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Night noise guidelines for Europe. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, 2009, 184 p. [formato PDF, 1,72 MB]. "The WHO Regional Office for Europe set up a working group of experts to provide scientific advice to the Member States for the development of future legislation and policy action in the area of assessment and control of night noise exposure. The working group reviewed available scientific evidence on the health effects of night noise, and derived health-based guideline values. In December 2006, the working group and stakeholders from industry, government and nongovernmental organizations reviewed and reached general agreement on the guideline values and key texts for the final document of the Night noise guidelines for Europe. Considering the scientific evidence on the thresholds of night noise exposure indicated by Lnight,outside as defined in the Environmental Noise Directive (2002/49/EC), an Lnight, outside of 40 dB should be the target of the night noise guideline (NNG) to protect the public, including the most vulnerable groups such as children, the chronically ill and the elderly. Lnight,outside value of 55 dB is recommended as an interim target for the countries where the NNG cannot be achieved in the short term for various reasons, and where policy-makers choose to adopt a stepwise approach. These guidelines are applicable to the Member States of the European Region, and may be considered as an extension to, as well as an update of, the previous WHO Guidelines for community noise (1999)."

Carl E. Hanson, David A. Towers, and Lance D. Meister, Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. Federal Transit Administration, Office of Planning and Environment, Washington DC, May 2006, 261 p. [formato PDF, 4,24 MB]. "This report is the second edition of a guidance manual originally issued in 1995 which presents procedures for predicting and assessing noise and vibration impacts of proposed mass transit projects. All types of bus and rail projects are covered. Procedures for assessing noise and vibration impacts are provided for different stages of project development, from early planning before mode and alignment have been selected through preliminary engineering and final design. Both for noise and vibration, there are three levels of analysis described. The framework acts as a screening process, reserving detailed analysis for projects with the greatest potential for impacts while allowing a simpler process for projects with little or no effects. This updated guidance contains noise and vibration impact criteria that are used to assess the magnitude of predicted impacts. A range of mitigation measures are described for dealing with adverse noise and vibration impacts. There is a discussion of noise and vibration during the construction stage and also discussion of how the technical information should be presented in the Federal Transit Administration’s environmental documents. This guidance will be of interest not only to technical specialists who conduct the analyses but also to transit agency staff, federal agency reviewers, and members of the general public who may be affected by the projects." Manuale per la predizione e valutazione del rumore e delle vibrazioni risultanti da progetti di infrastrutture di trasporto pubblico.

Agenzia regionale per la protezione ambientale dell'Umbria, Inquinamento acustico: norme, strategie e controllo. (Quaderni di Arpa Umbria). Perugia, 2007, 129 p. [formato PDF, 2,23 MB].

Gerola F., Mattevi L. (a cura di), Raccolta normativa in materia di inquinamento acustico (versione aggiornata al febbraio 2000). APPA, Trento, 1999, 1 CD [33 file pdf zippati, totale 3,2 MB]. (Nel CD-ROM è contenuta la normativa nazionale e provinciale in materia di inquinamento acustico nonché la pubblicazione "Controllo della Rumorosità da Traffico Veicolare" (in formato PDF) consultabile con Acrobat Reader. L’ipertesto normativo contiene numerosi link che ne permettono una facile consultazione. Il CD contiene inoltre il programma dBCalcola che permette di determinare, partendo da una serie di misurazioni brevi di rumore, il livello continuo equivalente riferito a un determinato periodo di tempo selezionato dall'utente. Con dBCalcola è possibile inoltre determinare il livello di esposizione personale giornaliero al rumore di un lavoratore, in conformità a quanto previsto dal D.Lgs. 15 agosto 1991 n. 277).

APAT (Italia) : normativa sul rumore. Legge Quadro, DPCM, link alla normativa comunitaria

DPR 30 marzo 2004, n.142, Disposizioni per il contenimento e la prevenzione dell'inquinamento acustico derivante dal traffico veicolare, a norma dell'articolo 11 della legge 26 ottobre 1995, n. 447, Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 127 del 1 giugno 2004.


Annuario dei dati ambientali 2003 – Rumore (Italia) [file PDF zippato, 297 KB]

Network di rilevazione inquinamento acustico sul territorio, SEA aeroporti di Milano (Linate e Malpensa)


Uwe Clausen, Claus Doll, Francis James Franklin, Gordana Vasic Franklin, Hilmar Heinrichmeyer, Joachim Kochsiek, Werner Rothengatter and Niklas Sieber, Reducing Railway Noise Pollution. Study. European Parliament, 2012, 130 p. [formato PDF, 5,22 MB]. "12 million EU inhabitants are affected by railway noise during the day and 9 million during the night. This study lists measures, funding and regulations to reduce it. The introduction of modern rolling stock will lower noise most significantly. In the short run, the replacement of cast iron by composite brake blocks on rail freight cars is most important. Developing a regulation scheme for a staged process towards low-noise rolling stock is the heart of a rail noise abatement strategy."

J. Jabben, C. Potma, S. Lutter, Baten van geluidmaatregelen (Benefits of Noise Measures). Een inventarisatie voor weg- en railverkeer in Nederland (Benefici della riduzione del rumore causato dal trasporto stradale e ferroviario in Olanda). (RIVM 680300002/2007). RIVM, Bilthoven, 2007, 52 p. [formato PDF, 2,55 MB]. "Reduction of noise from road- and railway traffic will generate major social benefits in urban areas in the Netherlands. This will improve the environmental quality of residential areas and areas for new housing estate. This followed from an investigation carried out by the RIVM for the Dutch Ministry of Housing Spatial Planning and the Environment. In the investigation benefits from noise measures, such as silent tyres, quiet pavements and noise barriers were evaluated. The method of Hedonic Pricing was used te value the effect of noise on the market value of dwellings. Also the influence of reducing noise on the market value of building lands was investigated. In general measures at the source, such as silent tires, quiet pavements or tracks , appear to be highly cost-effective. Noise barriers seem less cost effective. The results of this study indicate that the total benefits from cost-effective noise measures amounts to 7 billion euros. The bulk of these benefits is be obtained alongside urban roads and railways. In addition to the social benefits from noise measures in dense built-up urban areas, benefits may also be attained by improving noise quality in nature areas and noise abatement zones in rural parts of the Netherlands. An indication based on the ‘willingness to pay’ of visitors for enjoying undisturbed nature amounts to over 60 million euros for all nature areas and noise abatement zones. In general, these benefits cannot be achieved cost-effectively. However, it is possible to find some areas with relatively large numbers of visitors where noise measures could prove cost-effective. One example in the Netherlands is the ‘Dwingelderveld’ National Park." Summary in English, p. 7-14.

L.C. (Eelco) den Boer, A. (Arno) Schroten, Traffic noise reduction in Europe. Health effects, social costs and technical and policy options to reduce road and rail traffic noise. CE Delft, March 2007, 70 p. [formato PDF, 1,38 MB]. "This reports describes the health effects of rail and road transport noise and presents a number of recommendations as to how to address them."

Melanie Kloth (Polis), Abating noise. Local measures on a short-term basis and long-term strategies. SILENCE Training Workshop, Barcelona, 26 February 2008, 26 slides [formato PDF, 906 kB].

Lars Ellebjerg (Danish Road Institute), The role of traffic flow and traffic calming measures. Results of SILENCE WP H1. Training Workshop, Warsaw, 14 November 2007, 24 slides [formato PDF, 3,15 MB].

PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory, Impact Assessment study on rail noise abatement measures addressing the existing fleets. Final Report. (Reference TREN/A1/46-2005). December 2007, 129 p. [formato PDF, 1,37 MB]. This study was prepared by PwC for the European Commission, Directorate General for Transport and Energy.

Lars Ellebjerg, Noise control through traffic flow measures - Effects and benefits. (Danish Road Institute Report 151). Hedehusene, Road Directorate, Danish Road Institute, 2007, 64 p. [formato PDF, 1,28 MB]. "Based on a thorough literature study, the effect of various traffic flow measures on noise and annoyance is assessed. The measures in the study range from typical traffic calming measures, the effects of which are limited to the specific location, to congestion charging which aims at changing traffic flows in large areas and entire cities."

Astrid H. Amundsen, Ronny Klæboe, A Nordic perspective on noise reduction at the source. (TØI report 806/2005), Oslo, Institute of Transport Economics TØI, 2005, 64 p. [formato PDF, 2,53 MB]. The report provides an overview of what is known about different types of noise abatement efforts (on vehicles, tyres, road surface and speed). Some tentative suggestions on what to do under Nordic conditions are given.

P.A. Morgan, P.M. Nelson and H. Steven, Integrated assessment of noise reduction measures in the road transport sector. TRL Limited/RWTÜV, 2003, 116 p. [formato PDF, 1,64 MB].

Jakob Oertli (SBB), Peter Hübner (UIC), Risanamento acustico del trasporto merci su ferrovia. Stato dell'arte. UIC, Luglio 2006, 11 p. [formato PDF, 342 KB].

Gruppo di lavoro Agenzie Ambientali, Linee guida per l’elaborazione di piani comunali di risanamento acustico, ANPA, 1998, 133 p. [file PDF, 237 KB]. Il documento costituisce il primo prodotto del gruppo di lavoro delle Agenzie ambientali, Nazionale, Regionali, delle Province Autonome, in materia di inquinamento acustico. L’emanazione della Legge Quadro sull’inquinamento acustico del 26 ottobre 1995, n.447, ed il conseguente obbligo delle Regioni di emanare leggi regionali di recepimento, ha stimolato l’avvio della collaborazione nel campo specifico tra le Agenzie per l’Ambiente già costituite al fine di sviluppare e proporre una posizione comune su aspetti di rilievo della nuova normativa. Il documento fa una panoramica di quella che è stata l’esperienza delle Regioni in materia di zonizzazioni e di interventi di risanamento, proponendo delle scelte laddove risulta possibile, illustrando le alternative quando l’esperienza non ha portato a delle soluzioni univoche. Illustra, inoltre, un ventaglio di possibili interventi di risanamento sulla base di esperienze già vissute in Italia, oppure di conoscenze tecniche maturate all’estero, sforzandosi, in tal caso, di fornire tutti gli elementi per i necessari approfondimenti).

F. Gerola (et al.), Progetto preliminare per la realizzazione di barriere antirumore lungo la tratta trentina della ferrovia del Brennero. APPA Trento, 2000, 12 p. [file pdf, 51 kB]


SILENCE. SILENCE, a research project funded by the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission, aims to develop an integrated methodology and technology for improved control of surface transport noise in urban areas. Issues that will be covered, include noise control at the source, noise propagation, noise emission, and the human perception of noise. SILENCE will provide relevant and world-leading technologies for efficient control of surface transport noise, innovative strategies for action plan for urban transport noise abatement and practical tools for their implementation, and will bring about a significant reduction of people's exposure to noise, especially in urban conditions.

Noise and traffic (Geluid and verkeer – sito in olandese e inglese) : Information on effects of noise on people, noise control by regulations & standards and control of noise production by vehicles, machinery etc (contiene diverse sezioni, tra cui la mappatura del rumore in diverse città olandesi ed europee)

Umweltbundesamt (D) Lärm (normativa, soglie, effetti sulla salute, riduzione del rumore) (in lingua tedesca)


Henrik Andersson, Jan-Erik Swärdh & Mikael Ögren (VTI), Traffic noise effects of property prices: Hedonic estimates based on multiple noise indicators. (CTS Woorking Paper 2015-11). Centre for Transport Studies, Stockholm, 2015, 28 p. [formato PDF, 624 kB]. "Valuation of traffic noise abatement based on hedonic pricing models of the property market has traditionally measured the noise as the equivalent, or another average, level. What is not captured in such a noise indicator is the maximum noise level of a vehicle passage. In this study, we incorporate the maximum noise level in the hedonic model letting the property price depend on both the equivalent noise level and the maximum noise level. Hedonic models for both rail and road noise are estimated."

European Environment Agency, Noise in Europe 2014. (EEA Report, 10/2014). EEA, Copenhagen, December 2014, 62 p. [formato PDF, 4,21 MB]. "This report is the European Environment Agency's (EEA) first noise assessment report. Its purpose is to present an overview and analysis of environmental noise based upon information reported to EEA by its member countries following the requirements of the EU Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise — the Environmental Noise Directive (END) (EU, 2002a)".

Maria Foraster, Nino Künzli, Inmaculada Aguilera, Marcela Rivera, David Agis, Joan Vila, Laura Bouso, Alexandre Deltell, Jaume Marrugat, Rafel Ramos, Jordi Sunyer, Roberto Elosua, and Xavier Basagaña, High blood pressure and long-term exposure to indoor noise and air pollution from road traffic. Environ Health Perspect 122:1193–1200, November 2014 (8 p.) [formato PDF, 232 KB]. "Background: Traffic noise has been associated with prevalence of hypertension, but reports are inconsistent for blood pressure (BP). To ascertain noise effects and to disentangle them from those suspected to be from traffic-related air pollution, it may be essential to estimate people’s noise exposure indoors in bedrooms. Objectives: We analyzed associations between long-term exposure to indoor traffic noise in bedrooms and prevalent hypertension and systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) BP, considering long-term exposure to outdoor nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Methods: We evaluated 1,926 cohort participants at baseline (years 2003–2006; Girona, Spain). Outdoor annual average levels of nighttime traffic noise (Lnight) and NO2 were estimated at postal addresses with a detailed traffic noise model and a land-use regression model, respectively. Individual indoor traffic Lnight levels were derived from outdoor Lnight with application of insulations provided by reported noise-reducing factors. We assessed associations for hypertension and BP with multi-exposure logistic and linear regression models, respectively. Results: Median levels were 27.1 dB(A) (indoor Lnight), 56.7 dB(A) (outdoor Lnight), and 26.8 µg/m3 (NO2). Spearman correlations between outdoor and indoor Lnight with NO2 were 0.75 and 0.23, respectively. Indoor Lnight was associated both with hypertension (OR = 1.06; 95% CI: 0.99, 1.13) and SBP (ß = 0.72; 95% CI: 0.29, 1.15) per 5 dB(A); and NO2 was associated with hypertension (OR = 1.16; 95% CI: 0.99, 1.36), SBP (ß = 1.23; 95% CI: 0.21, 2.25), and DBP (ß = 0.56; 95% CI: –0.03, 1.14) per 10 µg/m3. In the outdoor noise model, Lnight was associated only with hypertension and NO2 with BP only. The indoor noise–SBP association was stronger and statistically significant with a threshold at 30 dB(A). Conclusion: Long-term exposure to indoor traffic noise was associated with prevalent hypertension and SBP, independently of NO2. Associations were less consistent for outdoor traffic Lnight and likely affected by collinearity."

Christopher J. W. McClure, Heidi E. Ware, Jay Carlisle, Gregory Kaltenecker and Jesse R. Barbe (Boise State Univ.), An experimental investigation into the effects of traffic noise on distributions of birds: avoiding the phantom road. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2013; 280 (1773): 20132290 (10 p.) [formato PDF, 780 KB]. Published 6 November 2013. "Many authors have suggested that the negative effects of roads on animals are largely owing to traffic noise. Although suggestive, most past studies of the effects of road noise on wildlife were conducted in the presence of the other confounding effects of roads, such as visual disturbance, collisions and chemical pollution among others. We present, to our knowledge, the first study to experimentally apply traffic noise to a roadless area at a landscape scale—thus avoiding the other confounding aspects of roads present in past studies. We replicated the sound of a roadway at intervals—alternating 4 days of noise on with 4 days off—during the autumn migratory period using a 0.5 km array of speakers within an established stopover site in southern Idaho. We conducted daily bird surveys along our ‘Phantom Road’ and in a nearby control site. We document over a one-quarter decline in bird abundance and almost complete avoidance by some species between noise-on and noise-off periods along the phantom road and no such effects at control sites—suggesting that traffic noise is a major driver of effects of roads on populations of animals." [full text free, supplementary data].

ARPAT, Il rumore generato dalle infrastrutture di trasporto. Presentazione di una panoramica dello stato dell’arte dei progetti europei sul rumore ambientale, la sua valutazione, i suoi effetti gli strumenti per la sua mitigazione. ARPATnews, n. 007 - Martedì 10 Gennaio 2012, 9 p. [formato PDF, 247 kB] o [html]. Testo di questo numero a cura di Gaetano Licitra, Diego Palazzuoli, Mara Nolli e Stefania Calleri.

Jakob Oertli, Peter Hübner, Railway Noise in Europe. A 2010 report on the state of the art. International Union of Railways, Paris, September 2010, 31 p. [formato PDF, 1,90 MB]. Also available in German and French.

Burden of disease from environmental noise. Quantification of healthy life years lost in Europe. World Health Organization, Copenhagen, 2011, 128 p. [formato PDF, 3,00 MB]. "This publication was prepared by experts in working groups convened by the WHO Regional Office for Europe to provide technical support to policy-makers and their advisers in the quantitative risk assessment of environmental noise, using evidence and data available in Europe. The chapters contain the summary of synthesized reviews of evidence on the relationship between environmental noise and specific health effects, including cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment, sleep disturbance and tinnitus. A chapter on annoyance is also included. For each outcome, the environmental burden of disease methodology, based on exposure–response relationship, exposure distribution, background prevalence of disease and disability weights of the outcome, is applied to calculate the burden of disease in terms of disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs). With conservative assumptions applied to the calculation methods, it is estimated that DALYs lost from environmental noise are 61 000 years for ischaemic heart disease, 45 000 years for cognitive impairment of children, 903 000 years for sleep disturbance, 22 000 years for tinnitus and 587 000 years for annoyance in the European Union Member States and other western European countries. These results indicate that at least one million healthy life years are lost every year from trafficrelated noise in the western part of Europe. Sleep disturbance and annoyance, mostly related to road traffic noise, comprise the main burden of environmental noise. Owing to a lack of exposure data in south-east Europe and the newly independent states, it was not possible to estimate the disease burden in the whole of the WHO European Region. The procedure of estimating burdens related to environmental noise exposure presented here can be used by international, national and local authorities as long as the assumptions, limitations and uncertainties reported in this publication are carefully taken into account."

W. Passchier-Vermeer, H. Vos, S.A. Janssen, H.M.E. Miedema, Sleep and traffic noise. Summary report. (TNO Summary report 2007-D-R0012/A). Delft, March 2007, 20 p. [formato PDF, 139 kB]. This document presents a summary of the results of the field study ‘sleep and traffic noise’. The study was commissioned by the Netherlands Institute of Public Health and the Environment, financed by the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, and coordinated and conducted by TNO.

European Environment Agency, Good practice guide on noise exposure and potential health effects. (EEA Technical report, 11/2010). Copenhagen, October 2010, 40 p. [formato PDF, 1,47 MB]. "The main purpose of this document is to present current knowledge about the health effects of noise. The emphasis is first of all to provide end users with practical and validated tools to calculate health impacts of noise in all kinds of strategic noise studies such as the action plans required by the Environmental Noise Directive (END) or any environmental impact statements. The basis of this is a number of recent reviews carried out by well known institutions like WHO, National Health and Environment departments and professional organisations. No full bibliography is provided but the key statements are referenced and in the reference list, some documents are highlighted which may serve as further reading. This good practice guide is intended to assist policymakers, competent authorities and any other interested parties in understanding and fulfilling the requirements of the directive by making recommendations on linking action planning to recent evidence relating to the health impacts of environmental noise and, among others, the Night Noise Guidelines for Europe as recently presented by the World Health Organisation."

Jeffrey A. Zapfe, Hugh Saurenman, Sanford Fidell, Ground-Borne Noise and Vibration in Buildings Caused by Rail Transit. (TCRP D-12 Final Report). Transit Cooperative Research Program, Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2010, 208 p. [formato PDF, 12,7 MB]. "Ground vibration produced by rail transit systems can be annoying to nearby building occupants when they perceive some combination of feelable vibration, re-radiated sound, and vibrationinduced rattling of household paraphernalia. Community response to rail-induced ground vibration has not been extensively researched. While the well-known Schultz dosage-response curve is routinely used to predict the prevalence of annoyance produced by airborne transportation noise, no similar relationship has gained widespread acceptance for noise and vibration due to ground vibration. The principal goal of the present research was to develop a dosage-response relationship useful for predicting community annoyance due to ground vibration produced by rail transit systems. This report documents the research conducted under the Transit Cooperative Research Program D-12 project, including a literature review, development of the study design, conduct of telephone interviews and vibration measurements, and data reduction and analyses. Telephone interviews were conducted with 1306 individuals in five North American cities: New York, Sacramento, Dallas, Toronto and Boston. Field measurements were made in each city to estimate vibration and noise exposure at each interview location. The work produced several dosage-response relationships between vibration/noise exposure and annoyance. When compared to the current noise and vibration criteria specified by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), the dosage-response analysis predicted a probability of 0.05 to 0.10 that a D-12 respondent would be highly annoyed by vibration and noise at the current FTA criterion levels."

Eberhard Greiser, Claudia Greiser, Risikofaktor nächtlicher Fluglärm. Abschlussbericht über eine Fall-Kontroll-Studie zu kardiovaskulären und psychischen Erkrankungen im Umfeld des Flughafens Köln-Bonn (Risk factor night-time aircraft noise. Final report on a case-control study in the vicinity of Cologne-Bonn International Airport). (Schriftenreihe Umwelt & Gesundheit Nr. 01/2010). Umweltbundesamt, Dessau, März 2010, 32 p. [formato PDF, 1,38 MB] + Anlagenband (Supplementary Notes) 606 p. [formato PDF, 4,09 MB]. "The aim of the case-control study was to determine the possible impact of aircraft noise, especially at night, on cardiovascular diseases and on psychiatric diseases. The data of more than 1.020 Million persons, insured in compulsory sickness funds with place of residence in the study region (City of Cologne and two counties adjacent to the airport (Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis) were linked using a geographic information system to environmental noise data, area-specific social welfare rates as well as local nursing home bed density. The study populations comprises more than 55% of the total population of the study region. Multiple logistic regressions were calculated by gender. Results show an linear increase of disease risk for cardiovascular diseases from 40 dB(A) Leq onwards in all investigated time windows (6-22, 22-6, 23-1, 3-5 hours) and from 35,25 dB(A) onwards for 24-hours Leq. This does not apply to acute myocardial infarction. For psychiatric disorders there is one consistent result, only: depressive disorders in females. In most of the analyses there is a considerably larger increase of disease risk for that part of the study population which was not entitled to reimbursement of noise prevention measures for bedroom windows. A discussion of available scientific evidence according to epidemiologic criteria of causation (Hill’s criteria) ascertains that there is sufficient evidence for causation of cardiovascular diseases (except myocardial infarction) by aircraft noise."

Autorité de contrôle des nuisances sonores aéroportuaires (ACNUSA), Rapport d'activité 2008. Paris, 2009, 108 p. [formato PDF, 4,21 MB]. Contiene il capitolo "Survoler sans gêner" sugli interventi già realizzati e da intraprendere per ridurre le emissioni sonore del trasporto aereo.

Bibliographie sur l’émission acoustique des tramways. Modélisation des véhicules étendus par des sources sonores ponctuelles. (Rapports d’étude du Certu). CERTU, Lyon, 2009, 117 p. [formato PDF, 3,84 MB]. "Cet ouvrage se propose donc de rassembler toutes les connaissances actuelles sur le bruit des tramways. Ce rapport traite en priorité de la modélisation des différentes sources d'émission acoustique de ce type de véhicule. La partie propagation est, quant à elle, traitée par les logiciels développés pour le bruit ferroviaire (par exemple, le logiciel MITHRA, validé par la SNCF) ou par des modèles d'ingénierie basés sur des abaques. La collecte des documents et références s'est étalée sur les années 2007 et 2008. Les références utilisées proviennent d’horizons variés, aussi bien sur le fond avec des articles scientifiques publiés dans des revues internationales et des rapports d'études, que sur la forme avec des textes en langue française ou étrangère, même si les documents en français sont les plus nombreux. De nombreuses références émanent du Réseau Scientifique et Technique (RST) du Ministère de l'Ecologie, de l'Energie, du Développement Durable et de l'Aménagement du Territoire (MEEDDAT). Ce travail est divisé en quatre grandes parties: les principales sources sonores émises par un tramway ainsi que les différentes modélisations existantes; les paramètres principaux de l'émission sonore (vitesse, type de plate-forme, entretien des voies; la réglementation française applicable aux tramways et quelques recommandations pour mener à bien une étude d'impact; quelques réflexions sur la recherche d'un nouvel indicateur acoustique autre que le LAeq et spécifique au tramway. Cette réflexion est d’ailleurs générale dans le domaine du bruit des transports.Le lectorat visé par ce document est relativement large : bureaux d'études acoustiques, maîtres d’ouvrage et gestionnaires d'infrastructures et même riverains désireux de mieux connaître le bruit des tramways et ses facteurs d'émissions." [Download gratuito, registrazione necessaria].

Dorothée Grange, Edouard Chatignoux, Isabelle Gremy (Observatoire régional de santé d'Ile-de-France), Les perceptions du bruit en Ile-de-France. Rapport ORS Ile-de-France, mars 2009, 158 p. [formato PDF, 2,16 MB].

Effects of Aircraft Noise: Research Update on Select Topics. A Synthesis of Airport Practice. (ACRP Synthesis 9). Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2008, 99 p. [formato PDF, 2,16 MB]. "The report includes an annotated bibliography and summary of new research on the effects of aircraft noise. The report is designed to update and complement the U.S. Federal Highway Administration’s 1985 Aviation Noise Effects report."

Lars Jarup, Wolfgang Babisch, Danny Houthuijs, Göran Pershagen, Klea Katsouyanni, Ennio Cadum, Marie-Louise Dudley, Pauline Savigny, Ingeburg Seiffert, Wim Swart, Oscar Breugelmans, Gösta Bluhm, Jenny Selander, Alexandros Haralabidis, Konstantina Dimakopoulou, Panayota Sourtzi, Manolis Velonakis, and Federica Vigna-Taglianti, on behalf of the HYENA study team, Hypertension and Exposure to Noise Near Airports: the HYENA Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 116 (2008) 329-333 [formato PDF, 143 KB].

Alexandros S. Haralabidis , Konstantina Dimakopoulou , Federica Vigna-Taglianti , Matteo Giampaolo , Alessandro Borgini , Marie-Louise Dudley , Göran Pershagen , Gösta Bluhm , Danny Houthuijs , Wolfgang Babisch , Manolis Velonakis , Klea Katsouyanni , Lars Jarup , and for the HYENA Consortium, Acute effects of night-time noise exposure on blood pressure in populations living near airports. European Heart Journal 29 (2008) 658-664 [formato PDF, 264 KB].

Mikael Ögren, Noise emission from railway traffic. (VTI rapport 559A), VTI (Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute), Linköping, 2006, 41 p. [formato PDF, 420 KB]. "This report is a literature survey on how the railway noise is generated, and to what extend different measures at the source can reduce the noise emission. The report also briefly describes what limits and recommendations on noise exposure are enforced now and in the near future. Furthermore the noise propagation methods used for calculating the noise level at different receiver positions (noise exposure) from the noise emission are discussed."

Jacques Lambert, Le bruit des transports en Europe: exposition de la population, risques pour la santé et coût pour la collectivité. (Colloque Le bruit en Europe, Paris, 12-13 Décembre 2000). Paris, 2000, 9 p. [formato PDF, 58 kB].

Lawrence S. Finegold, Michiko S. Finegold, Development of exposure-response relationships between transportation noise and community annoyance, Japan Net-Symposium on “Annoyance, Stress and Health Effects of Environmental Noise”, November-December 2002, 17 p. [formato PDF, 122 KB].

European Commission, Position paper on dose response relationships between transportation noise and annoyance , Luxembourg, 2002, 40 p. [formato PDF, 913 kB].

H.M.E. Miedema, W. Passchier-Vermeer, H. Vos, Elements for a position paper on nigth-time transportation noise and sleep disturbance, TNO Inro, Delft, January 2003, TNO Inro report 2002-59, 64 p. [formato PDF, 548 kB].

Francesco Marangon, La valutazione dell'impatto acustico degli aeroporti. Aspetti socio-economici, Working paper Series in Economics, n. 3/2003, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Università di Udine, 25 p. [formato PDF, 80 kB]


ACNUSA, Autorité de contrôle des nuisances sonores aéroportuaires, Paris (F)

Forschungsverband Leiser Verkehr / Research network Quiet traffic. Collaborazione tra enti di ricerca, istituzioni e aziende per ridurre il rumore causato dai vari modi di trasporto (sede: Köln, Germania)

CIDB Centre d’Information et de Documentation sur le Bruit (Paris, F).

Noise Abatement Society (NAS), Brighton (UK)

EEA (Agenzia Europea per l’Ambiente)

ISPRA Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (Italia)

SINAnet Rete nazionale di informazione in campo ambientale

ARPA Friuli-Venezia Giulia

ARPAV Veneto

APPA Trento Agenzia provinciale per la protezione dell’ambiente del Trentino

APPA Bolzano/Bozen Agenzia provinciale per la protezione dell’ambiente e la tutela del lavoro, Bolzano/Bozen

ARPA Piemonte

ARPAL Liguria

ARPA Lombardia

ARPA Emilia-Romagna

ARPAT Toscana

RIVM The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (NL)

TNO (independent research organisation) (NL)

Umweltbundesamt (D)

SEPA, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

EPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Transportation and Air Quality)