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Trieste (I), dal 27 luglio 2017 all'8 ottobre 2017, Mostra alla Centrale Idrodinamica "Trieste, il suo porto e la ferrovia meridionale 160 anni (1857-2017)" promossa da FERSTORIA in coorganizzazione con il Comune di Trieste e in collaborazione con Italia Nostra, Autorità di Sistema portuale del mare Adriatico orientale, Archivio di Stato e Fondazione FS.

Ljubljana (Slovenia), dal 12 luglio 2017 all'8 settembre 2017, Mostra "La ferrovia Lubiana-Trieste nel 160. anniversario" presso l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Lubiana. Nell'estate del 2017 si celebra il 160. anniversario dell'apertura della tratta ferroviaria che collegava Lubiana e Trieste, inaugurata il 27 luglio 1857. Questo avvenimento concluse la realizzazione, straordinaria per l'epoca, della più ampia Ferrovia Meridionale, che permetteva di raggiungere Trieste partendo da Vienna e la cui storia merita di essere ricordata in dettaglio. Per celebrare la ricorrenza, l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura ospita la mostra La ferrovia Lubiana-Trieste nel 160. anniversario, a cura di Alessandro Puhali e realizzata dall'UPT - Università Popolare di Trieste, nella quale sono raccolti materiali documentali dalla collezione di Stelio e Tity Davia. Parallelamente, una seconda sezione dell'esposizione sarà visitabile nella sede della Comunità degli Italiani di Capodistria "Santorio Santorio", a partire dal 26 luglio.

Trieste (I), 5-6 settembre 2015, "Bus ... che passione. Alla scoperta dell'autobus a Trieste". Mostra fotografica, modellistica e visita agli autobus storici ospitati nell'area esterna, Museo Ferroviario di Trieste Campo Marzio.

Campo Tures/Sand (BZ) (I), fino al 13 giugno 2015, Mostra "La rinascita della ferrovia di Tures/Renaissance der Tauferer Bahn", organizzata dal Curatorium Beni Tecnici Culturali della Provincia di Bolzano nel Centro visite della Casa del Parco. Aperto dal martedi al sabato: 9.30-12.30, 14.30-18.00, ingresso gratuito.

Genova (I), 9-19 aprile 2015, Mostra "Cesare Pozzo e il tempo del vapore", organizzata dall'Associazione Mastodonte dei Giovi di Ronco Scrivia e la Fondazione Cesare Pozzo di Milano nella sala incontri della Regione Liguria a Genova, via Piazza De Ferrari 4, ingresso libero, orario: 10-13 e 15-18.30.

Museo Nazionale Ferroviario di Pietrarsa, Napoli (I), 10-12 ottobre 2014, Mostra sulla prima ferrovia realizzata in Italia, inaugurata nel 1839, e sulla costruzione del Real Opificio Meccanico e Pirotecnico di Pietrarsa (attuale sede del Museo), organizzata in occasione della ricorrenza dei 175 anni della linea Napoli – Portici.

Piedicastello, Trento (I), 15 febbraio 2013, Inaugurazione della mostra "Andata e ritorno. Dal 1907 a oggi. Un viaggio nella storia dei trasporti in Trentino". La mostra racconterà la lunga storia dei trasporti in Trentino.

Clusone (I), 10.12.2011 - 09.04.2012 La nostra storia sui binari. 1911-2011 Centenario della ferrovia Ponte Nossa-Clusone.

Trieste (I), 12 agosto - 27 novembre 2011 Signori, si parte! Come viaggiavamo nella Mitteleuropa 1815-1915. Da Gorizia la mostra si trasferisce a Trieste, al Porto Vecchio, Magazzino 26, dove sarà visitabile con ingresso gratuito nei seguenti orari: domenica e giovedì 10.00-21.00, venerdi e sabato 10.00-23.00.

Gorizia (I), 2 aprile - 24 luglio 2011 Signori, si parte! Come viaggiavamo nella Mitteleuropa 1815-1915. Sala espositiva della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Gorizia, via Carducci 3, Gorizia. Orari: venerdi, sabato 10.00-13.00 e 15.00-19.00 ; domenica e festivi 10.00-19.00

Trieste (I), 30 marzo 2010 - 30 giugno 2010 Mostra dedicata al trasporto tranviario di Trieste. Museo Ferroviario, via Giulio Cesare 1, Trieste. La mostra è visitabile ogni sabato, domenica e mercoledì dalle 9 alle 13.

Gorizia (I), 5 ottobre 2007 - 27 gennaio 2008 Dalle Alpi all'Adriatico in ferrovia: con la Meridionale (1857) e con la Transalpina (1906). Sala mostre della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Gorizia, via Carducci 2, Gorizia.


Carmen Delgado Viñas (Universidad de Cantabria), Entre el puerto y la estación. La influencia de las infraestructuras de transporte en la morfología de las ciudades portuarias españolas (1848-1936). Scripta Nova. Revista Electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales. [En línea]. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona, 20 de julio de 2010, vol. XIV, nº 330 [formato Html]. "Most authors who have dealt with these issues from different areas of knowledge tend to emphasize almost unanimously the extraordinary impact the new means of transport had on cities by making them more accessible, among other reasons because this led to the acquisition of economic centrality. These same means of transport, particularly rail, represented the first major stimulus for the development of urban economies and the urban modernization of our cities. Likewise, the presence of transport infrastructure, railways, railway stations and ports, prompted major changes in the morphology of urban space, as well as having significant effects on changing the hierarchy of the urban system."

Bertrand Blancheton, Jean-Jacques Marchi (Université de Bordeaux), Le tourisme ferroviaire en France, une mise en perspective historique de 1870 à nos jours. (Cahiers du GREThA n° 2011-16). GREThA, Université de Bordeaux, 2011, 21 p. [formato PDF, 285 kB] "This paper recounts slow rail tourism development in France since 1870. It presents a pioneer analysis regarding the various forms of this tourism chaining process and their interactions. The first so-called leisure shape appears in the 1870s in connection with the advent of a sensitivity rewarding mountainous and coastal scenery. The second so-called heritage shape is based on the nostalgia of old trains railway enthusiasts try to revive. Finally, since the 1980’s, hybrid forms such as local animation railways and luxury trains emerge. This theme has been relatively little studied in France until now. Moreover, it appears that its economic importance is by far less than in other countries (Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States). The article also aims to point out this thwarted development."

Federico Paolini, I Ferrovieri e l’Azienda ferroviaria. Appunti per una storia di una difficile riforma. (1945-1980), pubblicato in “Ricerche Storiche”, n. 2-3, maggio-dicembre 2003, pp. 431-449 (19 p.) [formato PDF, 137 kB]

Federico Paolini, La «malaria» delle città. Motorizzazione privata e degrado ambientale (1950-1974), pubblicato in “I Frutti di Demetra”, n. 7/2005, pp. 27-32 (6 p.) [formato PDF, 37 kB]

Federico Paolini, Gli italiani e la motorizzazione (1950-1974). Appunti per una storia sociale e ambientale dell’automobile, pubblicato in A. Giuntini, C. Pavese (a cura di), Reti, Mobilità, Trasporti. Il sistema italiano tra prospettiva storica e innovazione, Milano, Angeli, 2004, pp. 181-203 (19 p.) [formato PDF, 125 kB]

Giovanni Fresa, Dismissione e rinascita del trasporto tranviario. Il caso di Napoli. Storia dell’Ingegneria, Atti del 2° Convegno Nazionale, Napoli, 7-8-9 aprile 2008, p.629-638 (10 p.) [formato PDF, 493 kB]

Draško Petrović, Železnički saobraćaj i modernizacija Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca/Jugoslavije nakon ujedinjenja (Il trasporto ferroviario e la modernizzazione del Regno SHS/Jugoslavia dopo l'unificazione). 2005, p. 187-202 (16 p.) [formato PDF, 126 kB]

Eiichi Aoki, Dawn of Japanese Railways. Japan Railway & Transport Review No. 1, March 1994, pp. 28–30 [formato PDF, 628 kB]

Frank Schipper (Technical Univ. Eindhoven), Marshall and Mobility. Tensions of Europe and Inventing Europe Working Paper 2009-10, Eindhoven, June 2009, 16 p. [formato PDF, 1,00 MB] "This paper discusses mobility aspects of the Marshall Plan. It identifies the context of the Marshall Plan as an excellent opportunity to move ideas on mobility across the Atlantic. The question is to what extent this happened and how. The paper mainly focuses on two aspects of what resembling the United States would entail in the transport sector. First, in terms of the modal split it implied a significantly more important role for road transport. The paper explores how this larger role materialized in tourism, road transport policy, and road engineering knowledge and construction. Second, in institutional terms it implied a scale-up, requiring a continental organization to steer transport matters accordingly. The paper explores in particular an OEEC technical assistance mission to study the organization of transport at the federal level in the United States and the role of the Interstate Commerce Commission therein. The paper ends with a call for a further academic cross-fertilization of mobility history and the history of European integration."

Per Lundin (Royal Inst. of Technology, Stockholm), Controlling the numbers: How experts shaped the post-war car society. Paper for ESTER seminar 2003.1: Infrastructure, environment and urban culture: industrial and post-industrial societies, 12-16/11/2003, University of Tampere, Finland, 20 p. [formato PDF, 71 kB] "An institutional framework that reflected the planning discourse was imported from Great Britain in the 1940s, and together with mass motorization, this framework paved the way for the key technical actors of the 1950s: traffic engineers.The essay then examines the process of transferring traffic engineering knowledge from America to Sweden, and shows how these new ideas combined with the institutional framework directed the city planning discourse toward a conception of a "Car City." Technology transfer was pivotal to the development, establishment, and impact of standards for parking, and these contributed to the rise of the Swedish car society."

Stefano Maggi, La cultura della mobilità in Italia. Storia e Futuro n.3, dicembre 2003, 9 p. [formato PDF, 36 kB]

Stefano Maggi, Transport history. Methodological and bibliographical notes. Storia e Futuro n.1, Aprile 2002, 10 p. [formato PDF, 37 kB]

Federico Paolini, Verso una rete intermodale europea di trasporti. Tendenze, filoni e problemi della ricerca in Italia. Storia e Futuro n.2, febbraio 2003, 6 p. [formato PDF, 24 kB] (risultati di un seminario di studi nell'ambito del progetto europeo di ricerca Cost-Transport "Towards a European Intermodal Transport Network: Lessons from History").

Panissières. Le monorail, un scandale politico-financier. Sito sulla vicenda della ferrovia monorotaia ("sistema Lartigue") costruita tra il 1894 e il 1896 per collegare Feurs a Panissières (Francia). Interessante anche per i meccanismi politico-clientelari che portarono ad approvare un progetto destinato al fallimento.

Jonas Kesting, Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft des Automobils. Dargestellt an ausgewählten Beispielen.


The Cycling History Bibliography. This literature database is maintained by the Maastricht University (FASos).

Marie-Claude Pfaffen und Sylvie Pfaffen, Bibliographie zur Verkehrsgeschichte. Abteilung für mittelalterliche Geschichte, Universität Bern, 2005, 91 p. [formato PDF, 645 kB]


AIHC / IRHA / AIHF : Association Internationale pour l'histoire des Chemins de Fer / Asociación Internacional de Historia Ferroviaria / International Association for Railway History

AHICF Association pour l'histoire des chemins de fer en France

AISAF Associazione Ionico-Salentina Amici delle Ferrovie, Lecce (I).

APMFS Association pour la Préservation du Matériel Ferroviaire Savoyard (France)

Centro de Estudios Históricos del Ferrocarril Español, Ontaneda, Cantabria (E)

DGEG - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Eisenbahngeschichte. Ha una decina di sezioni locali, gestisce tre musei ferroviari e oltre 250 veicoli storici, pubblica la rivista "Eisenbahn Geschichte".

FERSTORIA Associazione per la Storia Ferroviaria del Friuli Venezia Giulia (Trieste)

Associazione FITRAM Onlus per la conservazione del patrimonio del Trasporto Pubblico – Museo di La Spezia è una associazione senza fini di lucro costituita ... in La Spezia il 25 Agosto 2005 da sei giovani cultori del trasporto pubblico con lo scopo di riunire studiosi e appassionati del settore al fine di creare un museo statico con l’esposizione di cimeli, fotografie, manoscritti, progetti, divise, biglietti e oggetti d’ogni genere ed un museo dinamico proponendo rievocazioni storiche, sfilate ed esposizioni di autobus e filobus d’epoca.

Fondazione Cesare Pozzo, Milano (I)

Fondazione Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, Roma (I)

Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles (Spanish Railways Foundation), Madrid (E)

inBUSclub, Muggia (Trieste) (I) (associazione che si pone come obiettivo la salvaguardia, la conservazione, la valorizzazione e lo studio dei mezzi di trasporto e di comunicazione)

Institute of Railway Studies & Transport History, a joint initiative of the National Railway Museum and the University of York (UK)

Lokaltrafikkhistorisk forening / Local Transport Historical Association, Oslo (Norway)

Nederlandse Vereniging van Belangstellenden in het Spoor- en tramwegwezen (NVBS), Amersfoort (Netherlands)

The Railway & Canal Historical Society (Britain)

Roads & Road Transport History Association (Britain)

S.A.F.R.E., Sodalizio Amici Ferrovie Reggio Emilia (Italia).

SGEG Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Eisenbahngeschichte

The Society for the History of Technology, Charlottesville, VA (USA)

Stichting Historie der Techniek (Foundation for the History of Technology), Eindhoven (NL)

T2M Association International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (Eindhoven, NL)

ViaStoria, Zentrum für Verkehrsgeschichte / Centro per la storia del traffico /Center of Transport History

The Japanese Railway Society. The Japanese Railway Society (JRS) was founded in 1991 in London, England, to promote the knowledge of the railways of Japan in England and other non-Japanese-speaking parts of the world.


November 2-5, 2017, Lancaster (GB), 15th T2M Annual Conference 2017, The International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M).

May 31-June 1, 2017, Mannheim (D), 28th International Cycling History Conference (ICHC).

October 27-30, 2016, Mexico City (Mexico), 14th T2M Annual Conference 2016 "Mobilities: Space of Flows and Friction", The International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M).

June 25th-29th, 2016, New Haven (USA), 27th International Cycling History Conference (ICHC).

September 14-17, 2015, Santa Maria C.V. (Caserta) (I), "The Future of Mobilities: Flows, Transport and Communication", joint conference of the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M) and the Cosmobilities Network.

August 24-27, 2015, Entraigues-sur-la-Sorgue (F), 26th International Cycling History Conference (ICHC).

10 aprile 2015, Milano (I), Conferenza di Piergiuseppe Visigalli "Le ferrovie in Giappone", organizzata da Fondazione e Biblioteca Cesare Pozzo in via San Gregorio 48, ore 15.30, ingresso gratuito.

September 18th-21th, 2014, Philadelphia (USA)), 12th annual T2M conference "Risky Mobility: War, Disaster, Spinoffs", The International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M).

August 6-9, 2014, Baltimore (USA), 25th International Cycling History Conference (ICHC), Maryland Historical Society.

6 décembre 2013, Bordeaux (F), Journée d’étude "De Paris à Bordeaux en train, 1938-2013. Des concessions au PPP: de l’histoire aux enjeux actuels" organisée par le Groupe de recherche en économie théorique et appliquée (UMR CNRS 5113 GRETHA - Université de Bordeaux 4) et l’Association pour l’histoire des chemins de fer (AHICF).

30 novembre 2013, Trieste (I), Presentazione del volume "Opicina e la ferrovia" di Roberto Carollo alle ore 10.00 presso il Museo Ferroviario di Campo Marzio.

September 25th-28th, 2013, Kouvola (Finland) and St. Petersburg (Russia), 11th annual T2M conference "Transport and borders", The International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M).

September 12-13, 2013, Santiago de Chile, V International Congress of the International Association of Railway History (IARH).

9-11 September 2013, Oxford (UK), Conference "Accidents and Emergencies: Risk, Welfare and Safety in Europe and North America, c. 1750–2000", Oxford Brookes University.

8-15 September 2013, Cascais (Portugal), ICMM 2013, International Congress of Maritime Museums "Celebrating our Maritime Heritage. Making Maritime Culture Relevant".

12 juin 2013, Paris (F), Séminaire de l’AHICF "Réinventer les transports en commun en France: bilan de quarante années de tramways, TCSP, transports guidés" (Séance 2), Association pour l’histoire des chemins de fer (AHICF).

May 15-17, 2013, Lisbon (Portugal), ICHC 2013, XXIVth International Cycling History Conference "Back to the future: a new city Velorution?".

3 avril 2013, Paris (F), Séminaire de l’AHICF "Réinventer les transports en commun en France: bilan de quarante années de tramways, TCSP, transports guidés" (Séance 1), Association pour l’histoire des chemins de fer (AHICF).

21 mars 2013, Paris (F), Séminaire d’histoire de la mobilité "L’histoire récente du chemin de fer vue de l’Allemagne".

21 mars 2013, Le Havre (F), Journée d’études "Les Villes portuaires et la guerre". Pôle Histoire maritime, CRHQ-CIRTAI, Université de Caen et du Havre.

13 febbraio 2013, Trieste (I), Conferenza "Trieste, la ferrovia e il Museo Ferroviario" con l’ing. Carollo e il responsabili di Ferstoria per conoscere la storia ferroviaria di Trieste, il suo museo e le potenzialità turistiche del turismo ferroviario su rotaia in Alpe Adria.

January 17-18, 2013, London (UK), Going Underground: Travel Beneath the Metropolis 1863-2013 - A Conference to Mark the 150th Anniversary of the London Underground, Institute of Historical Research, University of London.

14 dicembre 2012, Milano (I), Conferenza di Stefano Maggi e Angelo Nascimbene "Ricostruzione e miracolo economico (1945-1970)": Stefano Maggi, Verso l’automobile, il taglio dei rami secchi; Angelo Nascimbene, Dal Settebello alla Tartaruga. Ciclo di conferenze sul tema "Sui binari del progresso. Le Ferrovie dello Stato dal 1905 al 2012" organizzato dalla Fondazione e Biblioteca Cesare Pozzo.

22-24 novembre 2012, Paris (F), Colloque "Histoire des réseaux, des transports et des mobilités en Île-de-France". A l'occasion du 175e anniversaire des chemins de fer en France et en Île-de-France ce colloque est organisé par l’Association pour l’histoire des chemins de fer, la Fédération des sociétés historiques et archéologiques de Paris et de l’Île-de-France et la Région Île-de-France /Service Patrimoines et Inventaire.

November 15-18th, 2012, Madrid (E), T2M tenth annual Conference, "History and Future of Intermodal Mobilities", The International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M).

26 ottobre 2012, Milano (I), Incontro "Milano e i suoi tram". Dai tram a cavalli fino ai nostri giorni, eventi lieti o tragici di 120 anni di storia dei trasporti pubblici di Milano, raccontati con immagini tratte da libri e giornali d’epoca. Relatore: Guido Magenta. Incontro organizzato dalla Fondazione e dalla Biblioteca Cesare Pozzo e dal CIFI.

19 ottobre 2012, Milano (I), Conferenza di Stefano Maggi e Angelo Nascimbene "Il ventennio fascista (1922-1945)": Stefano Maggi, Epurazione, risanamento e rilancio; Angelo Nascimbene, Direttissime, Littorine ed elettrificazioni. Ciclo di conferenze sul tema "Sui binari del progresso. Le Ferrovie dello Stato dal 1905 al 2012" organizzato dalla Fondazione e Biblioteca Cesare Pozzo.

28 juin 2012, Paris (F), Colloque international "Puissance, résistances et tensions Histoire des mobilités électriques (XIXe-XXIe siècles)" organisé par Mathieu Flonneau (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne – ICT) et Arnaud Passalacqua (Université Paris Diderot – ICT), dans le cadre du projet Mobilités et électricité sur la moyenne et longue durée : controverses, idéologies et pratiques.

7 juin 2012, Paris (F), Séminaire d'histoire de la mobilité "Tourisme et mobilité" organisé par les universités de Paris I, Paris IV et Paris VII, et animé par le groupe P2M.

23-26 May 2012, Roeselare (B), XXIIIrd International Cycling History Conference (ICHC) / XXIIIe Conférence Internationale d’Histoire du Cycle, "Wheels of change? Social and cultural mobility through cycling and bicycle racing".

23 marzo 2012, Trieste (I), Convegno "La Centrale idrodinamica del Porto Vecchio di Trieste" promosso da Italia Nostra.

Septembre 2011 - Juin 2012, Paris (F), Séminaire d'histoire de la mobilité "Mobilité et démocratie", Université Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne, Université Paris IV – Sorbonne, Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7. Animé par le groupe P2M. Programme [formato PDF, 218 kB].

14-16 décembre 2011, Paris (F), XIIIe Colloque international de l’AHICF "Le rail à toute(s) vitesse(s). Deux siècles de vitesse sur rail, trente ans de grandes vitesses / Railways and Speed. Two Centuries of Speed on the Railways, Thirty Years of High-Speed Trains", Association pour l'histoire des chemins de fer.

24-25 novembre 2011, Genève (CH), Colloque international "Histoire des transports et de la mobilité, entre concurrence et coordination (1918 à nos jours)" / Internationale Tagung "Geschichte des Verkehrs und der Mobilität. Zwischen Konkurrenz und Koordination (1918 bis in die Gegenwart)", Université de Genève.

10 novembre 2011, Paris (F), Colloque "L'automobile populaire. De la voiture de quelques-uns à la voiture pour tous", Les Ateliers du CCFA (sur inscription).

3-5 November 2011, Lviv (Ukraine), International Conference "The Great Longing for Railways: How the Periphery Became Connected with the Centres of Industrialisation", organised by the International Railway History Association and the Center for Urban History of East Central Europe.

October 9-15, 2011, Washington DC and Newport News, Virginia (USA), Maritime Museums 2011: Connecting with the future, ICMM Biennial Congress 2011.

October 6-9, 2011, Berlin (D), 9th International Conference of the International Association for the History of Transport Traffic and Mobility (T2M).

30 June-1 July 2011, Oxford (UK), Symposium "Road Safety in History: International and Multimodal Perspectives", Oxford Brookes University.

25th-28th May 2011, Paris (F), 22. International Cycling History Conference (ICHC) / XXIIe Conférence Internationale d’Histoire du Cycle.

14 maggio 2011, Reggio Emilia (I), Convegno "Il patrimonio storico ferroviario in Emilia Romagna", promosso da SAFRE (Sodalizio Amici Ferrovie Reggio Emilia).

May 13-14 2011, Glendon College, York University, Toronto (Canada), Workshop "Environments of Mobility in Canadian History".

21-23 October 2010, Trieste (Italy), International Meeting "Port and Industrial Patrimonies in Friuli Venezia Giulia", organized by Italia Nostra.

August 5-7, 2011, Prague (Czech Republic), 2010 International Cycling History Conference (ICHC).

10 juin 2010, Paris (F), "Vitesse ferroviaire, gestion du temps et construction des territoires". Journée d'étude de l'AHICF en partenariat avec le Musée des Arts et Métiers/CNAM.

3e Journées d’histoire industrielle : Transports, territoires et société (XIXe-XXIe siècles), 26-27 novembre 2009, Belfort et Mulhouse (F).

The Society for the History of Technology Annual Meeting, 15-18 October 2009, Pittsburgh (USA).

Third International Conference of the International Railway History Association , 24-26 September 2009, Bratislava (SK).

University of York Department of History Cultural History Conference 2009, Cultural Histories of Sociability, Spaces and Mobility, 9-11 July 2009, University of York (UK).

Voyage dans un monde en mouvement. L'histoire des chemins de fer d'un siècle à l'autre 1987-2027. L'Association pour l'histoire des chemins de fer en France célèbre son 20e anniversaire avec un colloque à Paris, Musée d'Orsay, 22-24 novembre 2007


Cycle Publishing / Van der Plas Publications, San Francisco (USA). We publish books on bikes & biking, selected other sports, and manufactured housing.

Duegi Editrice (Italia)

EK-Verlag, Eisenbahn-Kurier (Germania)

ETR Editrice Trasporti su Rotaie (Italia), Leipzig (D)

Trafik-Nostalgiska Forlaget (Svezia)

La Vie du Rail (Francia)

FachBuchZentrum & Antiquariat Stiletto, München (Germania). Die Adresse für Eisenbahn-Literatur.


Archiv für Autobahn- und Straßengeschichte (AfASG), historisch-wissenschaftliche Interessengemeinschaft., Daten zu den Schweizer Eisenbahnen 1847–1920. Die Datenbank ist ein Projekt von ViaStoria und Bestandteil des Gesamtvorhabens «Verkehrsgeschichte Schweiz». bietet in der momentanen Version für sämtliche Schweizer Bahnen einschliesslich Tram- und Standseilbahnen umfangreiches statistisches Material (Zeitreihen) und Begleitkommentare für den Zeitraum von 1847 bis 1920 an. Quellen bilden die Eisenbahnstatistiken 1868 ff. und Geschäftsberichte der Bahnen. Sowohl die Ansicht wie auch das Abladen von Daten oder Begleittexten ist kostenfrei, der download aber registrierungspflichtig. Ein weiterer Ausbau der Datenbank ist geplant.

ECMD, The European Centre for Mobility Documentation is a Dutch institute that focuses on projects related to mobility documentation and automotive. Projects are not only related to historical topics and heritage, but also aimed at the automotive industry. The centre, which name reflects the international scope of activities, is specialized in the automotive field and optimization of digital accessibility in all mobility sectors (road, water, air and rail). Helmond (NL).

Het Nationaal Register Railmonumenten (the national register of rail monuments) is een project van Historisch Railvervoer Nederland (HRN), de belangenvereniging van museale en toeristische railorganisaties in ons land. Via deze website is het mogelijk informatie op te vragen over railvervoermiddelen, die tot het erfgoed van de Nederlandse mobiliteitsgeschiedenis gerekend kunnen worden. Omdat ook de cultuurhistorische waarde wordt vermeld, kan dit register als een 'monumentenlijst' voor trams en treinen worden gezien (Netherlands)

Stichting Mobiele Collectie Nederland (MCN) (Foundation for the Mobile Collection of the Netherlands), Krommenie (NL). "De stichting Mobiele Collectie Nederland (MCN) is dè organisatie voor museale en particuliere eigenaren van mobiel erfgoed in ons land en bovendien de organisatie voor alle belanghebbenden en belangstellenden op dat gebied." Comprende: Het Nationaal Register Mobiel Erfgoed (national register of the mobile heritage), Virtueel Mobilteitsmuseum (Virtual Mobility Museum).

Biblioteca Cesare Pozzo, Fondazione Cesare Pozzo per la mutualità, Milano (Italia). Fondata il 1° maggio 1877, l'allora Società di Mutuo Soccorso fra Macchinisti e Fuochisti dell'Alta Italia si preoccupò subito di raccogliere volumi e pubblicazioni sulla tecnica dei trasporti, le rivendicazioni dei ferrovieri e il movimento mutualistico in generale con l'intento di sviluppare e promuovere le conoscenze professionali dei propri iscritti. Gran parte di questi materiali furono dispersi dapprima con l'occupazione da parte dell'esercito nel tragico '98 di Bava Beccaris e poi durante il commissariamento imposto dal fascismo nel 1928. Ma qualcosa si è salvato: ad esempio, l'Atlante di Macchine a vapore e ferrovie di Agostino Cavallero (1870) che contiene la planimetria della Stazione Centrale di Milano di piazza Repubblica, inaugurata nel 1864 e demolita negli anni '30, Vent'anni di vita ferroviaria di Cesare Pozzo pubblicata postuma nel 1899, che reca come sottotitolo Storia dell'organizzazione dei Macchinisti e Fuochisti Italiani, e dalle carte d'archivio sui verbali e i resoconti amministrativi della Società o sulla sottoscrizione di £.10 per la costruzione della Casa dei Ferrovieri di via S. Gregorio. La Biblioteca raccoglie, oltre all'archivio storico della Mutua, circa 25.000 volumi, oltre 90 testate di periodici, più di 300 tesi di laurea, l'archivio del Sindacato Ferrovieri Italiani (SFI) dal 1949 al 1980.

International Cycling History Conference

Online Transport Archive (OTA). A growing collection of film and photographic material relating to all forms of transport.

The Transport Archive. "Using several thousand images, it shows how waterways, railways and aviation have changed our lives" (Britain). The National Archive of Transport Travel and Trade (NA3T)(England). Bibliografia Ferroviaria Italiana, a cura di Alessandro Tuzza

La mia Ferrovia Storia

Mondo Tram (portale italiano del tram)

I Trasporti nel Friuli Venezia Giulia: Ferrovie (storia) (sito in italiano e inglese)

TRAINBASE eine Datenbank zur Verkehrsgeschichte der Schweiz

Beiträge zur Verkehrs- und Technikgeschichte (

National Automotive History Collection, Detroit Public Library. The National Automotive History Collection (NAHC) is regarded as the nation's premier public automotive archive. The NAHC documents the history and development of the automobile and other forms of motorized, wheeled, land transportation in the United States and abroad. The NAHC contains resources of over 600,000 processed items.

Late 19th- and Early 20th-Century Urban Rail Transit Maps. (scans of some of the late 19th- and early 20th-century urban rail transit maps that are held at the University of Chicago Library's Map Collection).


IATM, International Association of Transport and Communication Museums.

ARM, Association of Railway Museums, Conyers, GA (USA).

AMMM, Associazione dei Musei Marittimi del Mediterraneo / Association of Mediterranean Maritime Museums / Asociación de los Museos Marítimos del Mediterráneo / Association des Musées Maritimes de la Méditerranée

ICMM, International Congress of Maritime Museums. ICMM links maritime museums worldwide, providing resources and communication opportunities for museum professionals.

National Association of Road Transport Museums (NARTM) is the representative body for organisations or individuals with collections of historic buses and coaches, goods vehicles and other large road vehicles who wish to make their collections accessible to the public. NARTM represents the large majority of UK road transport collections and now has some 90 members with more than 3000 historic vehicles in their collections. Oakworth, Keighley, West Yorkshire (UK)

Association of British Transport & Engineering Museums (ABTEM), Banbury Road, Gaydon, Warwickshire (UK).

Association des Musées Automobile de France (AMAF), (F)

Museo Nazionale dei Trasporti, La Spezia (Italia)

Museo Ferroviario di Trieste Campo Marzio, Trieste (Italia)

Museo Ferroviario Ligure, Arma di Taggia, Imperia (Italia)

Museo Ferroviario Piemontese, Savigliano (Italia)

Museo Ferroviario Nazionale di Pietrarsa, Portici (NA)(Italia)

Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia “Leonardo da Vinci” - Dipartimento dei Trasporti, Milano

Museo Virtuale del Tram di Torino

Associazione Verbano Express, Museo Ferroviario del Verbano

Museo Europeo dei Trasporti Ogliari, Ranco (VA)

Museo dell'aeronautica Gianni Caproni, Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, Trento (Italia)

Volandia - Parco e museo del volo (Ex Officine Caproni), Somma Lombardo (Varese) (Italia)

Museo Nicolis dell'Auto, della Tecnica, della Meccanica, Villafranca (Verona) Inaugurato nel 2000 a Villafranca di Verona, lo ha creato Luciano Nicolis, imprenditore veronese fondatore del Gruppo Lamacart, che ha fatto confluire in questa opera la sua grande passione per la tecnica e la meccanica. E' uno dei più prestigiosi musei privati in Italia e in Europa. Il museo racconta, attraverso centinaia di automobili, motociclette e biciclette, l'evoluzione dei mezzi di trasporto degli ultimi due secoli.

Associazione Amici del Museo del Trasporto Ferroviario attraverso le Alpi, Museo Feralp di Bussoleno (Torino)

Museo della Ferrovia Ceva-Ormea, Nucetto (CN)

Museo Ferroviario, Lecce [in fase di realizzazione].

Museo Ferroviario Sardo, stazione di Cagliari (CA)

Museo delle Ferrovie della Sardegna, Monserrato, Cagliari (CA)

Museo storico della Bicicletta, Cesiomaggiore (Belluno)

Polo Museale ATAC S.p.A., Roma. Parco Museo con un'esposizione permanente di locomotori e tram storici, embrione di Museo del Trasporto di ATAC S.p.A.

Galata Museo del Mare, Genova

Museo Navale di Pegli, Pegli (Genova)

Civico Museo del Mare, Trieste

Museo Storico Navale di Venezia, Venezia

Museo Civico della Navigazione Fluviale (Museo dei Barcari) , Battaglia Terme (PD)

. Il Museo della Navigazione Fluviale di Battaglia Terme è un vero e proprio percorso della memoria attraverso un mondo, quello della civiltà e della cultura dei barcari, che di Battaglia Terme e del territorio circostante è identità e storia. Grazie alla passione e alla disponibilità di alcuni ex barcari, che sin dal 1979 hanno raccolto numerosi reperti e preziosi documenti, e al recupero dell'ex macello come sede museale, abbiamo la possibilità di riscoprire una pagina delle tradizioni e della storia locale particolarmente significativa e ancora in parte inesplorata. In diverse aste fluviali l'abbandono della navigazione è cominciato in seguito alla costruzione delle reti ferroviarie ottocentesche e il declino è continuato nell'ultimo dopoguerra a causa della spietata concorrenza esercitata dal trasporto su gomma che ha reso inutili ed ingombranti le tradizionali imbarcazioni di legno, numerosissime sino al 1950. Il Museo di Battaglia vuole offrire un percorso in questo mondo "perduto" del trasporto fluviale e lagunare dalle varie sfaccettature: dall'attività cantieristica, alla varietà dei tipi di imbarcazioni (sempre a fondo piatto); dai mezzi di propulsione, alla suggestiva ma faticosa vita di bordo; dai manufatti idraulici e la fitta rete di idrovie, all'arte della navigazione in acque interne.

Museo della Marineria, Cesenatico (FC)

Museo della Marineria Washington Patrignani, Pesaro

Museo Tecnico Navale di La Spezia, La Spezia

Civico Museo Marinaro "Gio Bono Ferrari", Camogli (GE)

Museo Navale Internazionale di Imperia / International Naval Museum, Imperia

Malta Maritime Museum, the Old Naval bakery, Vittoriosa (Malta)

London Transport Museum

National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London (UK)

Royal Naval Museum, Portsmouth Historic Dockyard (UK)

National Railway Museum, York (UK)

STEAM - Museum of the Great Western Railway, Swindon (UK)

National Tramway Museum, Crich Tramway Village (UK)

The Beamish Museum - Transport Collection (open air museum), County Durham (UK)

Riverside Museum: Scotland's Museum of Transport and Travel, Glasgow, Scotland (UK)

Scottish Maritime Museum, Irvine, Ayrshire, Scotland (UK)

Aberdeen Maritime Museum, Aberdeen, Scotland (UK). The Maritime Museum houses a unique collection covering shipbuilding, fast sailing ships, fishing and port history. It is also the only place in the UK where you can see displays on the North Sea oil and gas industry. Aberdeen Maritime Museum offers visitors a spectacular viewpoint over the busy harbour.

Eyemouth Maritime Centre, Eyemouth, Berwickshire, Scotland (UK)

East Anglia Transport Museum, Carlton Colville, Lowestoft, Suffolk (UK)

Ipswich Transport Museum, Ipswich (UK)

The Transport Museum, Wythall (Birmingham) (UK)

Merseyside Maritime Museum, Liverpool (UK)

National Waterfront Museum, Swansea, Wales (UK) (Transport, Materials and Networks)

Greater Manchester’s Museum of Transport, Manchester (UK)

Keighley Bus Museum, Keighley, West Yorkshire (UK)

Ingrow Loco - The Museum and Workshop of the "Bahamas" Locomotive Society, Keighley, West Yorkshire (UK)

Museum of Rail Travel - Vintage Carriages Trust, Ingrow, Keighley, West Yorkshire (UK)

Dewsbury Bus Museum, Dewsbury (UK)

The Trolleybus Museum at Sandtoft, Sandtoft, Doncaster (UK)

National Maritime Museum Cornwall, Falmouth, Cornwall (UK)

The National Motorcycle Museum, Bickenhill, Solihull, West Midlands (UK) The National Motorcycle Museum is recognised as the finest and largest motorcycle museum in the world.

The London Motorcycle Museum, Greenford, Middlesex (UK)

The National Motor Museum, Beaulieu, Hampshire (UK)

The National Cycle Collection, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, Wales (UK)

Ulster Folk & Transport Museum, Cultra, Holywood - Belfast (Northern Ireland)

National Transport Museum of Ireland, Howth (Dublin)(IRL)

Het Virtueel Mobiliteitsmuseum (VMM) (the Virtual Mobility Museum of the Netherlands), (NL) Het Virtueel Mobiliteitsmuseum (VMM) is een gezamenlijk product van de stichting Mobiele Collectie Nederland (MCN) en het European Centre for Mobility Documentation (ECMD). De website presenteert de geschiedenis van de mobiliteit in Nederland aan de hand van ons nationaal mobiel erfgoed en de bijbehorende historische documentatie.

VELORAMA National Bicycle Museum / Nationaal Fietsmuseum, Nijmegen (NL)

Het Spoorwegmuseum (Dutch Railway Museum), Utrecht (NL)

Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum / National Maritime Museum, Amsterdam (NL)

Maritiem Museum Rotterdam / Maritime Museum, Rotterdam (NL), is the oldest maritime museum in the Netherlands.

Het Havenmuseum (the harbour museum), Rotterdam (NL)

Fries Scheepvaart Museum, Sneek (NL)

Haags Openbaar Vervoer Museum (HOVM) (Public Transport Museum), Den Haag (NL)

Openbaar Vervoer Museum (OVM) (Public Transport Museum), Rotterdam (NL)

Trammuseum Rotterdam, Rotterdam (NL)

DAF Museum, Eindhoven (NL)

NZH Vervoermuseum (Noord-Zuid Hollandse Vervoermuseum), Haarlem (NL) (De Blauwe Tram).

Nationaal Bus Museum, Hoogezand (NL)

Nationaal Openbaar Vervoer museum Ouwsterhaule, Ouwsterhaule (NL)

Openbaar Vervoer Museum Doetinchem (Public Transport Museum), Doetinchem (NL). "Het Openbaar Vervoer Museum bevat een waardevolle, veelal antieke, collectie modellen op het gebied van trein-, tram- en busvervoer." Train, tram and bus models.

Museum R.T.M. Ouddorp (Rotterdamsche Tramweg Maatschappij)(Rotterdam Tramway Company), Ouddorp (NL)

Museumstoomtram Hoorn-Medemblik (Museum Steamtram), Hoorn (NL) The Museumstoomtram Hoorn-Medemblik is the officially registered museum that highlights the history of the steam tram in the Netherlands between 1879 and 1966. To this end, the Steam Tram Museum acquires, restores and operates a collection which reflects this history. This collection forms the basis of a presentation that is both historically accurate and attractive to tourists. The era portrayed in the presentation is based around (but not exclusively) the year 1926.

Museum Buurtspoorweg MBS (district railway museum), Haaksbergen (NL)

Rheinhessisches Fahrradmuseum, Gau-Algesheim (D)

Deutsches Museum, München (D)

Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum (Mobility and Transport), München (D)

Deutsches Museum Flugwerft Schleißheim (Aviation History), Oberschleißheim (D)

Deutsches Fahrradmuseum Bad Brückenau (museo della bicicletta), Bad Brückenau (D)

Deutsches Straßenmuseum (museo della strada), Germersheim (D)

EFA-Museum für Deutsche Automobilgeschichte, Amerang/Chiemgau (D)

MVG Museum (Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft), München (D)

Verkehrsmuseum Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main (D)

Hannoversches Straßenbahn-Museum, Sehnde-Wehmingen bei Hannover (D)

Straßenbahnmuseum Kassel, Kassel (D)

Eisenbahnmuseum Schwarzenberg (Erzgebirge), Sachsen (D)

Verkehrsmuseum Dresden, Dresden (D)

Berliner U-Bahn-Museum, Berlin (D)

Deutsches Technikmuseum, Berlin (D)

Historischer Hafen Berlin, Berlin (D)

Berliner S-Bahn-Museum, Potsdam/Berlin (D)

Eisenbahnmuseum Bochum - Dahlhausen, Bochum (D)

Eisenbahnmuseum Neustadt/Weinstraße, Neustadt (D)

Süddeutsches Eisenbahnmuseum Heilbronn, Heilbronn (D)

Bayerisches Eisenbahnmuseum Nördlingen, Nördlingen (D)

DB Museum Nürnberg, Nürnberg (D). (Im Zuge der Bahnreform entstand 1994 die Deutsche Bahn AG. Der neue Konzern übernahm 1996 die Eisenbahnabteilung des Verkehrsmuseums Nürnberg als Firmenmuseum. Seitdem führt das Haus die Bezeichnung "DB Museum")

Eisenbahnmuseum Alter Bahnhof Lette, Coesfeld-Lette (D)

Strassenbahnmuseum Zuffenhausen, Stuttgart (D)

Das Speicherstadtmuseum (Dockland Museum), Hamburg (D)

Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum (German Maritime Museum), Bremerhaven (D). Nationales Schifffahrtsmuseum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

Kieler Stadt- und Schiffahrtsmuseum, Kiel (D)

Museumshafen zu Lübeck, Lübeck (D)

Schiffbau- und Schifffahrtsmuseum, Rostock (D)

Museum für antike Schiffahrt, Mainz (D). Espone cinque navi militari romane del IV secolo D.C. scoperte nel 1981/82.

Museum der Deutscher Binnenschifffahrt, Duisburg (D). Germany's largest and most extensive museum for the history of inland shipping.

LWL-Industriemuseum Schiffshebewerk Henrichenburg in Waltrop, Waltrop (D). The original Henrichenburg lift-lock at Waltrop is a popular destination for excursions, and not just by people interested in old technologies. This, the biggest civil engineering work on the Dortmund-Ems canal, was inaugurated by Kaiser Wilhelm II on 11 August 1899, and for the next 63 years it carried barges of up to 600 tons between the level of the canal's longest pound and that of its terminal section (14 m higher).

Verkehrshaus der Schweiz / Musée Suisse des Transports / Museo Svizzero dei Trasporti (Luzern) (sito in tedesco, francese, italiano, inglese)

Tram-Museum Zürich, Zurigo (CH)

Tramverein Bern / Tram-Museum Bern, Bern (CH)

Chemin de fer-Musée Blonay-Chamby, Lausanne (CH) Le chemin de fer-Musée Blonay-Chamby possède une des plus belles collections de véhicules historique à voie métrique de Suisse, sinon d'Europe.

Technisches Museum Wien, Wien (A)

Wiener Tramwaymuseum, Wien (A)

Tramwaymuseum Graz, Graz (A)

Museum Tauernbahn, Schwarzach im Pongau (A)

Salzkammergut Lokalbahnmuseum, Mondsee (A)

Bahnzeit, das Pferdeeisenbahnmuseum der Südstrecke in der Maxlhaid, Wels (A)

Pferdeeisenbahnstation Kerschbaum, Rainbach im Mühlkreis (A)

Ghega-Museum, Kalte Rinne, Breitenstein (A). (Verein Club der Freunde Ghegas).

Südbahnmuseum Mürzzuschlag, Mürzzuschlag am Semmering (A)

Eisenbahnmuseum Strasshof, Strasshof an der Nordbahn (A)

Eisenbahnmuseum Schwechat (museo ferroviario), Schwechat (A)

Fahrradmuseum Retz, Retz (A)

Muzeum MHD (mestské Hromadné Dopravy) / Public Transport Museum, Praha (Czech Republic)

Železniční muzeum / Railway museum Výtopna Jaromer, Jaromer (Czech Republic)

Múzeum dopravy v Bratislave / Transport Museum in Bratislava (Slovakia)

Urban Public Transport Museum Szentendre (Hungary)

Millennium Underground Museum, Budapest (Hungary)

Musée National de la Marine, Paris, Brest, Port-Louis, Rochefort, Toulon (France)

Musée Portuaire de Dunkerque, Dunkerque (France)

Musée Maritime de La Rochelle, La Rochelle (France)

Port-musée de Douarnenez, Douarnenez (France)

Musee Maritime Fluvial et Portuaire de Rouen, Rouen (France)

Musée du Vélo Michel Grezaud, Tournus (France)

Cité de l'Automobile (Musée national – Collection Schlumpf), Mulhouse (France) Plus grand musée automobile du monde, la Cité de l'Automobile présente 400 modèles historiques, de prestige ou de course, qui retracent l’histoire de l’automobile.

Musée Henri Malartre (autos, motos, cycles), Rochetaillée-sur-Saône (France) Premier musée automobile en France, en 1972 devient musée de la Ville de Lyon. Il est unique en son genre par la diversité et la rareté des modèles: automobiles, motos et cycles.

Musée du Cheminot, Ambérieu-en-Bugey (France)

Cité du Train - Musée français du chemin de fer, Mulhouse (France)

Musée des Transports Urbains AMTUIR, Colombes (France)

AMITRAM Association du Musée International des Transports Metropolitains, Marquette-lez-Lille (France). En 1968, Claude Gay se voit offrir un tramway : la motrice n°638 de l'ELRT. Il fonde avec Marc Breuze une association : "AMITRAM". L'AMITRAM s'est rapidement constituée une collection importante d'anciens tramways et autobus lillois. A cela s'ajoute un volume important d'archives et d'uniformes. Le métro et les trolleybus sont aussi représentés, tout comme les véhicules remarquables de France et d'Europe. A partir des années 90, après bien des péripéties, et grâce à la bienveillance des municipalités de Marquette et de Wambrechies, ce fut la réalisation de la ligne touristique. Depuis 10 ans à la belle saison, 4 tramways parcourent les 3 kms de la ligne touristique dans un site naturel urbain.

Musée des Transports de Pithiviers, Pithiviers (France)

Musée des Transports Urbains de Saint-Etienne et sa région, Saint Priest-en-Jarez (France)

MTVS Musée des Tramways à Vapeur et des chemins de fer Secondaires français, Butry-sur-Oise (France)

Railway Museums / Museum Railways in Luxembourg, Musées de Chemin de Fer / Chemins de Fer de Musée au Luxembourg, Eisenbahnmuseen / Museumseisenbahnen in Luxemburg, Luxembourg (L)

Musée de Tramways et de Bus de la Ville de Luxembourg, Luxembourg (L)

WieMu - Nationaal wielermuseum (Cycling Museum), Roeselare (B)

Musée du Transport Urbain Bruxellois / Museum voor het Stedelijk Vervoer te Brussel / Brussels Trammuseum, Bruxelles (B)

Le Musée du Rail / Het spoorwegmuseum Saint Ghislain, Saint Ghislain (B)

Tramsite Schepdaal (Tram Museum), Schepdaal, Dilbeek (B)

Musée des transports en commun du Pays de Liège, Liège (B)

Musée Ferroviaire de Kinkempois, Liège (B)

MAS Museum Aan de Stroom, Antwerpen (B)

Vlaams Tram- en Autobusmuseum (VlaTAM), (Flemish Tram and Bus Museum), Berchem (B). Het Vlaamse Tram- en Autobusmuseum, afgekort VlaTAM, is een initiatief van de Vlaamse Vervoermaatschappij De Lijn. De vzw VlaTAM is opgericht op 15 januari 1999.

Tramway vicinal - Musée vivant du tram Vicinal à Thuin, Thuin (B). "A museum using vehicles which retrace the history of the world's largest tram network" (ASVi - Association pour la Sauvegarde du Vicinal).

Železniški muzej / Railway Museum, Ljubljana (Slovenija)

Pomorski muzej - Museo del mare "Sergej Mašera", Piran / Pirano (Slovenija)

Museo della ferrovia a scartamento ridotto Parenzana e collezione dei modelli di treni / Muzej ozkotirne železnice Parenzana in zbirka modelov vlakov, Izola / Isola (Slovenija)

Muzej Gallerion Novigrad, Galerija stalnog postava posvećena povijesti pomorstva i pomorskih ratova / Museo Gallerion, la galleria con mostra permanente dedicata alla storia della marina e delle guerre navali / Museum Gallerion, a gallery presenting a permanent exhibition about themes from the maritime and naval history, Novigrad/Cittanova (Croatia)

Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka / Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral, Rijeka - Fiume (Croatia).

Hrvatski pomorski muzej, Split (Croatia).

Dubrovnik Maritime Museum / Pomorski muzej, Dubrovnik (Croatia)

Hrvatski željeznički muzej (HŽM) / Croatian Railway Museum, Zagreb (Croatia)

Reykjavik Maritime Museum, Reykjavik (Island)

Skjoldenæsholm Tram Museum / Sporvejsmuseet Skjoldenæsholm, Jystrup (Danmark)

Danmarks Jernbanemuseum / Danish Railway Museum, Odense (Danmark)

Danish Maritime Museum / Handels- og Søfartsmuseet, Kronborg, Elsinore/Helsingør (Danmark)

Aalborg Søfarts- og Marinemuseum, Aalborg (Danmark)

Aarhus Søfarts Museum (Aarhus Maritime Museum), Aarhus (Danmark)

Marstal Søfartsmuseum (Marstal Maritime Museum), Marstal (Danmark)

Danmarks Vej- og Bromuseum / The Danish Road and Bridge Museum, Holbæk (Danmark)

Suomen Rautatiemuseo / Finnish Railway Museum, Hyvinkää (Finland)

Mobilia, automobile and road museum. Kangasala (Finland)

Tram Museum, Helsinki (Finland)

The Maritime Museum of Finland / Suomen merimuseo, Kotka (Finland)

Forum Marinum, Turku (Finland)

Spårvägsmuseet / Stockholm Transport Museum, Stockholm (Sweden)

Sveriges Järnvägsmuseum / Swedish Railway Museum, Gävle (Sweden)

Museispårvägen Malmköping / Tramway Museum Malmköping, Malmköping (Sweden)

Sjöhistoriska museet / the Maritime Museum, Stockholm (Sweden)

Marinmuseum / The Naval Museum, Karlskrona (Sweden)

Vasamuseet / The Vasa Museum, Stockholm (Sweden). The Vasa is the world’s only surviving 17th-century ship and one of the foremost tourist sights in the world. The ship is displayed in a purpose-built museum in Stockholm.

Maritiman, Göteborg (Sweden)

Norsk Jernbanemuseum / Norvegian Railway Museum, Hamar (Norway)

Bergens Sjøfartsmuseum (Bergen Maritime Museum), Bergen (Norway)

Stavanger Maritime Museum, Stavanger (Norway)

Sporveismuseet / The Tramway Museum, Oslo (Norway)

Flåmsbana Museet / Flåm Railway Documentation Centre, Flåm (Norway)

Eesti Raudteemuuseum / Estonian Railway Museum, Haapsalus (Estonia)

Eesti Meremuuseum / Estonian Maritime Museum, Tallinn (Estonia)

Eesti Maanteemuuseum / Estonian Road Museum, Kanepi (Estonia)

Latvijas Dzelzceļa vēstures muzejs / The Latvian Railway history museum, Riga and Jelgava (Latvia)

Latvian Road Museum, Milzkalne (Latvia)

Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation, Riga (Latvia)

Saulkrasti Bicycle Museum, Saulkrasti (Latvia)

Lithuanian Road Museum, Vievis (Lithuania)

Lithuanian Sea Museum, Klaipeda (Lithuania)

Polish Maritime Museum / Centralne Muzeum Morskie, Gdansk (Poland)

Muzeum Przemysu i Kolejnictwa na Slasku (Museum of Industry and Railways in Silesia), Jaworzyna Slaska (Poland)

Музей метро (Музей Петерсбургского метрополитена) (Museum of the St.Petersburg Underground), St. Petersburg (Russia)

Центральный военно-морской музей [Central Navy Museum], St. Petersburg (Russia)

Музэй морського флоту України (Museum of the Maritime Fleet of Ukraine), Odessa (Ukraine)

Museo del Ferrocarril de Madrid (E)

Museo del Ferrocarril de Vilanova i la Geltru, Barcelona (E)

Museu Marítim de Barcelona /Barcelona Maritime Museum), Barcelona (E)

Museo del Ferrocarril de Asturias, Gijón (E)

Museo Marítimo del Cantábrico, Santander (E)

Museo Marítimo Ría de Bilbao / Bilboko Itsasadarra Itsas Museora / Ria de Bilbao Maritime Museum, Bilbao (E)

Museo Naval de San Fernando, San Fernando, Cádiz (E)

Museo Vasco del Ferrocarril, Azpeitia (E)

Museu da Carris (Lisbon's public transport museum), Lisboa (Portugal)

Fundação Museu Nacional Ferroviário, Entroncamento (Portugal). The National Railway Museum, inaugurated on the 18th May 2007, is presented as a multi-centred museum institution, constituted by a Central Museum, situated in Entroncamento and diverse Museum Branches distributed throughout the country.

Museu do Carro Eléctrico / the Electric Tramcar Museum, Porto (Portugal)

Museu dos Transportes e Comunicações, Edifício da Alfândega, Porto (Portugal) Exposição permanente "O Automóvel no Espaço e no Tempo".

Museu dos Transportes e Comunicações (blog), Edifício da Alfândega, Porto (Portugal)

Museu Marítimo de Ílhavo, Ílhavo (Portugal)

Museu de Marinha, Lisboa (Portugal)

Museu do Ar, Sintra (Portugal)

Railway Museum, Beograd (Serbia)

National museum of transport and communications, Russe (Bulgaria)

Athens Railway Museum (Greece)

The Hellenic Maritime Museum, Piraeus (Greece)

The Cyprus Classic Motorcycle Museum (Cyprus)

Istanbul Railway Museum, Istanbul (TR)

Istanbul Naval Museum / Istanbul Deniz Müzesi, Besiktas, Istanbul (TR)

Rahmi M Koç Museum, Hasköy, Istanbul (TR)

Çamlık Outdoor Museum (TR). The Çamlık outdoor museum, which was inaugurated in 1991, has one of the largest steam engines collection in Europe. The museum is perfectly located, a few minutes away from Turkey most famous historical site: Ephesus. It sits on the premises of the former Çamlık station, now disused because of a realignment of the Izmir Aydın main line. All the original buildings have been retained, including the small three tracks engine shed that housed the banking engines in the era of steam.

the Rail Museum, Cairo (Egypt)

Kenya Railways Museum, Nairobi (Kenya)

Outeniqua Transport /Railway Museum, George (South Africa)

TransNamib Railway Museum, Windhoek (Namibia)

National Rail Museum, New Delhi (India)

New York Transit Museum, New York (USA) The New York Transit Museum is the largest museum in the United States devoted to urban public transportation history, and one of the premier institutions of its kind in the world.

The Bicycle Museum of America, New Bremen Ohio (USA)

Pedaling History Bicycle Museum, Orchard Park, NY (USA)

Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, Strasburg, Pennsylvania (USA)

Baltimore Streetcar Museum, Baltimore (USA)

Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Museum, Baltimore (USA)

Illinois Railway Museum, Union, Illinois (USA) "America's largest railway museum".

Kentucky Railway Museum, New Haven, Kentucky (USA)

National Railroad Museum, Green Bay, WI (USA)

National New York Central Railroad Museum, Elkhart, IN (USA)

Indiana Transportation Museum, Noblesville, IN (USA)

Seashore Trolley Museum, Kennebunkport, Maine (USA). Founded in 1939, the Seashore Trolley Museum has grown into the largest electric railway museum in the world with a collection representing almost every major American city that had a streetcar system.

National Streetcar Museum, Lowell, Massachusetts (USA)

Connecticut Trolley Museum, East Windsor, Connecticut (USA)

The Shore Line Trolley Museum, East Haven, Connecticut (USA). The Museum owns nearly 100 vintage transit vehicles.

Metz Bicycle Museum, Freehold, NJ (USA). The Museum houses one of the world's finest collections of antique bicycles, dating from the 1850's to the 1950's. The Museum is Not Currently Open to the Public.

California State Railroad Museum, Sacramento, California (USA)

San Francisco Cable Car Museum, San Francisco, California (USA)

The New York Museum of Transportation, Rochester (USA)

The Antique Boat Museum (the 1000 Islands Shipyard Museum), St. Lawrence River, Clayton, NY (USA)

The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels, MD (USA)

Maine Maritime Museum, Bath, ME (USA)

Herreshoff Maritime Museum, Bristol, Rhode Island (USA)

Mystic Seaport, The Museum of America and the Sea, Mystic, CT (USA)

Michigan Maritime Museum, South Haven, MI (USA)

Virginia Museum of Transportation, Roanoke, VA (USA). The Museum is located in Roanoke, Virginia, one of America's great rail centers and home of the original headquarters of the Norfolk & Western Railway for 100 years. The legendary Roanoke Shops of the N&W designed and built the most modern and powerful steam engines in the world.

North Carolina Maritime Museum, Beaufort, Southport and Hatteras, NC (USA)

North Carolina Transportation Museum, Spencer, NC (USA)

The Owls Head Transportation Museum, Owls Head, ME 04854 (USA). "The Museum has one of the finest collections of pioneer-era aircraft and automobiles in the world. More than 100 historic aircraft, automobiles, bicycles, carriages and engines are on permanent display."

The Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Michigan (USA)

The Museum of Flight, Seattle, WA (USA). "The independent, non-profit Museum of Flight is one of the largest air and space museums in the world, attracting more than 400,000 visitors annually."

Exporail, The Canadian Railway Museum / le Musée ferroviaire canadien, Saint-Constant (Québec, Canada)

Musée maritime du Québec (Musée maritime Bernier), L'Islet, Québec (Canada)

Musée naval de Québec, Dalhousie, Québec (Canada)

Musée maritime de Charlevoix, Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rive, Québec (Canada)

The Alberta Railway Museum, Edmonton, Alberta (Canada)

Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston, Kingston, Ontario (Canada)

Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada)

Vancouver Maritime Museum, Vancouver (Canada). The Vancouver Maritime Museum celebrates the profound significance of the ocean and waterways of the Pacific and Arctic, through the preservation and growth of our extraordinary collection, and as a centre for dialogue, research and experience.

The Maritime Museum of British Columbia, Victoria, BC (Canada)

Museo del Canal Interoceánico de Panamá, Ciudad de Panamá (Panama)

Museu Nacional do Mar, São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina SC (Brasil)

Museo Naval de la Nación, Tigre (Argentina)

Museo Marítimo de Ushuaia, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego (Argentina)

Museo Naval del Peru, Callao (Peru)

Museo Naval y Marítimo de Valparaíso, Valparaiso (Chile)

MOTAT Museum of Transport & Technology, Auckland (New Zealand)

Voyager, New Zealand Maritime Museum, Auckland (New Zealand)

Cable Car Museum, Wellington (New Zealand)

Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney (Australia)

Western Australian Maritime Museum, Fremantle (Australia)

National Railway Museum, Port Adelaide (Australia)

New South Wales Rail Transport Museum, Thirlmere (Australia)

Adelaide Tramway Museum, Adelaide (Australia)

Brisbane Tramway Museum, Brisbane (Australia)

Sidney Tramway Museum, Sidney (Australia)

Tasmanian Transport Museum, Hobart (Australia)

Yokohama Port Museum, Nippon Maru Memorial Park, Yokohama (Japan)

Modern Transportation Museum, Osaka (Japan)

the Railway Museum, Onari, Saitama City (Japan)

Seoul Railway Museum, Seoul (South Korea)

Korean National Maritime Museum, Mokpo (South Korea)

China Maritime Museum, Shanghai (China)

Hong Kong Railway Museum (Hong Kong)

Hong Kong Maritime Museum (Hong Kong)

Macau Maritime Museum (Macau)

The National Maritime Museum, Muang, Chanthaburi (Thailand)

Museum Bahari / Maritime Museum of Indonesia, Jakarta (Indonesia)


Swisstrain est une association à but non-lucratif dont l'activité principale est d'exploiter du matériel historique. Location de trains historiques pour sociétés, mariages et anniversaires.

Eurovapor, die Europäische Vereinigung zur Erhaltung betriebsfähiger Dampflokomotiven und historischem Eisenbahnmaterial, Zürich (CH).

Associazione F.T.I. - FERROVIE TURISTICHE ITALIANE. Ferrovia del Basso Sebino (Lago d'Iseo, TrenoBlu); Ferrovia Val d’Orcia (Treno Natura); Ferrovia Colle Val d'Elsa-Poggibonsi; Ferrovia Turistica Camuna (Brescia-Iseo-Edolo).

Il Trenino Verde della Sardegna, Sardegna (I)

Associazione Treni Storici Puglia, Taranto (I)

La France vue du rail [portale], (F)

Union des Exploitants des Chemins de fer Touristiques et de Musées (UNECTO), (F)

TPCF - Train du Pays Cathare et du Fenouillèdes, Saint-Paul-de-Fenouillet (F)

Railmusea in Nederland, Railway Museums in the Netherlands (portale) (NL)

Museum Buurt Spoorweg (MBS). The district railway museum MBS offers you a trip in a historical steam train between Haaksbergen and Boekelo (Haaksbergen, The Netherlands).

De Veluwsche Stoomtrein Maatschappij (VSM), stoomtrein tussen Apeldoorn en Dieren (steam train between Apeldoorn and Dieren), Beekbergen (NL)

ZLSM, Zuid Limburgse Stoomtrein Maatschappij, (steam train Valkenburg-Kerkrade), Simpelveld (NL).

Historische S-Bahn e.V., Berlin (D)

Historische S-Bahn Hamburg e.V., Hamburg (D)

Tiroler MuseumsBahnen (TMB), Innsbruck (A)

DVF, Danske Veterantog / Danish Heritage Railways, Danmark (DK)

Heritage Railway Association, UK & Irish Heritage Railways. A guide to the entire heritage railway scene (including tramways, cliff railways and steam trains) in the UK and Ireland.

Tourist Trains worldwide (portale)

Verband Deutscher Museums- und Touristikbahnen (D)

Verband Historischer Eisenbahnen Schweiz, Union des chemins de fer historiques de Suisse, Unione dei treni storici della Svizzera (CH)

Verband Österreichischer Museums- und Touristikbahnen (Austrian Museum & Tourist Railway Association), Wien (A)

Nostalgiebahnen in Kärnten Das Verzeichnis Deutscher Museumsbahnen.

FEDECRAIL, European Federation of Museum & Tourist Railways

Tram-Oldtimer Basel, Basel (CH)

BTT Brussels Tourist Tramway, Bruxelles (B)

Museispårvägen Malmö / the Malmö Museum Tramway, Malmö (Sweden)

Thamshavnbanen / the Thamshavn Railway, Løkken Verk (Norway) The Thamshavn Railway was constructed to carry cuprous pyrite ore from the Løkken Mines. When opened in 1908, it was Norway’s first electrical railway. At present Thamshavn Railway is the world’s oldest alternatingcurent- powered railway. In 1983, on the day of the 75 years’ anniversary of the railway opening, the first museum train started moving. Now you may travel by train between Løkken Verk and Bårdshaug in exactly the same carriages as in 1908.

Parowozownia Wolsztyn / Steam Locomotive Shed in Wolsztyn, Wolsztyn (Poland)

Shelburne Falls Trolley Museum, Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts (USA). The Shelburne Falls Trolley Museum is dedicated to preserving and operating Shelburne Falls & Colrain Street Railway trolley car No. 10. This car was built by Wason Manufacturing Co. in Springfield MA in 1896. It was delivered new to Shelburne Falls and has never left the valley.

Christchurch Tramway, New Zealand

Oigawa Railway, Japan (Japan's most popular railfan destination with steam operations and an Abt rack rail system).

Tram Ristorante, Roma (I)

Tram Ristorante ATMosfera, Milano (I)

Basels Restauranttram, Basel (CH)


Historic Naval Ships Association (HNSA). The vessels of the Historic Naval Ships Association speak of their nations' histories in a way that websites or videos cannot. Consisting of both museums and memorials, these ships honor the men and women who serve their nations as well as provide an exciting and fun place to learn about history and technology. Today, the 187 ships of the HNSA fleet ride peacefully at anchor, inviting you to cross their brows and journey back in time.

National Historic Ships UK is a government funded, independent organisation which gives objective advice to UK governments and local authorities, funding bodies, and the historic ships sector on all matters relating to historic vessels in the UK.

The Tall Ship at Riverside, Glasgow, Scotland (UK). The Clyde Maritime Trust (Scottish Charity No: SC004608) owns the barque Glenlee, the principal exhibit at The Tall Ship at Riverside. Of the many hundreds of ships built in Glasgow’s shipyards, the Glenlee is one of only five Clyde built ships still afloat in the world today and she is the only one of her kind in the UK. The Tall Ship is an independent museum committed to the preservation and interpretation of the Glenlee and the maritime history of the area for the benefit of local people and visitors to Glasgow. The Tall Ship operates a programme of year-round maritime themed events and activities, with specially devised talks and tours, school visits and costumed volunteer days. Explore every nook and cranny of the Glenlee, including the refurbished Captain’s cabin, with our brand new audio guide facility, a fun way to learn the history of the ship. Visit the mini cinema and under 5’s play area in the cargo hold, take part in our mouse hunt and put your questions to our working ship’s crew.

HMS Frigate Unicorn, Dundee, Scotland (UK). HMS UNICORN, of 46 guns, was built as a sailing frigate for the Royal Navy in Chatham dockyard and she was launched in 1824. Unicorn is now preserved as a historic ship and visitor attraction in Dundee, Scotland. She is one of the six oldest ships in the world, is Scotland’s only preserved warship and is the most completely original ship in the entire world to have survived from the golden age of sail.

Fregatten Jylland, Ebeltoft (DK). The longest wooden ship in the world, an authentic frigate surrounded by a museum hall and the Fregat Café from 2005, a ship building yard, a harbour for wooden ships.

the cruiser Aurora, St. Petersburg (Russia)

Navio-Museu Santo André, Ílhavo (Portugal). The Ship-Museum Santo André is an extension of the Maritime Museum of Ílhavo. It was part of the Portuguese cod-fleet and aims to illustrate the trawling techniques.