Jugendmobilität, Zukunftsnetz Mobilität NRW.

30. März 2020, Luzern (CH), Energie Apéro Luzern "Neue Mobilitätsformen für unseren Alltag. Herausforderungen für die Immobilienwirtschaft. Elektrifizierung bestehender Parkplätze.

31 March 2020, Amsterdam (NL), REVOLUTION Conference 2020, the annual keynote and networking event focused on the future of (electric) Mobility.

29.-31. März 2020, Wien (A), 13. Österreichischer Radgipfel-

27 March 2020, Bristol (UK), Public Health + Sustainable Transport Summit 2020.

25-26 March 2020, Milton Keynes (UK), CoEXist Final Conference, "Preparing cities for the transition to vehicle automation".

26. März 2020, Olten (CH), 5. Tagung öV-Mobilität der Zukunft 2020 "Nachhaltige Urbanisierung - der öffentliche Verkehr ist Teil der Lösung", Verband öffentlicher Verkehr (VöV).

26.3.2020, Wien (A), RailNetEurope IT Fair.

24-25 March 2020, London (UK), CTAC2020, Container Terminal Automation Conference.

19 maart 2020, Delft (NL), Future Urban Mobility (in Dutch).

17-19 March 2020, Antwerp (B), IAPH World Ports Conference 2020.

March 17-19, 2020, Chicago (USA), 2020 National Shared Mobility Summit, SUMC 2020.

17th March 2020, London (UK), Achieving UK Rail Decarbonisation conference. Practical strategies to deliver sustainable infrastructure, alternative energy sources and greener rolling stock to reach the 2050 net zero targets.

16.03.2020, Bern (CH), SKM-Frühlingsforum zu Mobilitätshubs, Städtekonferenz Mobilität.

12.-13. März 2020, Wien (A), 18. Wiener Eisenbahnkolloquium, "ÖPNV - Wachstum & Leistungsgrenzen", Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.

12. März 2020, Bern (CH), Dialoganlass "Wettbewerb und Kooperation: Wohin steuert das schweizerische öV-System?", Avenir Mobilité / Zukunft Mobilität.

11-12 March 2020, Copenhagen (Denmark), GST Europe 2020 (Green Ship Technology) "towards the decarbonisation and the zero emission vessel to meet the 2050 targets".

March 10th-11th, 2020, Houston, TX (USA), Port of the Future Conference.

5. März 2020, Zürich (CH), SVI Schwerpunktthema Zukunft zu Fuss "Gestaltung des öffentlichen Raums. Normen und Standards vs. Integrale Planung".

5 marzo 2020, Milano (I), La storia, gli impatti e gli scenari dell'alta velocità ferroviaria in Italia, Università Bocconi.

4 March 2020, Athens (Greece), Sustainable and Safe Passenger Ships conference, The Royal Institution of Naval Architects.

3-5 March 2020, Karlsruhe (D), IT-TRANS, International Conference and Exhibition.

3 marzo 2020, Mestre (I), Convegno "Ibrido: il futuro del trasporto? Costi, benefici e impatto ambientale", organizzato dall'Associazione Italiana di Tecnica Navale (ATENA)

February 27, 2020, Leicester (UK), Road Safety Conference / RoSPA Fleet & Road Safety Event 2020 (Royal Society for the Prevention of accidents).

26. Februar 2020, Bern (CH), Women in Mobility, Suppengespräch - ein #moveup des WiM Hub Bern.

21 febbraio 2020, Milano (I), I megatrends della nuova mobilità passeggeri, Università Bocconi.

21 February 2020, London Heathrow (UK), IRU Logistics and Innovation Forum.

19-20 February 2020, Stockholm (Sweden), 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety "Achieving Global Goals 2030".

19 February 2020, Brussels (B), CIVITAS SUMPs-Up Final Event.

18 February 2020, Stockholm (Sweden), Pre-Conference event "Globalising Vision Zero: Generating Scientific Evidence for the Road Ahead", Karolinska Institutet.

18 February 2020, Dunedin (New Zealand), BEATS Symposium 2020 (4th Built Environment and Active Transport to School), University of Otago.

18 febbraio 2020, Arezzo (I), Ferrovie Regionali e sostenibilità ambientale: nuove regole e nuove tecnologie.

17-18 febbraio 2020, Milano (I), Ricomporre i divari. Politiche e progetti territoriali contro le disuguaglianze. Una riflessione promossa dal Forum Disuguaglianze Diversità e DAStU Politecnico di Milano, per approfondire i divari sociali, sociali e territoriali e come affrontarli con strategie, politiche e progetti. Tra questi divari ovviamente c'è anche la mobilità e l'accessibilità.

17-18 February 2020, Stockholm (Sweden), iRAP Innovation Workshop 2020: Achieving the UN Road Safety Targets by 2030. Official pre-Event for 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety.

13. Februar 2020, Luzern (CH), SVI Schwerpunktthema Zukunft zu Fuss "Mehr Raum für den Fussverkehr. Von der Fussverkehrszählung zur Festlegung von Richtlinien".

13 February 2020, Brussels (B), UIC conference "Low-carbon mobiity: making modal shift desirable".

11-12 February 2020, London (UK), MOVE 2020. The world's most important mobility event, where disruptive technology and innovation drive much needed change.

February 10-11, 2020, Lyon (F), Workshop "Becoming urban cyclists. From socialization to skills", Transport Urban Planning Economics Laboratory (LAET).

6-8 février 2020, Bordeaux (F), 20ème Congrès de la Fédération française des Usagers de la Bicyclette (FUB) "Système vélo : du local au global".

3 febbraio 2020, Palermo (I), Presentazione del rapporto Pendolaria 2019 di Legambiente. La situazione e gli scenari del trasporto ferroviario in Italia. Le risorse del Green Deal europeo per il rilancio del Sud e delle aree urbane.

31 gennaio 2020, Carnia (UD)(I), 140 Anni della Ferrovia Pontebbana. Mostra fotografica, inaugurazione ore 18.15, sala d'attesa della Stazione FS di Carnia (UD).

30-31 gennaio 2020, Torino (I), "Mobilità sostenibile al lavoro. Occupazione e produzione industriale per la mobilità del futuro", organizzato dalla campagna Sbilanciamoci! e da Fiom Piemonte. Ambientalisti, rappresentanti del mondo del lavoro, istituzioni, esperti e rappresentanti politici e delle imprese a confronto sul futuro della mobilità sostenibile e sul suo impatto sul mondo del lavoro, della produzione e delle imprese. L'obiettivo è quello di una "giusta transizione" verso una nuova mobilità, che tuteli l'ambiente, salvaguardi il lavoro, innovi la produzione e generi maggiore benessere per i cittadini. Due giorni di convegno per costruire un percorso comune tra ambientalisti, sindacati, associazioni, per costruire il futuro della mobilità sostenibile e del lavoro.

30-31 January 2020, Porto (Portugal), 4th CITIES Forum 2020.

30 January 2020, Milano (I), Conference "High-speed Rail in Europe: case studies and perspectives", organised by the Association for European Transport with the Politecnico di Milano as an introductory event to the 48th European Transport Conference, 9–11 September 2020.

30 January 2020, Birmingham (UK), Act TravelWise Annual Conference "Sustainable Transport for 2020 and Beyond: From Town and City Centres to the Suburbs".

29-30 January 2020, London (UK), LNG/LPG and Alternative Fuel Ships conference, The Royal Institution of Naval Architects.

28 January 2020, London (UK), How can we plan for future mobility in London's new developments?

27 gennaio 2020, Catania (I), Conferenza nazionale sulla mobilità sostenibile "Un nuovo passo per il futuro delle città.

23.1.2020, Brussels (B), Conference "How to get people out of their cars", UITP.

22-23 janvier 2020, Paris (F), 47ème Congrès ATEC ITS France.

22-23 January 2020, Brussels (B), Connected Smart Cities & Communities Conference 2020 (CSCC).

January 22, 2020, London (UK), Provocations in Transport: "Transport as an Experience". The lecture will be given by Prof. Becky Loo (University of Hong Kong), UCL Centre for Transport Studies.

22.1.2020, Südpol Kriens / Luzern (CH), Mobilitätskongress 2020.

22. Januar 2020, Bern (CH), Workshop "Parkplatzerstellungspflicht in Ihrer Gemeinde - gute Beispiele, Empfehlungen, Austausch".

21. Januar 2020, Bern (CH), SVI Schwerpunktthema Zukunft zu Fuss "Fussverkehr im ländlichen Raum. Mehr als nur Schul- und Wanderwege?".

16.1.2020, Wien (A), Einführungsseminar: Umwelt, Fauna, Flora an Straßen, FSV (Forschungsgesellschaft Straße-Schiene-Verkehr).

16. Jänner 2020, Wien (A), 4. Internationaler Fachkongress: "Vernetzte Mobilität".

15. Januar 2020, Oldenburg (D), Zero Emission Shipping.

January 12-16, 2020, Washington, D.C. (USA), TRB 99th Annual Meeting, The Transportation Research Board.

7th January 2020, Leeds (UK), DecarboN8 Workshop "Decarbonising Transport - Connecting Carbon Targets to Action".

December 19-21, 2019, Auckland (New Zealand), 8th International Conference on Transportation and Traffic Engineering (ICTTE 2019).

10. Dezember 2019, Brugg-Windisch (CH), Tagung "Lebendiger Ortskern trotz oder dank Verkehrsachse?", EspaceSuisse.

9-13 December 2019, Bolzano (I), 3rd International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions 2019.

5th-6th December 2019, Cambridge (UK), 6th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight Transport "Transitions to Low Carbon Road Freight Transport Systems".

December 4-6, 2019, Braga (Portugal), Urb-IoT 2019 - 4th EAI International Conference on IoT in Urban Space.

4-5 December 2019, Tallinn (Estonia), Vision Zero for Sustainable Road Safety in the Baltic Sea Region 2019.

3-4.12.2019, Tampere (Finland), ICoMaaS, 2nd International Conference on Mobility as a Service.

December 2-13, 2019, Santiago (Chile), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: COP25.

29 novembre 2019, Firenze (I), Convegno "EstMotusInRebus - Pianificare la mobilità sostenibile in Italia e in Europa", organizzato da ANCI con la collaborazione di SIPoTra.

29 novembre 2019, Trieste (I), Workshop conclusivo del progetto SETH (Ships Emission Treatment in Harbours).

29 novembre 2019, Trieste (I), Giornata di studio AEIT "Mobilità elettrica: trasporti ambiente energia".

27-28 November 2019, Brussels (B), 2019 Annual Polis Conference.

19-21 November 2019, Barcelona (Spain), Smart Mobility Congress.

6 November 2019, London (UK), Freight in the City Expo 2019, "promoting sustainable urban deliveries".

4-8 November 2019, Melbourne (Australia), International Conference on Transport & Health "Smart Cities. Disruptive Mobility. Healthy People".

30 ottobre 2019, Roma (I), FORUM MercinTreno - XI Edizione.

27-30 October 2019, Auckland (New Zealand), ITSC 2019, the 22nd Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, the annual flagship conference of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (IEEE-ITSS).

24-25 ottobre 2019, Venezia (I), "Venice City Solutions 2030", "Creare cittadinanza: gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (SDGs) come un'opportunità per tutti".

24 ottobre 2019, Trieste (I), Forum di Pietrarsa organizzato da Assoferr, l'Associazione degli operatori ferroviari e intermodali.

21-25 October 2019, Singapore (Singapore), 26th ITS World Congress, the 26th Intelligent Transport Systems World Congress, "Smart Mobility, Empowering Cities".

17.-18. Oktober 2019, Kufstein, Tirol (A), XIII. Österr. Fachkonferenz für FußgängerInnen 2019, "Da ist was los im lebenswerten Straßenraum",

17 ottobre 2019, Roma (I), Convegno "25 anni di Isfort", "come sono cambiati gli stili, i modelli e le politiche di mobilità in Italia".

16-19 October 2019, Paris (F), International Conference of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M) "Mobilities and Materialities: Building Bridges Between Past and Future".

15-18 October 2019, Oslo (Norway), 2019 GreenPort Cruise & Congress.

14.-16. Oktober 2019, Salzburg (A), 17. Internationale Salzburger Verkehrstage, "Lebensadern der mobilen Gesellschaft - Infrastrukturen für den Verkehr 4.0".

10 October 2019, Brussels (B), Green and Smart Mobility: new solutions for the mobility of the future. Polis-moderated event on Smart and Green Mobility at the Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union.

9-11 October 2019, Dublin (Ireland), 2019 European Transport Conference, 47th Annual Conference of the Association for the European Transport.

7-11 October 2019, Rotterdam (NL), Walk21, 20th International Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities "Putting Pedestrians First: Smart, Healthy and for Everyone!".

7-9 October 2019, Helsinki (Finland), Digital Transport Days 2019.

6-10 October 2019, Abu Dhabi (UAE), 26th World Road Congress, the World Road Association (PIARC).

2-4 October 2019, Graz (A), CIVITAS Forum Conference 2019, CIVITAS Annual Conference.

September 28-30, 2019, Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (Indonesia), The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET 2019).

September 22-26, 2019, Sacramento, California (USA), ICOET 2019, the 2019 International Conference on Ecology & Transportation.

September 22-24, 2019, Amsterdam (NL), ICITT 2019, 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Traffic and Transportation.

19 settembre 2019, Roma (I), Convegno internazionale "TAV e Grandi opere: lo scandalo delle valutazioni costi-benefici. Il complicato rapporto tra tecnica e politica".

September 17-19, 2019, Stuttgart (D), Smart City Solutions 2019.

17 settembre 2019, Bologna (I), Mobilitaria Tour 2019, presentazione del Rapporto Mobilitaria 2019 con uno specifico focus sulla città. "Politiche di mobilità e qualità dell'aria nella città metropolitana di Bologna".

16-22 September 2019, Europe, European Mobility Week, "Safe Walking and Cycling".

16.-20. September 2019, Bern (CH), Schweizer Mobilitätsarena.

12-13 September 2019, Brescia (I), XXIV International Conference "Living and Walking in Cities" : "Pedestrians, Urban Spaces and Health", University of Brescia.

September 10-13, 2019, Irvine, California (USA), 6th International Conference on Women's Issues in Transportation "Insights, Inclusion, and Impact: Framing the Future for Women in Transportation", organized by Transportation Research Board.

10-12 September 2019, Rome (I), Maritime Transport 2019, 1st International Conference on Maritime Transport.

26-30 August 2019, Mechelen (B), European Road Safety Summer School 2019, "Integrated approach to road safety".

August 26-27, 2019, Vienna (A), 13th World Congress on Biofuels and Bioenergy. Theme: Sustainable Development of Biofuels towards Green Growth.

3 July 2019, London (UK), Climate Innovation Forum 2019, "Accelerating policy, innovation and finance for our zero carbon future".

27 giugno 2019, Roma (I), 3º Conferenza nazionale sulla Sharing Mobility, organizzata dall'Osservatorio Nazionale sulla Sharing Mobility. Partecipazione gratuita, è necessaria la registrazione.

26-28 June 2019, Genova (I), Port&ShippingTech XI Edizione, Main Conference della Genoa Shipping Week. Forum Internazionale sull'innovazione e la cooperazione per lo sviluppo del Cluster marittimo del Mediterraneo.

26-28 June 2019, Bonn (D), ICLEI Resilient Cities Conference 2019, the Annual Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation.

26-28 June 2019, Aveiro (Portugal), Air Pollution 2019, 27th International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution.

26th-27th June 2019, Oxford (UK), Oxford EV Summit 2019. The two-day summit brings together business leaders and key players working on electric vehicles, energy, information technology and charging infrastructure, to explore how we advance full e-mobility.

25-28 June 2019, Dublin (Ireland), Velo-City 2019 international cycling conference.

25-27 June 2019, Aveiro (Portugal), Urban Transport 2019, 24th International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment.

25th June 2019, Bonn (D), European Urban Resilience Forum offers a unique exchange platform where city representatives and stakeholders from various local and regional institutions come together to discuss strategies and actions for adapting to climate change and building urban resilience.

25 June 2019, London (UK), Freight Traffic Control 2050 Project Final Symposium.

24-30 June 2019, Genova (I), Genoa Shipping Week.

24-25 June 2019, Amsterdam (NL), IMPACT>MOBILITY, "Build the Data Marketplace to Deliver Scalable & Monetisable Mobility as a Service", "Build the Public Private Partnerships to Deliver MaaS".

20-21 June 2019, Firenze (I), 8th Florence Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures, "Digital Platforms - The New Network Industries? How to regulate them?"

17-21 June 2019, Hamilton Island (Australia), TRISTAN X, the Tenth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis.

17-18 June 2019, Groningen (NL), 6th European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans "Planning for sustainable and active cities".

June 16-20, 2019, Venice (I), XIX International Wheelset Congress, by UNIFE, The Association of the European Rail Industry.

14-16 June 2019, Groningen (NL), International Cargo Bike Festival.

12-14 June 2019, Dubrovnik (Croatia), 11th International Conference on City Logistics.

10-14 June 2019, Paris (F), ITEA 2019, the 2019 Annual School and Conference of the International Transportation Economics Association.

9-12 June 2019, Stockholm (Sweden), Global Public Transport Summit, UITP.

(7th June 2019) postponed until December 2019, Eindhoven (NL), 2nd International Symposium on Driving Science "Drivers in the Loop" (International Journal of Driving Science).

June 4-7, 2019, Munchen (D), transport logistic, the world's leading trade fair for logistics, mobility, IT, and supply chain management.

4 juin 2019, Genève (CH), Séminaire "Mobilités futures et stationnement: Quels enjeux? Quels scénarios?".

4. Juni 2019, Zürich (CH), Innovationsforum Mobility.

June 3-6, 2019, Eindhoven (NL), 13th ITS European Congress 2019 organised by ERTICO - ITS Europe.

3. Juni 2019, Bern (CH), Frühlingsforum Velowege "Velowege - Konkrete Schritte nach der Verankerung in der Bundesverfassung", Städtekonferenz Mobilität.

June 2-5, 2019, Portland, OR (USA), 17th TRB Transportation Planning Applications Conference, organized by Transportation Research Board.

1 giugno 2019, Pontremoli (MS) (I), Giornata per la Ferrovia Pontremolese, organizzata da Legambiente. Dal Tirreno al Brennero un'opera utile per il clima, pendolari, merci e lo sviluppo delle aree interne.

26-31 May 2019, Mumbai (India), 15th World Conference on Transport Research.

29-30 maggio 2019, Roma (I), 8º Convegno Nazionale Sistema Tram. Giornate di Studio "I sistemi a via guidata per il TPL: … una nuova alba" organizzato da: AIIT, ASSTRA, CIFI.

29-30 May 2019, Athens (Greece), International Green Shipping and Technology Summit.

29. Mai 2019, Luzern (CH), Symposium "20 Jahre Bahnreform: Blick zurück - Status Quo - Zukunftsperspektiven", Verkehrshaus Luzern.

27.-29. Mai 2019, Graz (A), 12. Österreichische Radgipfel, "radfahren.verbindet".

22-24 May 2019, Oslo (Norway), Urban Future Conference, Europe's largest event for sustainable cities.

22-24 May 2019, Leipzig (D), Annual Summit of the International Transport Forum "Transport Connectivity for Regional Integration".

May 21-22 2019, Berlin (D), ICTTP 2019: International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology.

21. Mai 2019, Luzern (CH), Fachtagung 2019 - Den Fussgängern den Weg ebnen, "Schwachstellenanalyse und Massnahmenplanung für den Fussverkehr", Fussverkehr Schweiz.

May 19-22 2019, Lyon (F), EVS 32, the 32nd International Electric Vehicle Symposium.

16 May 2019, Bristol (UK), Centre for Transport and Society's 2019 Spring Conference at the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol). This year, we will have nine separate presentations, covering our latest research and thinking around future mobility services (Walking as a Service, Autonomous Vehicles, On-Demand Shared-Ride services), transport policy (road building and Clean Air Zones) and travel attitudes (at side road junctions) and behaviours (commuters and young people). Finally, the conference will also feature a debate on road traffic forecasts between Dr Helen Bowkett (Arcadis) and Prof Glenn Lyons (UWE Bristol).

May 15-17, 2019, Monte Verità, Ascona (CH), STRC 2019, 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference-

15-16 May 2019, Naples (I), The Small Scale LNG Use. Euro-Mediterranean Conference & Expo.

13.-14. Mai 2019, Dresden (D), Nationaler Radverkehrskongress.

7-9 May 2019, Stuttgart (D), Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo Europe.

May 7-8, 2019, Frankfurt (D), Electric Road Systems Conference 2019.

May 6-10, 2019, Guangzhou (China), IAPH GUANGZHOU 2019 World Ports Conference.

April 30-May 2, 2019, Los Angeles (USA), West Coast Rail Conference.

25.-26. April 2019, Dornbirn (A), 1. DACH-Kongress (Internationaler Verkehrskongress Österreich-Schweiz-Deutschland) "Wachsende Verkehrsströme - Ausweg durch neue Technologien - Lösungen (nicht nur) für den Alpenraum".

24-25 April 2019, London (UK), 2nd Connected Cars Summit 2019.

17 aprile 2019, Roma (I), Presentazione del Rapporto MOBILITARIA 2019, elaborato da Kyoto Club e CNR-IIA in collaborazione con OPMUS ISFORT "Politiche di mobilità e qualità dell'aria nelle 14 città ed aree metropolitane 2017-2018

April 15-17, 2019, Baltimore, MD (USA), International Conference on Demand Responsive and Innovative Transportation Services, organized by Transportation Research Board.

12 aprile 2019, Firenze (I), FORUM QUALEMOBILITÀ 2019: 2040 mobilità a Zero Emissioni - scenario Parigi 1,5°C - proposte di governo,

10-11 April 2019, Berlin (D), Electric Vehicles: Everything is Changing, Conference & Exhibition, "E-mobility Reinvented"

10. April 2019, Frankfurt (D), 4. Hessischer Nahmobilitätskongress.

9-12 aprile 2019, Firenze (I), ExpoMove, mobilità, elettrica e sostenibile.

9-10 April 2019, Pilsen (Czech Republic), 5th International Conference "Smart and Healthy Transport in Cities".

April 7-9, 2019, Jersey City, NJ (USA), 2019 14th National Light Rail & Streetcar Conference, co-sponsored by APTA and TRB.

5-7 avril 2019, Renens, Lausanne (CH), Salon du vélo et de la mobilité durable.

4 avril 2019, Marne-la-Vallée (F), Journée d'étude "Socialisation aux pratiques de mobilité / socialisation par les pratiques de mobilité, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée.

2-3 April 2019, London (UK), Everything EV.

March 31-April 2, 2019, Louisville, Kentucky (USA), Lifesavers National Conference on Highway Safety Priorities.

28 March 2019, Telford (UK), Battery Tech Expo 2019.

25-26 March 2019, Changsha (China), International Symposium on Safety of Vulnerable Road Users.

25 marzo 2019, Milano (I), La rete degli interporti italiani per la mobilità sostenibile, evento organizzato dal Master in Economia e Management dei Trasporti, della Logistica e delle Infrastrutture (MEMIT) dell'Università Bocconi, in collaborazione con la Società Italiana degli Economisti dei Trasporti e della Logistica e con l'Associazione degli Studi Storici di Impresa.

22 March 2019, Rome (I), Workshop on Transport Infrastructure, "Transport infrastructures: Investments, Evaluation and Regional Economic Growth", Roma Tre University.

21st-22nd March 2019, Hattingen (D), Charge Days - Connecting Conference, organised by the Bochum University of Applied Sciences and the CharIN e.V. (Charging Interface Initiative e.V.), is a communication platform with the main focus on charging technology and infrastructure.

March 20-21, 2019, Amsterdam (NL), The Ferry Shipping Summit & Ports 2019.

19 March 2019, London (UK), Accelerate: Rail 2019 conference, (previously known as The Future of Rail).

15.-17. März 2019, Darmstadt (D), 22. Bundesweite Umwelt- und Verkehrs-Kongress BUVKO "Mensch und Stadt in Bewegung", organisiert von UMKEHR e.V. und FUSS e.V.

15 marzo 2019, Milano (I), Stati Generali della Logistica del Nord-Ovest.

14.-15. März 2019, Wien (A), 17. Wiener Eisenbahnkolloquium "30 Jahre Hochleistungsbahnen in Österreich - Bilanz und Ausblick".

14-15 March 2019, Lisbon (Portugal), LEVS 2019, the World Light Electric Vehicle Summit.

13. März 2019, Wien (A), Systemwirkungen automatisierter Mobilität: Forschungserkenntnisse zum Personenverkehr.

13 March 2019, London (UK), UK Rail Summit 2019.

March 10-15 2019, Kruger National Park (South Africa), African Conference for Linear Infrastructure and Ecology (ACLIE), "Building Partnerships and Investing in nature: the Linear Way in Africa".

7. März 2019, Linz (A), ÖVG-Forum "Wasserstoff - Treibstoff der Zukunft? Chancen & Risiken: ein Realitätscheck", Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.

7 March 2019, Oxford (UK), TSU Seminar Series "Looking for Gender in mobility justice: Implications for transport and mobility futures".

27 February 2019, Bruxelles (B), Workshop "Zero emission cities: exchange of best-practices between EU cities and regions".

26 February 2019, Bruxelles (B), High-level conference "Multimodal transport - towards the future", European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc and the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE).

26 February 2019, London (UK), UCL CTS Seminar on "Augmenting Traffic Signal Control Systems for Urban Road Networks with Connected Vehicles".

22 February 2019, London (UK), UCL CTS Seminar on "Automated Vehicles: Exploring Possible Consequences of Government (Non)Intervention for Congestion & Accessibility".

21-22 febbraio 2019, Verona (I), Transpotec Logitec 2018, salone dei trasporti e della logistica.

21 February 2019, Oxford (UK), TSU Seminar Series "How to make I.T. good? Developing digital ethics as an engine for innovation through collaborative research with disaster risk management practitioners".

20th-21st February 2019, Bilbao (Spain), Sustainable Urban Mobility Congress, "Moving the cities of the XXI century".

13-14 February 2019, Cologne (D), iVT Autonomous Industrial Vehicle Technology Conference 2019. The world's only international conference on autonomous, unmanned and highly connected agricultural, construction and off-highway vehicles.

12-13 February 2019, London (UK), MOVE 2019: Mobility Re-Imagined. The world's most important mobility event, where disruptive technology and innovation drive much needed change.

8 febbraio 2019, Bologna (I), Bologna ad altRa velocità - Il Piano Urbano della Mobilità Sostenibile di Bologna metropolitana.

7 February 2019, Oxford (UK), TSU Seminar Series "Taken for a ride: Grounding neoliberalism, precarious labour, and public transport in an African metropolis".

6th-7th February 2019, Madrid (Spain), Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Energy Summit.

6th February 2019, London (UK), 5th annual UK Bus Summit.

5th February 2019, London (UK), Smart Transport Conference.

31 January 2019, Birmingham (UK), Act TravelWise Annual Conference & AGM, "Innovation and Change in Mobility Management: What's New and What's Next?"

31st January 2019, London (UK), "The future for UK ports - infrastructure, policy and the shape of the market", Westminster Energy, Environment & Transport Forum.

30th-31st January 2019, Amsterdam (NL), 7th Ship Recycling Congress 2019.

24 January 2019, Oxford (UK), TSU Seminar Series "Inequality in Transport".

January 18, 2019, Barcelona (Spain), 3rd Meeting on Transport Economics and Infrastructure, University of Barcelona.

January 13-17, 2019, Washington, D.C. (USA), 2019 TRB Annual Meeting, 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board.

17 December 2018, Brussels (B), Multimodal sustainable transport - which role for the internalisation of external costs?, European Commission.

4-6 December 2018, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), CARS 2018, 2nd Conference of ASEAN Road Safety.

3-14 December 2018, Katowice (Poland), COP24 Katowice 2018, the 24th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP24).

30 novembre 2018, Milano (I), Convegno "Il pedaggio ferroviario merci. Problematiche irrisolte e opportunità di crescita del mercato, organizzato da CESISP.

29-30 novembre 2018, Guyancourt (F), Atelier Thématique de Recherche "Ville, Transports et Mobilité Durable", Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines et CEARC.

28. November 2018, Luzern (CH), vks-Fachtagung 2018 "Safe and serious! - Velosicherheit mit System", Tagung der Velokonferenz Schweiz.

November 27-28, 2018, Tampa, Florida (USA), 6th Annual FAV (Florida Automated Vehicles) Summit.

27 November 2018, Brussels (B), How to decarbonise transport: Transport & Environment's 2050 vision, organised by Transport & Environment.

26 novembre 2018, Genova (I), Forum di Pietrarsa 3 - Da Genova un binario per l'Europa. Infrastrutture per il trasporto merci su ferrovia, organizzato da Assoferr, Confetra e Confindustria. E' necessaria la registrazione sulla piattaforma di Ferpress o presso la segreteria di Confetra chiamando lo 06/8559151

25-27 November 2018, Sitges, Barcelona (Spain), Urban Transitions 2018. Integrating urban and transport planning, environment and health for healthier urban living-

23-24 November 2018, Vienna (A), International Academic Conference on Transport, Logistics, Tourism and Sport Science-

22-23 November 2018, Manchester (UK), 2018 Annual Polis Conference-

21-22 November 2018, Solingen (D), eBus:conference / 6. Internationale E-Bus-Konferenz-

22 novembre 2018, Roma (I), GreenMobility, presentazione del libro-rapporto di Legambiente 2018, a cura di Andrea Poggio. Partecipazione gratuita, richiesta la registrazione. Lo scopo dell'incontro è informare e coinvolgere gli stakeholders cittadini nel confronto sulle nuove caratteristiche dei PUMS (Linee Guida europee e del recente DM 4 agosto 2017) e le sfide della mobilità a emissioni zero, elettrica (leggera e "pesante") e muscolare elettrico, connessa, condivisa e multimodale per il trasporto delle merci e delle persone di oggi e del prossimo futuro.

20-21 November 2018, London (UK), ITF-Polis Workshop "From Safety Data to Safer City Streets".-

19-20 November 2018, Lausanne (CH), Swiss Mobility Conference 2018.-

15-16 novembre 2018, Grand Genève: Annemasse-Genève-Archamps (CH/F), Forum international de la mobilité durable.

14 novembre 2018, Milano (I), Presentazione del libro "La Ferrovia del Gottardo, sempre all'avanguardia e proiettata nel futuro".

13-15 November 2018, Marrakech (Morocco), 1st African Road Safety Forum.

13 novembre 2018, Roma (I), Mercintreno 2018, X Edizione.

November 12-15, 2018, Taipei (Taiwan), TRANSED 2018, 15th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons.

12 novembre 2018, Lyon (F), 31e Entretiens Jacques Cartier, colloque "Mobilité des personnes, mobilité des marchandises, aménagement des territoires métropolitains: quelles convergences possibles ?".

11-12 November 2018, London (UK), Intelligent Transport Conference.

8th-9th November 2018, Athens (Greece), European Aviation Conference "Air Ownership and Privatisation in Aviation".

7th-8th November 2018, Rotterdam (NL), ACI's 21st Ballast Water Management Conference.

7 novembre 2018, Rimini (I), Convegno "La Logistica Merci Urbana: impatti e soluzioni per le città". Nell'ambito della kermesse riminese Ecomondo-Key Energy, mercoledÌ 7 novembre Kyoto Club e CNR-IIA organizzano un convegno dedicato all'impatto ambientale del trasporto merci nelle città.

7. November 2018, Biel (CH), Fachtagung "Verkehrs- und Mobilitätsdatenerfassung. Erfahrungen mit neuen Technologien / Saisie de données sur le trafic et la mobilité. Expériences avec les nouvelles technologies. Schweizerischer Verband der Strassen- und Verkehrsfachleute (VSS).

06-08 November 2018, Rotterdam (NL), Intermodal Europe 2018 is the world-leading exhibition and conference for companies associated with the container and intermodal industries and covers all areas of container transport and logistics across road, rail and sea.

5-7 November 2018, Rotterdam (NL), Wocomoco 2018, 6. World Collaborative Mobility Congress.

November 4-7, 2018, Maui, Hawaii (USA), 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems.

24-27 October 2018, Montréal (Canada), T2M Montréal 2018 Conference, "Boom, Bust, and What after? The Lives of Hubs Cities and Their Networks".

24. Oktober 2018, Basel (CH), Fachseminar zum autoreduzierten Wohnen "Parkplätze brauchen Platz - was kostet das?", Plattform autofrei/autoarm Wohnen PAWO.

October 22-24, 2018, Dubrovnik (Croatia), 2018 European Road Conference "Corridors for Shared Prosperity & Sustainable Mobility", International Road Federation.

19 ottobre 2018, Fidenza (I), Workshop "Logisticamente attenti".

19 ottobre 2018, Trieste (I), Italian Cruise Day 2018.

18 ottobre 2018, Genova (I), Convegno Tecnico SIAT "Prospettive e sfide dell'economia del mare: quale ruolo per Genova e per la Liguria".

17 ottobre 2018, Roma (I), Agorà Confetra 2018 "Check Up Log: le infrastrutture strategiche per il trasporto e la logistica".

16-19 October 2018, Valencia (Spain), 14th GreenPort Cruise & Congress.

16-18 October 2018, Bled (Slovenia), 14th UIC World Security Congress: Crisis Management and Resilience" (International union of railways).

11-12 octobre 2018, Chambéry (F), 22es Rencontres Vélo & Territoires, "Le vélo, trait d'union - Populations, territoires et usages".

11th-12th October 2018, Molde (Norway), NECTAR Cluster 2 "E-groceries, digitalization and sustainability: Which governance, planning and regulation mix do our cities need?".

11.-12. Oktober 2018, Berlin (D), FUKO2018, 2. Deutscher Fußverkehrskongress.

11-12 ottobre 2018, Modena (I), MobyDixit, 18a Conferenza Nazionale sul Mobility Management e la Mobilità Sostenibile, organizzata da Euromobility e Comune di Modena.

10-12 October 2018, Dublin (Ireland), 46th European Transport Conference.

10 October 2018, Edinburgh (Scotland), 4th Annual Electric Vehicle Event, Edinburgh Napier University.

9 ottobre 2018, Milano (I), Convegno "10 anni di road pricing: risultati e prospettive nell'ambito di una politica per la mobilità sostenibile a Milano", organizzato da Università Bocconi, GREEN - Center for Geography, Resources, Environment, Energy and Networks in collaborazione con la Commissione Europea.

5 ottobre 2018, Milano (I), V Edizione del convegno organizzato da Uiltrasporti "La cura del ferro: il 2018 è stato l'anno della svolta a seguito degli interventi strutturali di RFI e i vari bonus?".

4.-5. Oktober 2018, Graz (A), XII. Österreichische Fachkonferenz für FußgängerInnen 2018 "Zu Fuß aktiv mobil: Transformation öffentlicher Räume und sichere lebenswerte Straßen",, der Österreichische Verein für FußgängerInnen.

3-5 octobre 2018, Lyon (F), International Conference on Road Tunnel Operations and Safety / Conférence Internationale sur l'Exploitation et la Sécurité des Tunnels Routiers, AIPCR/PIARC.

3-4 ottobre 2018, Torino (I), Future Mobility Week. Expoforum.

2-3 October 2018, Rotterdam (NL), SPSC2018, Smart Ports & Supply Chain Technologies.

28 settembre 2018, Toblach / Dobbiaco (I), Fachtagung / Convegno "cycMobility. Fahrradmobilität 360º mobilità ciclistica".

27-29 September 2018, Bolzano Bozen (I), Euregio Expo Mobility, il salone dedicato alla mobilità e al vivere eco-sostenibile nell'area dell'Euregio.

September 27, 2018, Brussels (B), Event "Bringing down CO2 emissions on the road: Is WLTP enough?", organised by Transport & Environment at the European Parliament.

25 settembre 2018, Treviso (I), Convegno "Flussi logistici e 4.0: le reali opportunità per le imprese del nord est, Assologistica.

25th September 2018, Oslo (Norway), EEVConvention on Policies and Best Practices , European Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Congress.

24-29 settembre 2018, Napoli (I), Naples Shipping Week.

24-26 September 2018, Salzburg (A), European Cycling Summit 2018.

24-25 September 2018, Wien (A), WCTR Society's SIG G2 Mid-Term Workshop "Impacts of new mobility services from the viewpoint of Local Communities and Regions". (World Conference in Transport Researches Society).

24 settembre 2018, Milano (I), Convegno Bike Sharing City, l'evento organizzato da Bikenomist nell'ambito di Milano Bike City.

September 22-24, 2018, Stockholm (Sweden), ICITT 2018, 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Traffic and Transportation.

19-21 September 2018, Seville (Spain), Urban Transport 2018, 24th International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment.

19-21 September 2018, Umeå (Sweden), Civitas Forum 2018, Civitas Annual Conference.

September 18-21, 2018, Mombasa (Kenya), IAME 2018 conference (International Association of Maritime Economists) "Sustainable Maritime, Port and Logistics Industry Growth in Emerging Economies".

17-21 September 2018, Copenhagen (Denmark), 25th ITS World Congress.

17-19 September 2018, Budapest (Hungary), HMS 2018, the International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modelling and Simulation.

16-22 September 2018, Europe (EU), European Mobility Week.

September 16-18, 2018, Cambridge, MA (USA), Disrupting Mobility 2018, "Beyond Smart Cities". A Global Summit Investigating Sustainable Futures.

15-30 settembre 2018, Milano (I), Milano Bike City.

13-14 settembre 2018, Milano (I), Citytech conference & exhibition: sessione istituzionale "Guidare il cambiamento della mobilità, ripensare la gestione e la connessione degli spazi per favorire la qualità della vita nelle città"; convegno "Guida autonoma, veicoli driverless e smart roads. Strategie per il futuro della mobilità"; convegno "La nuova urbanistica"; Tesla Owners Italia Forum; conferenza "Mobility As A Service, Innovazioni e tecnologie per il futuro modello di mobilità interconnessa e integrata"; Forum QualeMobilità "Green Mobility, come cambiare la città" organizzato da Legambiente e Lorien Consulting.

13 settembre 2018, Milano (I), Convegno di GS1 Italy "La logistica sostenibile è possibile e fa bene ai conti". Il tool Ecologistico2 per misurare la riduzione delle emissioni di CO2 e del particolato (PMx).

11-14 September 2018, Eindhoven (NL), IENE Conference 2018 "Crossing borders for a greener and sustainable transport infrastructure". .

11.-12. September 2018, Aschheim bei München (D), 2. VDI-Fachtagung "Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektromobilität. Energiewirtschaft trifft Automotive".

11.-12. September 2018, Aschheim bei München (D), 2. VDI-Fachtagung "Leichte E-Mobilität: Fahrzeuge für den urbanen Raum (E-Bikes, E-Transport und E-Leichtfahrzeuge)".

10. September 2018, Aschheim bei München (D), VDI-Spezialtag "Wasserstoff-Infrastruktur".

6 septembre 2018, Paris (F), Colloque Certibruit "Les livraisons de nuit certifiées silencieuses : une solution de logistique urbaine qui fait consensus". Inscription gratuite mais nécessaire.

6. September 2018, Bern (CH), 35. Infotreffen des Forums Velostationen Schweiz & 9. Infotreffen des Forums bikesharing Schweiz. .

5. September 2018, Wien (A), Forum Green Logistics 2018.

September 4-7, 2018, Portland, Oregon (USA), Fifth Annual NABSA Conference - The 2018 North American Bikeshare Association and Better Bike Share Partnership conference.

3-7 September 2018, Sitges, Barcelona (Spain), RAILWAYS 2018, the Fourth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance.

September 1-3, 2018, Singapore (Singapore), ICAVE 2018, 2nd International Conference on Automotive and Vehicle Engineering.

September 1-3, 2018, Singapore (Singapore), ICITE 2018, 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering, supported by IEEE.

August 3-5, 2018, Bangkok (Thailand), ICTLE 2018, 6th International Conference on Traffic and Logistic Engineering.

July 15-18, 2018, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA), International Conference on Transportation and Development, "Emerging Technologies: Impacts on Transportation & Development", organized by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

July 15-17, 2018, San Diego, California (USA), 12th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management, organized by the Transportation Research Board.

July 9-12, 2018, San Francisco (USA), Automated Vehicles Symposium 2018.

4-6 luglio 2018, Firenze (I), "Tramvia e nuove linee Autobus", Maratone informative sul trasporto pubblico a Firenze, organizzate dal Comune di Firenze.

4-5 juillet 2018, Toulouse (F), 6e journées nationales du management de la mobilité sur le thème de "l'ère des nouveaux services".

2-4 July 2018, Lisbon (Portugal), COMPRAIL 2018, 16th International Conference on Railway Engineering Design & Operation.

28-29 June 2018, Chios (Greece), The Jean Monnet symposium on "The future of the european port policy", University of the Aegean.

28 juin 2018, Fleurier (CH), Journée de bilan: 5 ans d'expérience de covoiturage dans l'Arc jurassien.

28 giugno 2018, Viareggio (I), Convegno "2009-2018: quale sicurezza sui binari dopo la strage di Viareggio", organizzato dall'associazione "Il Mondo che vorrei Onlus".

27-29 June 2018, Amsterdam (NL), Electric & Hybrid Marine World Expo, the International Exhibition of Electric and Hybrid Marine Propulsion Systems, Technologies and Components.

27-29 June 2018, Amsterdam (NL), Autonomous Ship Technology Symposium 2018.

27-29 June 2018, Tartu (Estonia), Mobile Tartu 2018, International Conference. The aim of the event is to discuss theoretical, methodological and empirical aspects of research using mobility data - derived from mobile phone or crowd-sourced social media - and explore practical applications of this data in scientific research, planning, governance and location based services.

27-28 June 2018, Bruntingthorpe, Leicestershire (UK), Traffex Seeing is Believing conference and exhibition. Combining an indoor conference and exhibition with outdoor displays and demonstrations, Seeing is believing offers a unique opportunity to gain first-hand experience of the latest products and services on the market, with a focus on maintenance, safety, technology, lighting, signage and road marking.

June 27, 2018, Brussels (B), Future car CO2 standards: Question time, European Parliament (by Transport & Environment).

26-27 giugno 2018, Firenze (I), "Tramvia e nuove linee Autobus", Maratone informative sul trasporto pubblico a Firenze, organizzate dal Comune di Firenze.

25-29 June 2018, Hong Kong (Hong Kong), ITEA 2018, Annual School and Conference of the International Transportation Economics Association.

June 24-27, 2018, Washington, D.C. (USA), Transportation-Related Noise and Vibration Committee Summer Conference, organized by the Transportation Research Board.

June 24-27, 2018, Atlanta, Georgia (USA), 7th TRB Innovations in Travel Modeling Conference (ITM), organized by the Transportation Research Board.

24-27 June 2018, Mackinac Island, Mission Point Resort, Michigan (USA), ICHT International Conference on Transport and Health 2018 organized by: Transportation Public Health Link (TPH Link); International Professional Association for Transport and Health (IPATH); ​Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE).

20-22 June 2018, Milano (I), XX Riunione Scientifica della Società Italiana di Economia dei Trasporti e della Logistica (SIET) / XX Scientific Meeting "Mobility and the city: policies for sustainability".

June 20-23, 2018, Austin, Texas (USA), Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Committee Midyear Meeting (Workshop on Future Highway Capacity Manual Updates), organized by the Transportation Research Board.

June 20-21, 2018, Lubeck (D), Shortsea Shipping Days 2018.

20 June 2018, Trento (I), 3rd EUSALP AG4 Mobility Conference.

20 June 2018, Brussels (B), EGVIA workshop on EVs and their integration into the grid (The European Green Vehicles Initiative).

19-21 June 2018, Naples (I), Air Pollution 2018, 26th International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution.

June 19-21, 2018, Washington, DC (USA), Fifth Biennial Marine Transportation System Research and Development Conference, "Transforming the Marine Transportation System through Multimodal Freight Analytics".

19-20 June 2018, Köln (D), the Future of Transportation World Conference.

19 juin 2018, Paris (F), Assises de la mobilité en Île-de-France.

June 18-21, 2018, Beijing (China), 2018 World Transport Convention (WTC), "Better Transport Better World".

June 18-20, 2018, Los Angeles (USA), 6th National Bus Rapid Transit Conference: No Longer An "Emerging" Mode, organized by the Transportation Research Board.

June 17-19, 2018, Stuttgart (D), 9th International Congress "Cities for Mobility", "New mobility and the transformation of our cities".

16 giugno 2018, Forte di Osoppo (UD) (I), Convegno "La bicicletta incontra il treno. Un matrimonio che si ha da fare", organizzato dal Circolo Pedemontana Gemonese di Legambiente.

June 13-14, 2018, Munich (D), mobil.TUM 2018, International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport "Urban Mobility - Shaping the Future Together".

12-15 June 2018, Palermo (I), 18th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering.

June 12-15, 2018, Chania (Greece), SmartVehicles 2018 workshop, the 5th IEEE WoWMoM workshop on Smart Vehicles.

June 12-15, 2018, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Velo-city 2018.

12. Juni 2018, Biel (CH), Fachtagung 2018 "Wir zählen auch! Zählungen und Datenmodelle für die aktive Mobilität", Fussverkehr Schweiz.

June 11-14, 2018, Quebec City (Canada), 16th World Conference Cities and Ports.

11. Juni 2018, Brugg (CH), Forum Klimafreundliche Mobilität "Perspektiven für klimafreundliche Mobilität im Deutsch-Schweizerischen Grenzraum".

7.-8. Juni 2018, Erfurt (D), DVWG-Jahresverkehrskongress 2018 "Zukunft des Schienenfernverkehrs - Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich, Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.

June 6-8, 2018, Lyon (F), RFTM 2018: 1ères Rencontres Francophones Transport Mobilité, Université de Lyon.

June 6-8, 2018, Washington, DC (USA), 6th International Transportation and Economic Development (I-TED) Conference.

1. Juni 2018, St. Gallen (CH), Fachtagung Pendlermobilität PEMO 2018, Energieagentur St.Gallen und CIPRA.

31 mai 2018, Paris (F), Risques climatiques et adaptation: comment traiter les risques pesant sur les réseaux d'infrastructures?, Cerema.

31 mai 2018, Marne-la-Vallée (F), 1ère Journée d'Echanges sur la Modélisation Multimodale (JEMM) co-organisée par le Cerema et le CNFPT.

May 30-June 1, 2018, Montréal (Canada), Movin'On, World Summit on Sustainable Mobility.

May 30-June 1, 2018, Uppsala (Sweden), ECOMM 2018, the 22nd European Conference on Mobility Management.

30 maggio 2018, Torino (I), Forum regionale "Muoviamoci Bene". Il Forum per la Mobilità Nuova in Piemonte, organizzato da Legambiente Piemonte.

28-30 May 2018, Vienna (A), UITP Training Programme "Mobility as a Service (MaaS)".

28. Mai 2018, Wien (A), ÖVG-Forum "Bedeutung der Verkehrsträger in der Praxis städtischen Mobilitätswandels. Die Wege von den Konzepten zur Realisierung: Grundlagen, Erfahrungen, Analysen, Ausblicke, Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.

25. Mai 2018, Seegräben, Kanton Zürich (CH), Werkstattgespräch "Hot Spots der Erholung - Naherholung und Verkehrskollaps?". Die Naherholungsgebiete im Einzugsgebiet der Städte geraten immer mehr unter Druck. Ob am See, im Wald oder auf den Hausbergen, überall tummeln sich die Erholungssuchenden.

24-25 maggio 2018, Bologna (I), Seconda Conferenza Nazionale sui PUMS, organizzata da Euromobility e Comune di Bologna.

24-25 May 2018, Skiathos Island (Greece), #CSUM2018, 4th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility, "Data analytics: Paving the way to sustainable urban mobility".

24 mai 2018, Lausanne (CH), Forum des 100: réinventer la mobilité. Le Forum des 100 est une plateforme de débat et de réseautage articulée autour d'une conférence annuelle animée par des orateurs de qualité.

24 May 2018, London (UK), Workshop "New mobility and urban space: how can cities adapt?", Transport for london.

23-25 May 2018, Leipzig (D), The International Transport Forum 2018, Summit on "Transport Safety and Security".

23. Mai 2018, Sursee (CH), Gemeindekurs-Reihe "Elektro-Mobilität in Gemeinden - clever integriert", EnergieSchweiz für Gemeinden.

22 May 2018, Glasgow (UK), STAR Conference 2018, 14th annual Scottish Transport Applications and Research Conference.

22 May 2018, Leipzig (D), Conference "Women Mobilize Women. Transforming Mobility through Female Empowerment". Pre-ITF-High-Level Conference, organized by the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI).

18 maggio 2018, Padova (I), Convegno "Ferrovie transalpine: collegamenti internazionali e mobilità locale", organizzato dall'Università di Padova, CIFI Verona, Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Padova.

18 maggio 2018, Roma (I), IV Giornata Internazionale / IV International Day "Politiche ferroviarie, modelli di mobilità e territorio / Railway policies, mobility patterns and territory, organizzata dalla Università degli Studi Roma 3 e dal Conicet.

17-18 May 2018, Lanzarote, Canary Islands (Spain), Third International Conference on Tourism & Leisure Studies, "Building Bridges to Sustainability - Tourism, Culture, Gastronomy and Sport", Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

May 16-18, 2019, Monte Verità, Ascona (CH), STRC 2019, 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference-

May 16-18, 2018, Baltimore (USA), GreenPort Congress America 2018 is hosted by the Helen Delich Bentley Port of Baltimore, the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the Maryland Department of the Environment, and will concentrate on Greener Ports and Smart Ports.

May 16-18, 2018, Jeju Island (South Korea), RS5C conference, 18th international conference Road Safety on Five Continents.

14-15 May 2018, Nicosia (Cyprus), 5th European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) "Planning for Multimodal Cities".

10 maggio 2018, Genova (I), 9a edizione del Convegno Nazionale "Programmazione, esercizio e gestione di reti di trasporto pubblico di interesse regionale e locale: esperienze europee a confronto, organizzata da CIFI e Università di Genova.

May 8-11, 2018, Baku (Azerbaijan), IAPH BAKU 2018, the World Ports Conference.

7-9 May 2018, Singapore (Singapore), Training course "Energy Storage & Grid-Connected Electric Vehicles (EVs)".

4-6 maggio 2018, Lignano Sabbiadoro(I), "Lignano Sabbiadoro Goes Green. Prospettive di una città ciclabile". un weekend completamente dedicato al mondo delle due ruote, durante il quale si terranno due giorni di convegni internazionali, che termineranno in una grande festa in bicicletta, in concomitanza con l'apertura della stagione balneare della nota località friulana. L'evento organizzato da Lignano Sabbiadoro gestioni, Città di Lignano Sabbiadoro, Promoturismo FVG e Consorzio Lignano Holiday trova la collaborazione di Bikenomist srl, che contribuirà a portare nella località friulana il proprio Bikenomics Forum, il format di incontri sulla bicicletta che quest'anno è alla sua seconda edizione.

3 maggio 2018, Trento(I), Convegno "Trasporti, urbanistica e paesaggio. Una nuova politica dei trasporti e dell'urbanistica nelle Alpi e nelle Dolomiti. Prepariamoci al cambiamento!. Organizzato da Associazione Transdolomites.

May 2nd-3rd, 2018, Killarney (Ireland), Electronomous 2018, The Car Tech Summit.

1-3 May 2018, Birmingham (UK), Multimodal, the UK and Ireland's premier freight transport, logistics and supply chain management event.

28. April 2018, Hamburg (D), 19. Verkehrswissenschaftliches Zukunftsforum, Junges Forum der Deutschen Verkehrswissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft.

27-28 aprile 2018, Sorrento (I), "la Due giorni di ALIS. Rimettiamo l'Italia in movimento attraverso una logistica sostenibile ed efficiente", Associazione Logistica dell'Intermodalità sostenibile.

26-27 April 2018, Bremen (D), Horizon2020 CIVITAS project ELIPTIC final conference. ELIPTIC (Electrification of public transport in cities) project on different e-bus technology approaches.

25-27 April 2018, Ljubljana (Slovenia), TEN-T Days 2018, European Commission.

24. April 2018, Klagenfurt (A), Informationsveranstaltung "SmartLogi - Interregprogramm: Entwicklung eines schienenmäßigen Zollkorridor zwischen dem Logistikcenter Fürnitz und dem Hafen Triest".

23-24 April 2018, Brussels (B), CIVITAS Urban Freight Conference.

20 e 21 aprile 2018, Asti (I), Convegno "Integrazione tariffaria nel TPL", organizzato da Club Italia. Al convegno seguirà la visita tecnica "Mobilità virtuosa di Langhe e Monferrato nel sistema Piemonte".

20 aprile 2018, Verona (I), Convegno "Traffico merci lungo i corridoi europei: inizio dell'utilizzazione delle linee AV/AC in Italia", Sezione CIFI di Verona e Interporto Quadrante Europa.

19-20 April 2018, Vienna (A), Interactive Symposium on Research & Innovation for Connected and Automated Driving in Europe.

18-19 April 2018, Southampton (UK), Next Generation Marine Power & Propulsion Conference.

18-19 April 2018, Antwerp (B), IAPH LNG working group meeting, the International Association of Ports and Harbors.

18 April 2018, Warsaw (Poland), International conference on electromobility "Be Smart, Be Electric: Zero-Emission Transport: Evolution or Revolution?", Centre for the EU Transport Projects - CUPT with the support of UITP.

17-19 aprile 2018, Livorno (I), 6th MED Ports 2018 Exhibition and Conference.

17 avril 2018, Nantes (F), Soirée d'échanges ouverte et participative "Et si on partageait mieux la route?", Département de Loire-Atlantique.

16-19 April 2018, Vienna (A), Transport Research Arena 2018 (TRA 2018). "A digital era for transport: solutions for society, economy and environment".

16-17 April 2018, Venice (I), PlugBoat 2018, the World Electric & Hybrid Boat Summit.

13 aprile 2018, Verona (I), Convegno ANITA "Dal Brennero, porta per l'Europa, verso le nuove regole del trasporto combinato".

13 aprile 2018, Roma (I), Presentazione del libro "La maledizione di Atachamon: un caso di aziendicidio e le proposte per il futuro del trasporto pubblico" di Enrico Sciarra, Cangemi Editore.

13 April 2018, Berlin (D), European Cycle Logistics Federation (ECLF) Berlin Symposium. The ECLF Symposium in Berlin is a new format between the regular ECLF Conferences.

13 aprile 2018, Gorizia (I), Workshop "Piste ciclabili, percorsi pedonali e mobilità integrata a Gorizia 2020" organizzato da Legambiente Gorizia e FIAB.

13 aprile 2018, Roma (I), "Green Mobility: verso gli Stati Generali della Mobilità Elettrica e Sicura", organizzato dal Forum QualeMobilità di Legambiente e dall'Osservatorio di Lorien Consulting. Relazione introduttiva del prof. Carlo Ratti, del Senseable Lab del MIT di Boston. Presentazione del libro "Green Mobility", rapporto di Legambiente, scritto da esperti e rappresentanti delle industrie più innovative, esponenti di associazioni e rappresentanti delle istituzioni, tecnici e urbanisti, economisti e sociologi che propongono piani di lettura diversi ma straordinariamente convergenti. "La nuova mobilità sarà certamente elettrica e a quasi zero emissioni. Ma non solo: sarà anche connessa, condivisa e plurimodale, ci muoveremo con diversi mezzi, anche per compiere lo stesso viaggio. Lo facciamo già oggi. Il 13 sarà l'occasione per incontrare imprese, innovatori, associazioni e istituzioni impegnati nella sfida epocale di un nuovo sistema di trasporto a emissioni zero e sicurezza totale, un processo di transizione già iniziato e in rapida crescita. Incontreremo i nuovi gruppi parlamentari appena arrivati in un Parlamento profondamente rinnovato." Partecipazione gratuita, iscrizione necessaria.

12. April 2018, Innsbruck (A), ÖVG-Jahrestagung 2018 "Verkehrs- und Tourismusland im Alpenraum", Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.

11.-13. April 2018, Portorož (Slovenia), Logistični kongres / Logistics congress 2018, Slovenian Logistic Association.

11.-12. April 2018, Basel (CH), Konferenz "AUTOMATICAR 2018", Die Zukunft der automatisierten Mobilität in der Schweiz.

11. April 2018, Innsbruck (A), ÖVG-Seminar "Brenner Korridor: State of the Art. Planung der Eisenbahninfrastruktur", Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.

11 aprile 2018, Milano (I), Convegno "La mobilità del futuro: integrazione, sostenibilità e innovazione".

10 aprile 2018, Roma (I), Giornata per il clima, energia e mobilità sostenibile organizzata da ANCI nella sua sede nazionale.

10 aprile 2018, Civitavecchia (I), Secondo Forum europeo "Shaping the Port of the Future: The societal, economic and management challenges", organizzato da The MediTelegraph.

10-12 April 2018, Monaco (Monaco), EVER 2018, Thirteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies.

9-12 aprile 2018, Genova (I), Blue Economy Summit.

9. April 2018, Salzburg (A), Informationsveranstaltung "eHighway - Elektrifizierter Straßengüterverkehr mit Oberleitung", Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft.

9 aprile 2018, Roma (I), Presentazione del libro "Connettere l'Italia. Trasporti e logistica in un Paese che cambia" con il Ministro delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, Graziano Delrio.

8 aprile 2018, Amaro (prov. di Udine) (I), "Ricordando la ferrovia Carnica ...". In occasione della Giornata Nazionale delle Ferrovie NON Dimenticate, l'Associazione "Vecchi Binari F.V.G." organizza un'esposizione di rotabili sul sedime della ferrovia Carnia-Tolmezzo.

6. April 2018, Bern (CH), Berner Verkehrstag.

27th March 2018, Salzburg (A), 7th IRE-Expert Conference "Smart Cities - Challenges and solutions for future urban mobility in European cities", Institute of the Regions of Europe.

27 marzo 2018, Venezia (I), Convegno "NORD EST: Quale futuro per il sistema infrastrutturale ed i porti dell'Alto Tirreno?", organizzato dal Propeller Club Port of Venice insieme ad Atena, CIFI e Ordine degli Ingegneri.

27 marzo 2018, Roma (I), 2a Conferenza Nazionale della Sharing Mobility, promossa dall'Osservatorio Nazionale sulla Sharing Mobility, dal Ministero dell'Ambiente e dalla Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile. La partecipazione è gratuita, la registrazione è necessaria.

dal 21 marzo al 21 giugno 2018, Italia (I), Primavera della Mobilità Dolce 2018 e Giornata delle Ferrovie delle Meraviglie, promossa dalla Alleanza per la Mobilità Dolce.

13-15 March 2018, Geneva (CH), EEVC-2018, the European Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Congress.

March 12-14, 2018, Chicago (USA), 2018 National Shared Mobility Summit.

7-9 March 2018, Padova (I), Green Logistics Expo, International Sustainable Logistics Exhibition.

March 5-7, 2018, Washington, DC (USA), National Bike Summit 2018.

20-23 February 2018, Gdansk (Poland), XVth PIARC International Winter Road Congress "Providing Safe and Sustainable Winter Road Service".

16 febbraio 2018, Roma (I), Convegno "Anniversario dell'entrata in vigore del Protocollo di Kyoto. Cambiamenti climatici, politiche di mobilità e qualità dell'aria nelle grandi città italiane" organizzato dal Kyoto Club. Per partecipare: gentilmente mandare una mail entro martedì 13 febbraio 2018 a: Enrico Marcon

13 février 2018, Lausanne (CH), Conférence "Promotion du vélo en Suisse: Enjeux, mesures et stratégies", Université de Lausanne.

February 11-14, 2018, Banff (Canada), 2018 Active Living Research Annual Conference "Future-Proofing Activity: Application Across Sectors".

7 febbraio 2018, Roma (I), Giornata nazionale della bigliettazione elettronica.

1-2 febbraio 2018, Milano (I), II edizione del Forum "Shipping, Forwarding&Logistics meet Industry".

January 30, 2018, Chicago (USA), Roundtable "Driverless Cars: Envisioning The City of the Future".

24-25 janvier 2018, Paris (F), Les Rencontres de la Mobilité intelligente. Congrès 2018 "Mieux connaître et mieux servir la mobilité!", ATEC ITS France.

24. Januar 2018, Bern (CH), 8. Schweizer Kongress Elektromobilität, Mobiltätsakademie und Swiss eMobility.

23 gennaio 2018, Roma (I), Workshop "Gli affidamenti del trasporto ferroviario regionale", organizzato da Sipotra e Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato.

17-19 January 2018, Sydney (Australia), INSTR 2018, 7th International Symposium on Transport Network Reliability, University of Sydney Business School.

January 7-11, 2018, Washington, D.C. (USA), Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting.