

EDITS, European Digital Traffic Infrastructure Network for Intelligent Transport Systems, is an European Union co-funded project under the umbrella of the Central Europe (CE) Programme which aims at enabling cross-border multimodal travel information based on harmonized traffic data and information gathered on transnational level.

SUPERHUB, SUstainable and PERsuasive Human Users moBility in future cities, is a European co-funded project strongly committed to the 2014 realisation of an open source platform and mobile app able to plan customised urban routes, combining all mobility offers in real time.

Poly-SUMP, Polycentric Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (2012-2014). The project aims to develop a sustainable mobility planning methodology in polycentric regions – areas characterised by several centres, where services and goods, and therefore transport needs, are scattered in different towns.

SEEMORE, Sustainable and Energy Efficient Mobility Options in Tourist Regions in Europe.

BUMP, Boosting Urban Mobility Plans. BUMP provides city planners, environmental and technical officers in local authorities with the knowledge and skills to plan and manage sustainable mobility in urban and peri-urban areas. Then BUMP supports the most committed towns and cities to produce their own Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.

SUSTRAIL (sustainable freight railway), European Project, June 2011-May 2015. Designing the freight vehicle – track system for higher delivered tonnage with improved availability at reduced cost.

ECOTALE (External Costs of Transport and Land Equalization), European Project, 2012-2014. ECOTALE project aims at integrating the traditional approach based on the “economic" internalization of external costs (i.e. pricing measures) with a wider internalization approach considering land use and environmental planning as well. ECOTALE promotes the exchange, sharing and transfer of policy experience, knowledge and good practices in the field of the internalization of external cost of transport, planning and investment decisions. The Project is carried out by 9 partners from 7 countries. It is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme.

QUEST (Quality management tool for Urban Energy efficient Sustainable Transport), European Project, 2011-2013. QUEST is a Quality Management tool developed to help small and medium-sized cities to set up and further develop their sustainable mobility policies and actions with the assistance of an external expert – the QUEST Auditor.

OPTIMISM (optimising passenger transport systems), European project, 2011-2013. The OPTIMISM project aims to contribute to a more sustainable transport system in Europe, by focusing on passenger transport behaviour. OPTIMISM will develop different sets of strategies and methodologies for optimising passenger transport systems based on co-modality ICT solutions.

STRAIGHTSOL (Strategies and measures for smarter urban freight solutions) is a 3-year EU-funded project (2012-2014), comprising seven innovative cutting edge urban freight demonstrations. STRAIGHTSOL is a research project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Cooperation Work Programme Sustainable Surface Transport, Theme: Urban-interurban shipments.

InTraRegio, InterModal Transport Portal Project (2012-2014). The InTraRegio project is a coordination action funded under the “Regions of knowledge” programme from the 7th Framework Programme. The project brings together five clusters from different European regions: Canary Islands (ES), Bremen (DE), Marmara (TR), Calabria (IT) and Ruse (BG) with the aim to enhance intermodality in their regional transport systems, foster the economic developments of the regions and improve clusters’ capacities and performance. Through mutual learning processes and collaborative relationships among the regional research-driven clusters, represented by 18 partners coming from governmental, research and industrial side, a transnational strategy will be established, directed at developing the take up of innovative measures that spin towards new collaboration among regional players and address as a joint force transport-related issues.

RETRACK, REorganisation of Transport networks by advanced RAil freight Concepts. Project funded under the European Commission (EC) FP6 Programme (2007-2011). The RETRACK consortium of 13 partners includes European privately owned rail freight operators, experienced IT and training specialists and leading European R&D organisations which are actively contributing to the success of the project.

SAFEWAY2SCHOOL, the European traffic safety research project (2009-2012). The aim of this project, funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Research Program, is to make the school roads in Europe safer for children, from home to school and back.

momo Car-Sharing, a European project supported by IEE - Intelligent Energy Europe (2009-2011). The key objective of momo is to contribute significantly to sustainable mobility patterns by establishing a mobility culture which is based on using various transport options instead of car ownership. Car-Sharing has a great, but mostly unexploited, potential in Europe. Being a kind of decentralised car-rental service, Car-Sharing complements the sustainable transport modes of walking, cycling and Public Transport – thus giving an alternative to car-ownership without any restriction on individual mobility. With Car-Sharing as a market-based service, transport can be organised more rationally and more resource-efficiently. The European momo project wants to increase awareness, to improve the service of Car-Sharing and to increase the energy-efficiency within the existing Car-Sharing operations. The momo consortium is composed of municipalities, Car-Sharing operators, research organisations, energy agencies and the International Public Transport Organisation UITP. Eight European countries are directly represented by the momo partners, but momo wishes to gain interest and awareness all over Europe. momo has the ambitious target of 20,000 new Car-Sharing customers – with significant impacts on transport patterns, energy consumption, CO2 emissions and on the reallocation of urban space through the replacement of private cars. momo will disseminate its experiences and will make recommendations on how to establish, develop and integrate eco-efficient Car-Sharing into urban development and with Public Transport services.

Presto è un progetto per la promozione della mobilità ciclistica in Europa (2009-2012). I tre pilastri tematici di PRESTO: pianificazione delle infrastrutture, promozione, promozione delle pedelec.

AlpCheck2, which stands for “Alpine Mobility Check – Step 2”, is a project co-funded by the Alpine Space Programme in the framework of Territorial Cooperation 2007-2013. The Project originates from the effective experience of Alpcheck, a strategic project carried out within the programming period 2000-2006 and it aims at creating a concrete tool for road transport management and planning for the whole Alpine area. Indeed, AlpCheck2, integrating standard functionalities of classical Information System with advanced transport and environmental simulation models will be able to supports the public decision makers by providing free on line access to a vast set of traffic data: actual and simulated data concerning a set of future scenarios will be interactively accessible. Environmental data (atmospheric and noise emissions, money values of impacts) will also be available.

AENEAS was a new European project in the framework of the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) programme (2008-2011). Its acronym stands for "Attaining Energy-Efficient Mobility in an Ageing Society." The project's objective was nothing less than to become the cornerstone for international reference projects in the field of urban mobility of older people. Although the project concluded its activities in April 2011, this website is still being updated from time to time and gives you access to the wealth of information that was created during the project's duration.

MMOVE (Mobility Management Over Europe: changing mobility patterns) (EU project, 2009-2011). During this 3 years project, MMOVE partners have identified and exchanged Best Practices on sustainable mobility in the field of communication and awareness raising, traffic management and control and public and collective transport, analyzing the potential transfer of a selection these practices in their own cities. This will represent the basis to negotiate at political level the development and future implementation of sustainable mobility strategies and policies.

CityMobil, five year EU programme on the development and demonstration of innovative transport technologies for cities. "It addresses the integration of automated transport systems in the urban environment".

iMonitraf! (Monitoraggio degli effetti del traffico stradale nello spazio alpino e misure comuni). E' un progetto ALPINE SPACE che si sviluppa per un periodo di tre anni (2009 - 2012) e viene finanziato del Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale (FESR) e da finanziamenti nazionali.

SUTRANET, Sustainable Transport Research & Development Network in the North Sea Region. "The vision of SUTRANET has been to improve the knowledge-base for freight transport systems in the North Sea Region and for transport related policy decisions. The focus has been on improved efficiency and sustainability of transport networks and solutions serving unitised goods transport flows in the region."

DISTILLATE, Design and Implementation Support Tools for Integrated Local land Use, Transport and the Environment, is one of 14 research programmes funded under the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council’s overarching research programme on the development of a Sustainable Urban Environment. The principal objective of DISTILLATE is to develop, through a focused, inter-disciplinary research programme, ways of overcoming the barriers to effective development and delivery of sustainable urban transport and land use strategies and, through them, enhanced quality of life.

QUANTIFY, Quantifying the Climate Impact of Global and European Transport Systems (EU FP6 Integrated Project).

ASSET. ASSET (ASsessing SEnsitiveness to Transport) is a new EC funded project which aims to develop the scientific and methodological capabilities to implement European policies aiming at balancing the protection of environmentally Sensitive Areas (SA) with the provision of an efficient transport system.

SpiCycles. Sustainable Planning & Innovation for biCYCLES. Spicycles is one of the Intelligent Energy Europe STEER projects that aims to demonstrate that the share of cycling can be increased even more.

DIFFERENT. User Reaction and Efficient DIFFERENTiation of Charges and Tolls. (Project 019746 funded by the European Communities 6th Framework Programme). "A key issue in putting differentiated charges into practice is the need to understand user reactions to differentiated prices, and this will be investigated in DIFFERENT through empirical as well as inter-related theoretical work. The main emphasis of the DIFFERENT project is on the empirical work, based on real-world case studies. Hence a range of cases where price differentiation is actually applied will be studied. However, since in some sectors real world cases are scarce or lacking, use will also be made of Stated and Revealed Preference research. In addition, models will be used to analyse the effects of price differentiation, in particular with regard to long-term consequences."

ASK-IT. Ambient Intelligence System of Agents for Knowledge-based and Integrated Services for Mobility Impaired users. "The ASK-IT integrated project aims at establish Ambient Intelligence (AmI) in semantic web enabled services, to support and promote the mobility of Mobility Impaired people, enabling the provision of personalised, self-configurable, intuitive and context-related applications and services and facilitating knowledge and content organisation and processing." (Progetto europeo)

CURACAO. 'Co-ordination of Urban RoAd-user ChArging Organisational issues' is a new EC funded project which aims to coordinate research and monitor the results of the implementation of road user charging as a demand management tool in urban areas. CURACAO is a research and best practice monitoring and coordination action.

PROCEED, the site for High Quality Local Bus Transport. "PROCEED is conducting research into public transport operations in small and medium sized cities and on how to improve its attractiveness to the users, its efficiency and effectiveness. Initially the project will map and analyse successful case cities, and this will lead to a tool for planning and delivering successful public transport. The project will give a better understanding of the key factors that influence public transport, as well as how the position of public transport in the transport system can be strengthened so its market share can increase." (Progetto iniziato nell'ottobre 2006, la durata prevista è di tre anni).

START (Short Term Actions to Reorganize Transport of goods) : progetto europeo per la distribuzione urbana delle merci (per ridurre l’inquinamento atmosferico ed i consumi energetici

CIVITAS (City-VITAlity-Sustainability), cleaner and better transport in cities: progetto europeo per aiutare le città ad ottenere un sistema di trasporto urbano più sostenibile, più pulito e più efficiente sotto l’aspetto energetico

LUTR (Land Use and Transportation Research: Policies for the City of Tomorrow) cluster: 7 progetti europei nell’ambito della mobilità urbana sostenibile (ARTISTS, ASI, CITY FREIGHT, ECOCITY, ISHTAR, PROMPT, PROPOLIS, PROSPECTS, SCATTER, SUTRA, TRANSPLUS, VELOINFO) + PLUME (Planning and Urban Mobility in Europe - 2005)

SIPTRAM Sustainability in the Public Urban Transport Market. The SIPTRAM project aims to encourage local and regional authorities across Europe to improve the environmental and quality standards in urban public transport through the competitive tendering process. The project is funded by the European Commission, Directorate General for the Environment, under the Community Framework for Co-operation to promote Sustainable Urban Development (COM, 2002/C 26/08).

BESTUFS II, Best Urban Freight Solutions. The project is a follow-up initiative of the successful BESTUFS project and aims to maintain and expand an open European network between urban freight transport experts, user groups/associations, ongoing projects, the relevant European Commission Directorates and representatives of national, regional and local transport administrations and transport operators in order to identify, describe and disseminate best practices, success criteria and bottlenecks with respect to City Logistics Solutions (CLS).

City Ports coinvolge 12 città europee nella sperimentazione del trasporto e distribuzione di merci nei centri urbani (city logistics)

EuroTAP , European Tunnel Assessment Programme : programma europeo per verificare la sicurezza dei tunnel stradali. Contiene i risultati del test 2005. Per anni l’Italia è stato l’unico paese europeo a opporsi alle ispezioni; nel 2005 il Ministero dei Trasporti ha permesso agli esperti internazionali di esaminare alcuni tunnel a gestione pubblica, ma non è stato dato l’accesso a quelli gestiti in concessione a causa dell’opposizione dell’AISCAT (con l’eccezione della società Autobrennero, che ha permesso la verifica sul tunnel di Franzensfeste già nel 2003). VediItaly's tunnels: The door has opened slightly...

moses [sito cessato, reperito da Internet Archive]: mobility services for urban sustainability : portale del progetto europeo dedicato al Car sharing realizzato in 8 città europee. (Moses will develop mobility services to reduce dependence on the private car on a European scale - without restricting mobility. The existing small-scale system of Car-Sharing is to be improved significantly, with better service, integrated innovative technologies, intermodal co-operation with other mobility services (e.g. public transport, taxi, cycling, delivery services etc.) and integration of these innovative services into strategies of urban revitalisation and new developments to increase urban efficiency.) Contiene documenti, presentazioni a convegni, relazioni sulle realizzazioni.

Clean Air for Europe (CAFE) Program, “a programme of technical analysis and policy development which will lead to the adoption of a thematic strategy on air pollution under the Sixth Environmental Action Programme by mid 2005. Its aim is to develop a long-term, strategic and integrated policy advice to protect against significant negative effects of air pollution on human health and the environment. The European Commission will present its Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution during the first half year of 2005.”

TIPP: Transport Institutions in the Policy Process : research project in the EU 5th Framework Programme (2004-2005): reports and final seminar (3 December 2004) with presentations

ALP-NET , Thematic Network on Trans-Alpine Crossing

Euro Working Group Transportation : European Research Projects (EXTRA, PORTAL, STELLA, HEAVEN)

IMPRINT-EUROPE , Programma di ricerca UE (2001-2004): “Implementing Pricing Reform in Transport – Effective Use of Research on Pricing in Europe” (contiene documenti e atti di convegni

SMILE (Sustainable Mobility Initiatives for Local Environment) , progetto europeo, concluso nel 2004, che raccoglie numerosi (170) esempi di buone pratiche nel campo della mobilità sostenibile a livello di enti locali

Urban Transport Pricing in Europe , Portale di sei progetti finanziati dalla Commissione UE : CUPID, PRoGREss, EUROPRICE, MCICAM, DESIRE, IMPRINT-EUROPE

LibeRTiN, Light Rail Thematic Network: progetto europeo per la standardizzazione del Light Rail (compreso il tram-treno)

PROPOLIS , progetto europeo su “Planning and Research of Policies for Land Use and Transport for Increasing Urban Sustainability”

REal COst Reduction of Door-to-door Intermodal Transport (RECORDIT) Progetto concluso nel 2001. Documenti disponibili su Internet Archive.


Programme ITTECOP, Infrastructures de transports terrestres, écosystèmes et paysages (2012-2015, France). ITTECOP est un programme incitatif de recherche conduit par le ministère de l’Écologie, du Développement durable et de l’Énergie (MEDDE), en coordination avec l’ADEME. Son objectif principal est de confronter les enjeux techniques des infrastructures de transports terrestres (routières, ferrées ou fluviales) et leurs interfaces aux territoires (gares, ports ou aéroports) avec les dimensions paysagères des territoires concernés.

TraMeS (Trasporto Merci Sostenibile). Il progetto TraMeS si propone di studiare ed implementare strumentazioni (hardware/software) e metodologie per definire un innovativo modello logistico delle merci operativo regionale, a supporto delle PMI e dei Distretti Produttivi, nonché a servizio di una mobilità sostenibile nel contesto di aree metropolitane contemporanee (city logistics). Il progetto, nello specifico, si propone di integrare in modo ottimizzato la nuova tipologia di unità di carico, nota come SITU (Small Intermodal Transport Unit), nel modello logistico proposto. Rispetto all’attuale standard delle ITU (Intermodal Transport Unit), i SITU consentono infatti di introdurre volumetrie e dimensioni più contenute (da 1 a 6 euro-iso pallet di base) nei vari processi produttivi, per una maggiore flessibilità di gestione, frazionamento e relativa personalizzazione fisico-tecnica del carico.

FUTURES, Future Urban Technologies: Undertaking Research to Enhance Sustainability. Programma sostenuto dal governo del Regno Unito, da università (Southampton, Leeds, West of England), imprese ed enti locali.

MD-PIT, A Multi-Disciplinary study of Pricing policies In Transport (NL) – progetto di ricerca multidisciplinare di 4 università olandesi sulle applicazioni e gli effetti delle politiche di road pricing e transport pricing. Il sito contiene numerose pubblicazioni.

NRP41, Programma concluso : National Research Program Transport and Environment (CH)

Predit, Programma in corso : Programme National de Recherche et d’Innovation dans les Transports Terrestres (F)