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Scenari dell'intermodalità. Studio per l’Interporto di Padova. Gruppo di lavoro: Sergio Bologna, Sergio Curi, Danilo Stevanato. Milano, marzo 2013, 49 p. [formato PDF, 2,69 MB]. "La presente ricerca, svolta su sollecitazione dell’Interporto di Padova, è l’ideale continuazione del precedente lavoro del 2011 “Scenari Adriatici” che aveva come oggetto le possibili strategie di collaborazione e di azione sinergica nei settori dell’intermodalità e dell’immobiliare della logistica tra i principali interporti del Nord Italia (Bologna, Padova e Verona). Questo anche in relazione al possibile aumento del traffico intermodale generato dalla crescita del flusso di container passante dai porti del Nord Adriatico (Venezia, Trieste e Ravenna), dove sono in corso di progettazione, non solo importanti aumenti di capacità, ma soprattutto sembra emergere un rinnovato interesse da parte di importanti gruppi armatoriali verso la via adriatica. Lo sviluppo previsto nei prossimi anni dei paesi dell’Est Europa e dei Balcani riporta infatti all’attenzione delle compagnie di navigazione un bacino marittimo, quello adriatico appunto, fino ad ora visto solo come un’onerosa deviazione, rispetto alla rotta base Suez-Gibilterra, da parte delle navi LCS/VLCS1. In questa ricerca l’attenzione è stata posta in particolare sui rapporti tra l’attività dei terminal container dei porti dell’Arco Tirrenico e dell’Alto adriatico, quella svolta dagli inland terminal e l’importanza che assume l’intermodalità ferroviaria in questo mercato."

Luciano Greco, Il sistema degli Interporti italiani, [relazione per il] 40° Anniversario della Costituzione di Interporto Padova SPA, Aula Magna dell’Università di Padova, 15 marzo 2013, 17 slides [formato PDF, 3,59 MB].

Rapporto UIR. Il sistema degli Interporti italiani nel 2011. Unione Interporti Riuniti, Dicembre 2012, 84 p. [formato PDF, 2,89 MB]. "Il Rapporto conferma l’eterogeneità strutturale e gestionale del sistema interportuale italiano. Uno degli obiettivi del lavoro è di tracciare, forse per la prima volta in maniera organica e ragionata, una rappresentazione di tale settore. Per fare ciò gli sforzi sono stati rivolti prima di tutto alla ricerca di indicatori e grandezze da rilevare, in modo da poter raccogliere dati omogenei e raffrontabili tra i diversi interporti."

Trends und Innovationen im unbegleiteten Kombinierten Verkehr in der und durch die Schweiz (Tendenze e innovazioni nel traffico combinato non accompagnato nella e attraverso la Svizzera). Schlussbericht an das Bundesamt für Verkehr, Abteilung Finanzierung. KombiConsult, K+P, Frankfurt am Main / Freiburg im Breisgau, April 2010, 111 p. [formato PDF, 3,72 MB]. "Lo studio intende analizzare la probabile evoluzione del mercato e le innovazioni tecnologiche nel TCNA attese in base alle tendenze nel settore della logistica, valutandone la rilevanza sia in termini qualitativi che quantitativi per i requisiti tecnici dell'infrastruttura ferroviaria e dei terminali. Nello studio sono considerati i seguenti sviluppi o "tendenze": dimensioni e peso nel traffico merci stradale; dimensioni e peso dei contenitori ISO; impiego di equipaggiamenti intermodali per il trasporto di merci a temperatura controllata; i parametri di produzione per la ferrovia (carico sull'asse, lunghezze, pesi e velocita dei treni); le opportunita sul mercato in caso di impiego di tecnologie di trasbordo orizzontali e le possibilita per la (semi)automazione dei processi di trasbordo presso i terminali situati in Svizzera; le tecnologie di trazione come quelle CargoSprinter per migliorare i collegamenti nell'area interessata o la trazione diesel nei trasporti a lunga distanza e le locomotive ibride." Sintesi in francese ed italiano.

Autoroutes maritimes et ferroviaires. Critères de choix par les entreprises pour le transport non accompagné. Rapport d’études. Bagneux, Service d'études sur les transports, les routes et leurs aménagements (Sétra), Septembre 2007, 47 p. [formato PDF, 1,26 MB]. "Cette étude pilotée par le Sétra propose une réflexion sur les critères de pertinence du transport routier non accompagné pour le transport de marchandises sur moyenne et longue distance. L’objectif est de comprendre, à travers les enseignements tirés des expériences d’utilisateurs actuels, comment et sous quelles conditions un transporteur routier est prêt à utiliser un service de transport non accompagné." Lo studio analizza gli esempi dell'autostrada del mare Toulon-Civitavecchia e l'autostrada ferroviaria alpina Aiton-Orbassano.

Maciej Stajniak (Institute of Logistics and Warehousing, Poznan), Technically-infrastructural conditionings of the realization of intermodal transport connecting the Baltic Sea with the Adriatic Sea. LogForum, Electronic Scientific Journal of Logistics, 4 (2008), 1, 3 (8 p.) [formato PDF, 320 kB] "Free intermodal transport of loads between the Baltic Sea and the Adriatic Sea is possible under the condition that the transport infrastructure in each country is described by the same technical parameters. Unfortunately, the existing infrastructure was shaped by the countries' supreme decisions and regulated by laws for sustainable transport development in corridors of a special meaning to EU transport development. The study presents technical - infrastructural barriers for intermodal transport in each country."

Inhibitors to the Growth of Rail Freight. Research Project carried out for the Scottish Executive by the Road Haulage Association Ltd. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh, September 2007, 13 p. [formato PDF, 696 KB]. "This report outlines the findings of a research study into the opportunities for multi-modal shift of freight from our roads and onto rail. The study was funded on the basis of its potential to support Scottish Ministers’ policy of transferring freight onto more environmentally friendly rail, or waterborne, alternatives. In particular, the study sought to establish how easy or difficult it might be for any of the small companies (with fleets of less than 50 HGVs) that predominate Scotland’s road haulage industry to use rail as an alternative, and more environmentally friendly, mode of freight transport. In this report of their study, the authors argue that by combining the strengths of the road haulage and rail freight industries, there would be advantages for road hauliers, rail freight operators and their customers, in addition to environmental benefit." Il rapporto mette in evidenza i limiti delle compagnie di trasporto ferroviario scozzesi in termini di flessibilità, completezza del servizio e costo, il che rende molto difficile assorbire traffico merci dal trasporto su strada, e cita diversi casi di "prove" effettuate da aziende scozzesi con risultati negativi. Secondo l'associazione dei trasportatori stradali, servono anche in Scozia aziende intermodali specializzate come Hupac, Cemat ecc., mentre le attuali aziende di trasporto ferroviario non sono all'altezza del compito che il governo scozzese vorrebbe loro affidare, cioè il trasferimento dalla strada alla rotaia.

Ecorys Transport, Integrated Services in the Intermodal Chain (ISIC), Final report Task F: Promotion of intermodal transport. Hamburg, November 2005, 191 p. [formato PDF, 4,49 MB]. Risultati della ricerca condotta per la Commissione Europea, DG TREN, sui corridoi intermodali paneuropei.

Noël de Saint Pulgent, Jacques Pellegrin, Rapport d'enquete sur l'évaluation de l'autoroute ferroviaire alpine, (Rapporto sulla valutazione dell'autostrada viaggiante alpina). Inspection générale des Finances, Conseil général des Ponts et Chaussées, Mai 2006, 83 p. [formato PDF, 2,97 MB] (il rapporto, commissionato dal governo francese, prende atto del mancato successo dell'autostrada viaggiante tra Italia e Francia e avanza delle proposte per il suo rilancio).

Bundesamt für Verkehr, Raumplanerische und verkehrstechnische Machbarkeit von leistungsfähigen RoLa-Terminals im Raum Basel und Domodossola/Chiasso. (Fattibilità urbanistica e trasportistica di terminali RoLa efficienti nell'area di Basilea e di Domodossola/Chiasso). Basel, Rapp Infra AG, 07.03.2007, 38 p. [formato PDF, 2,12 MB]. (rapporto finale della ditta Rapp Infra per il governo svizzero sullo studio di fattibilità di nuovi terminali per un'autostrada viaggiante (RoLa) tra Svizzera e Italia, utilizzando il sistema Bombardier o quello Modalohr).

Frank Werner, Re-Design und Ausbau eines europäischen Kombi-Netzes, (Ridisegno e completamento di una rete europea di trasporto combinato). Kombiverkehr, Februar 2005, 22 slides [formato PDF, 1,96 MB] Intervento al 3. Logistik Forum, Nürnberg 2005.

ECOPLAN, Betriebs- und Investitionskostenvergleich der RoLa, Stand 2007, (Confronto dei costi di gestione e d'investimento della RoLa, situazione al 2007). Aktualisierung der Ekoplan-Studie "Betriebs-/Investitionskostenvergleich zweier RoLa-Systeme" aus dem Jahre 2003, Schlussbericht im Auftrag des Bundesamts für Verkehr, Bern, 9. März 2007, 80 p. [formato PDF, 750 KB]. Aggiornamento dello studio del 2003, mette in evidenza i limiti sia tecnici che economici dello studio precedente e delle "autostrade viaggianti" in Svizzera, identifica le condizioni trasportistiche ed economiche necessarie (es. borsa dei transiti alpini) e prevede l'utilizzo dei carri ferroviari ultrabassi Niesky (ex Bombardier).

ECOPLAN, Betriebs- und Investitionskostenvergleich zweier RoLa-Systeme, (Confronto dei costi di gestione e d'investimento di due sistemi RoLa). Schlussbericht im Auftrag des Bundesamts für Verkehr, Bern, 28. Oktober 2003, 114 p. [formato PDF, 1,93 MB]. Questo studio dettagliato accerta la possibilità di realizzare delle "autostrade viaggianti" in Svizzera senza che siano necessari dei sussidi, e mette a confronto il possibile utilizzo dei carri ferroviari Modalohr con quelli ultrabassi di Bombardier.

PACT (Pilot Actions for Combined Transport), Combined Transport CO2 Reduction. Final Report. March 2003, 165 p. [formato PDF, 1,75 MB] "The PACT study on CO2 savings was based on a detailed comparison between an intermodal solution and pure road transport. A sample of twenty relations was chosen, giving an overview of today’s Combined Rail-Road Transport." CO2 Reduction through Combined Transport. Summary report, UIRR, Bruxelles, July 2003, 16 p. [formato PDF, 522 KB]. Versione in inglese, tedesco, francese.

ADEME, Transports combinés rail-route, fleuve-route et mer-route. Tableau de bord national 2006. Synthèse, Octobre 2006, 20 p. [formato PDF, 855 kB]. Panorama della situazione dei trasporti combinati in Francia, compreso un confronto con la Germania, Gran Bretagna, Italia e Paesi Bassi.

ADEME, Transports combinés rail-route, fleuve-route et mer-route. Tableau de bord national 2006. Volume 1: Panorama général, Octobre 2006, 91 p. [formato PDF, 1,51 MB]. La situazione dei trasporti combinati in Francia, comprese le autostrade viaggianti transalpine e gli aspetti ambientali.

ADEME, Transports combinés rail-route, fleuve-route et mer-route. Tableau de bord national 2006. Volume 2: Caractéristiques de l'offre, Octobre 2006, 69 p. [formato PDF, 1,73 MB]. La situazione dei trasporti combinati in Francia, comprese schede sugli operatori, sui terminali e sui collegamenti.

intermodalite.com Le portail de l'intermodalité (portale in lingua francese)

Tristan Chevroulet, Aymeric Sevestre, Analyse de l’intermodalité fret en Suisse (LEM-REPORT-2006-002), Lausanne, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale, 2005, 30 p. [ formato PDF, 1,07 MB]. Analisi del trasporto intermodale di merci in Svizzera, aggiornata al 2003/2004, con particolare attenzione al traffico transalpino e agli effetti della politica svizzera di tassazione del trasporto stradale.

Conseil National des Transports (CNT), Rapport sur le transport combiné , Paris, 29 mars 2005, 88 p. + 166 p. di allegati (Annexes) [formato PDF, 2,84 MB per il rapporto e 3,20 MB per l’allegato ; le singole parti e capitoli si possono scaricare separatamente]. Lo studio è stato commissionato dal Ministro francese dei trasporti; all’interno del quadro europeo, approfondisce sette assi intermodali (marittimi, fluviali, ferroviari con trasporto accompagnato e non accompagnato) tra Francia e Spagna, Francia e Germania, Parigi-Milano e Parigi-Marsiglia. Su questi assi vengono analizzati i costi e la domanda di trasporto merci e il potenziale di trasferimento dalla strada al combinato.

Study on Infrastructure Capacity Reserves for Combined Transport by 2015 prepared for International Union of Railways Combined Transport Group (UIC-GTC), final report, Freiburg/Franfkurt am Main/Paris, May 2004, 125 p. [formato PDF, 3,85 MB]

Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE), Terminologie en transports combinés. Terminology on combined transport. Terminologie des kombinierten Verkehrs. Terminologija kombinirovannyh perevozok . New York and Geneva, 2001, 71 p. [formato PDF, 282 kB]


Alessandro Panaro, Dario Ruggiero, Daniele Testi, Corridoi ed efficienza logistica dei territori. Risultati di un'indagine sulle imprese manifatturiere. SRM/Contship Italia, Melzo, dicembre 2018, 40 p. [formato PDF, 2,0 MB]. Report gratuito, necessaria la registrazione. Report online realizzato grazie al partenariato tra SRM e Contship Italia Group nell'ambito delle attività di ricerca dell'Osservatorio Permanente sull'Economia dei Trasporti Marittimi e della Logistica (www.srm-maritimeconomy.com). "Lo studio è il frutto di una survey, progettata e realizzata da SRM e Contship, con l'obiettivo di offrire una fotografia delle scelte logistiche di un panel di 400 imprese manifatturiere, localizzate in tre regioni che rappresentano poco più del 40% del PIL italiano e il 52,7% dell'interscambio commerciale totale del nostro Paese: Lombardia, Emilia Romagna e Veneto. L'indagine si concentra sui "corridoi" logistici utilizzati dalle imprese che utilizzano i container per trasportare le proprie merci, sulle modalità di trasporto usate per raggiungere le infrastrutture portuali dalla sede dell'impresa e viceversa, e sui porti italiani più utilizzati per raggiungere i mercati di destinazione."

La sostenibilità nei trasporti e nella logistica. (Quaderno 25). Freight Leaders Council, Roma, giugno 2016, 196 p. [formato PDF, 4,2 MB]. "Imporre per legge il calcolo delle emissioni prodotte attraverso il trasporto delle merci. Lanciare un piano nazionale per sostituire progressivamente i combustibili fossili con fonti a ridotto impatto ambientale: LNG e bio carburanti. Accelerare il rilancio dell'intermodalità ferroviaria e lo sviluppo della smart mobility, incidendo anche sulla cultura manageriale dei committenti fino a prevedere un sistema premiale per i trasporti più lenti e rendere visibile lo sforzo delle aziende verso una migliore sostenibilità dei servizi di trasporto delle merci. Sono questi i sei passi che il Freight Leaders Council, ha individuato nel Quaderno #25 sulla sostenibilità ambientale del trasporto e della logistica, curato dal Presidente, Antonio Malvestio, con i contributi di rappresentanti delle istituzioni, delle aziende e degli esperti del settore, pubblicato in occasione del 25° anniversario della fondazione dell'associazione che riunisce i maggiori operatori della logistica italiana. Il testo si pone come un "manuale al servizio del lettore per illustrare come è possibile ridurre l'impronta ambientale nei trasporti" dando indicazioni alle aziende e alle istituzioni su come agire nell'immediato per far fronte all'emergenza emissioni prodotte dal trasporto merci e raggiungere gli standard imposti dall'Ue. "I cambiamenti climatici sempre più rapidi stanno richiamando l'attenzione di tutti - spiega Antonio Malvestio, Presidente del FLC - La coscienza ecologica si sta velocemente diffondendo. Come spesso accade, siamo di fronte ad una accelerazione: la sostenibilità ambientale sta diventando una priorità, ma l'impreparazione media rischia di far compiere errori. Chi si occupa di trasporti e logistica sarà presto nell'occhio del ciclone. Mentre tutte le filiere hanno lavorato per il miglioramento dell'impronta ambientale riducendo la produzione di gas serra, i trasporti sono rimasti indietro. Con il trend attuale, saranno presto (tra il 2020 ed il 2030) responsabili per il 50% della produzione mondiale di CO2. Di questa, il 60% per il trasporto delle persone ed il 40% per il trasporto delle merci. Migliorare drasticamente l'impronta ambientale del trasporto e delle aree adiacenti alla logistica è possibile ed è a portata di mano. Costituisce anche un risparmio, in quanto diminuire la produzione di CO2 elimina gli sprechi. Occorre, però, decidere di non improvvisare e di seguire una pianificazione rigorosa". Vediamo quali sono i fronti sui quali intervenire. L'impegno delle aziende. Già oggi le aziende hanno diversi strumenti a disposizione per impegnarsi nella riduzione delle emissioni nocive. Il Quaderno #25 ne prende in considerazione alcune, tra cui il premio Lean&Green, nato in Olanda ed "importato in Italia" dal FLC, che prevede un riconoscimento alle aziende di trasporto che si impegnano a ridurre del 20% le emissioni nell'arco di un quinquennio, producendo un'adeguata certificazione. Da notare che oggi è possibile ottenere incentivi statali a fronte di risparmi energetici in termini di carburante, grazie all'estensione del meccanismo dei certificati bianchi anche al settore dei trasporti. Agire sui mezzi. Il passaggio imposto dalla normativa comunitaria, tra Euro 5 e Euro 6 ha drasticamente ridotto le emissioni e inciso positivamente sul consumo di carburante dei mezzi pesanti (-2/5%), ma è possibile anche lavorare sul fronte degli pneumatici, dell'aerodinamica dei mezzi e degli stili di guida che in tandem con le nuove tecnologie possono portare a risparmi di carburante fino a oltre il 10%. La scelta del carburante. Sono già 4 i produttori di veicoli pesanti che presentano in gamma modelli alimentati a GNL. Anche la rete di distribuzione è in via di sviluppo. Si tratta di un'alternativa già esistente ed ampiamente esplorata in altri paesi europei. Anche i biocarburanti, di cui l'Italia è uno dei maggiori produttori in Europa (e anche esportatore) è una tecnologia già pronta, adattabile alla maggior parte dei motori in circolazione. Si tratta di "incentivare" il salto verso queste scelte e lavorare sulla rete di distribuzione. La logistica urbana. Una visione più smart ed ottimizzata delle consegne in ambito urbano diventa uno dei temi fondamentali sul fronte dell'efficientamento delle emissioni: le aree metropolitane non sono più un semplice punto di destinazione delle merci (il 45% delle tonnellate km origina nelle città) ma anche di partenza (per il 25%) mentre il restante 30% è costruito da merci che si muovono all'interno delle città stesse. Per quanto riguarda la destinazione d'uso del territorio è importante osservare che una percentuale variabile fra il 3 ed il 5% del territorio urbano è dedicato ad uso esclusivo delle merci. L'intermodalità. Recuperare l'intermodalità ferroviaria significa tornare a "contare" sulla modalità treno per tutte le tipologie di merci. Ovvero rimettere in piedi un sistema di collegamenti cadenzati che offrano la possibilità agli imprenditori di accedere con facilità e convenienza a questa "alternativa".

Dal porto all'hinterland: soluzioni per una catena logistica competitiva. (Freight Leaders Council Quaderni n. 23). Freight Leaders Council, Roma, giugno 2013, 173 p. [formato PDF, 2,23 MB]. "Con il presente Quaderno n° 23 il Freight Leaders Council si propone di analizzare le problematiche e le criticità che limitano l'efficienza e la competitività del collegamento dal porto all'hinterland, soffermandosi in particolare sull'integrazione della catena logistica attraverso il trasporto ferroviario intermodale. L'analisi si è svolta prendendo volutamente in considerazione le infrastrutture di trasporto esistenti con l'obiettivo di sfruttarle al meglio e senza quindi la necessità di nuovi investimenti, scelta motivata anche dall'attuale situazione economica. Il quaderno si basa sull’interazione di 4 pilastri: Porti, Interporti, Ferrovie e Dogane. Dallo studio emergono alcuni spunti e proposte che consentono di migliorare i processi organizzativi che consentano di ottimizzare e velocizzare le attività portuali, ferroviarie ed interportuali per migliorare gli scambi commerciali con l'hinterland."

Trasporto merci su strada. Analisi economico-statistica delle potenzialità e criticità di un settore strategico per lo sviluppo sostenibile. ANFIA, Automobile Club d’Italia, Febbraio 2013, 102 p. [formato PDF, 4,07 MB]. "I numerosi fattori di criticità del nostro sistema dei trasporti – come l’inefficienza logistica, l’anzianità del parco circolante, la carenza di soluzioni intermodali e di piattaforme logistiche verso l’Europa e verso l’Africa, oltre alla situazione di crisi che investe sia i produttori di autoveicoli e rimorchi, sia le aziende di autotrasporto – hanno spinto ACI (Automobile Club d’Italia) e ANFIA (Associazione Nazionale Filiera Industria Automobilistica) a mettere sotto la lente d’ingrandimento l’intero settore, analizzandone con attenzione le attuali dinamiche e cercando di coglierne le tendenze di sviluppo. I principali argomenti trattati nei cinque capitoli sono: l’analisi dello scenario internazionale degli scambi di beni e servizi e del ruolo della strada, passando dalla mobilità globale al trasporto merci nell’Europa a 27, fino allo scenario Italiano; l’andamento dell’industria automotive nell’economia mondiale, europea e nazionale, descritto attraverso i dati di produzione e di mercato dei veicoli commerciali e industriali; l’analisi dell’evoluzione del parco autocarri italiano (veicoli commerciali fino a 3.500 kg, autocarri sopra i 3.500 kg, rimorchi e semirimorchi sopra i 3.500 kg); l’analisi delle condizioni di mobilità e sicurezza della rete stradale in Europa e della rete stradale e autostradale in Italia; infine, la descrizione del contesto mondiale e nazionale dell’efficienza logistica."

Sergio Bologna, Lavoro e capitale nella logistica italiana: alcune considerazioni sul Veneto, Padova, 15 marzo 2013, 14 p. [formato PDF, 69 kB].

Il Piano Nazionale della Logistica 2012-2020. Bozza finale. "Dopo il confronto con gli operatori, i territori e le audizioni parlamentari". Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, Consulta generale per l'autotrasporto e per la logistica, Roma, 26 luglio 2012, 244 p. [formato PDF, 380 KB] "Il Piano della Logistica è stato definito attraverso 10 linee strategiche di intervento caratterizzate da 51 azioni che interessano i diversi settori dei trasporti e della logistica nonché le norme, le regole e le valutazioni degli effetti degli interventi che saranno realizzati. In questa logica, il Piano è stato aggiornato dando contenuti delle politiche di settore nella logica di sistemi ed individuando quelle azioni prioritarie che con risorse finanziarie minime consentano di avviare e attuare processi virtuosi."

Osservatorio nazionale sul trasporto merci e la logistica, L'eccellenza logistica delle imprese italiane: i fattori critici di successo. ISFORT, Roma, febbraio 2009, 44 p. [formato PDF, 380 KB] (per scaricare il documento è necessaria la registrazione gratuita sul sito ISFORT).

Transportation Economics and Management Systems, Inc. (TEMS), Impact of high oil prices on freight transportation : modal shift potential in five corridors. Technical report. Maritime Administration, U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Washington, D.C., October 2008, 60 p. [formato PDF, 768 kB]. "In an environment of high oil prices, the results of this study, as well as the previous NC/NV Market Assessment, indicate that container shipping services are likely to become viable not only on the GLSLS but now also on the Mississippi River and Gulf Coast corridors as well. Further work to follow up such high level analysis with greater market detail appears to be warranted. Overall, the impact of higher oil prices is to create a strong case for investing in the waterborne transportation industry – for both inland and coastal distribution. Potential increases in oil prices already forecast could increase transport costs two- to eight-fold. Despite the wide range in forecast oil prices, even the minimum forecast is creating a transportation environment more like that of Europe in the 1990’s than previous short-term fuel price hikes previously experienced in the United States. Historically, coastal and inland waterborne transportation has enjoyed a larger market share in Europe than in the United States because of Europe’s higher inland rail and truck transport costs that make water cost-effective. The recent European experience also demonstrates that water-based logistics chains can work effectively, for distributing not only bulk goods and industrial products but consumer goods as well. This could well become the case in the United States, if the cost differential between truck, rail, and water transportation is sustained at the levels reached during the summer of 2008 as the result of higher oil prices. Finally, it is recommended that fuel price levels be considered in future freight planning with respect to the relative roles of the various modes of transportation. While rail has enjoyed dramatically improved productivity in recent years, many of its gains relative to water stand to be erased should fuel prices rise to anticipated levels in coming years. As water is the most energy-efficient mode of freight transportation, planners should recognize it is likely to play a greatly expanded role in the future. Hence, national policy towards the water mode needs to become more proactive. Given higher oil prices, market forces could well promote a significantly enhanced role for water in the U.S. transportation system, provided that the potential for this modal shift is recognized and supported by public policies that are directed toward developing the needed infrastructure and in encouraging industry to make the needed investments."

Tero J. Kauppinen, Jari Lindqvist, Elements for European logistics policy. A discussion paper. Ministry of Transport and Communications, Helsinki, 2006, 34 p. [formato PDF, 931 kB]. "According to the experts’ views the priority areas of European logistics policy are Infrastructure – Seamless systems require investments; Research, development and training – Strengthen the competitiveness of the European Union; Enterprises – The reinforcement of logistic industry; Regulation – Innovative and intelligent; Cost Efficiency – Effective logistics; Sustainability – From environmental, social and economic viewpoint, a must in modern logistics; Co-Operation – A strategic issue in network society; Public-Private Partnership – Agile solutions for investments."

Tina Wagner (Hamburg University of Technology, Institute for Transport Planning and Logistics), Logistics land use - A buffer between harbour areas and urban neighbourhoods? Real CORP 008, 13th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development, Vienna, May 19-21 2008, 9 p. [formato PDF, 1,28 MB]. "The Port of Hamburg, being the second largest harbour in Europe, is directly adjacent to the urban neighbourhood Wilhelmsburg. On the border between the industrial harbour area and the housing areas, logistics and other commercial land uses are situated. According to the draft of the spatial development vision for the city of Hamburg, this area is also proposed for further logistics development, because a high demand for space for new logistics and distribution facilities (e.g. warehouses, distribution centers, transfer depots, truck depots, container storage) is expected. During the (re-)location of logistics companies, a strong opposition of residents can usually be observed. Logistics land uses are often perceived as space consuming, noisy and traffic intensive. This raises the question, if and how logistics land use can serve as a buffer between industrial harbour areas and housing areas. To answer this question, information on land consumption and traffic generation of logistics land use is necessary, because besides noise and emissions these factors determine how compatible they are with other forms of land use, particularly housing. However, there is very limited literature on how characteristics and size of logistics facilities relate to their trip generation. Aiming at a deeper insight into the characteristics and trip generation of logistics land uses, two surveys were recently conducted in the Hamburg region. A company survey was carried out in order to observe which services are offered by logistics companies, what patterns of land use they show, how many truck trips they generate and how the trips are performed (mode, time of the day, etc.). The second was a traffic count within two areas with a concentration of logistics companies. As a result of these surveys, general trip generation rates could be calculated and different types of logistics land use could be identified and described. The paper presents some general characteristics of logistics facilities and selected results of the empirical work relevant for this study. It introduces the local situation of the case study Hamburg Wilhelmsburg and discusses the compatibility of logistics and residential land use."

Michael D. Meyer (Georgia Institute of Technology), Freight Considerations in Transportation Investment, Public Policy: From Afterthought to Front Burner. Presentation at the UCTRC Conference 2007, University of California, Los Angeles, 63 slides [formato PDF, 3,69 MB]. Un panorama sui problemi e le tendenze del trasporto merci negli Stati Uniti.

Hilde Meersman, Eddy Van de Voorde, Thierry Vanelslander en Edwin Verberght, Indicatorenboek Duurzaam Goederenvervoer Vlaanderen 2007 (Indicatori del trasporto sostenibile di merci nelle Fiandre 2007). Universiteit Antwerpen, 2008, 102 p. [formato PDF, 1,66 MB]. (in lingua fiamminga)

Cristina Capineri (Univ. Siena) and Filippo Randelli (Univ. Firenze), Freight transportation flows: new trade regions and trade routes. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 7 (2007) 93-112 [formato PDF, 290 kB]. "This paper highlights the trends in global freight transportation which has recently shown intense growth but also a “new” geography of flows. In particular the analysis describes the growth in relation to GDP with reference to destinations (Europe, United States) and to the origin of flows. The trends identified show the emergence of new patterns of routes and nodes. Moreover, logistic services are proving to be an advantage for the Mediterrean area which is the place of transshipment and unloading of containers arriving from Asia."

Osservatorio nazionale sul trasporto merci e la logistica, Logistica Italiana: i limiti e i vantaggi di un "modello" fragile. (Rapporto periodico n.8). ISFORT, Roma, dicembre 2007, 46 p. [formato PDF, 626 KB] "Sotto il profilo delle dinamiche di offerta a livello nazionale, è stata condotta dall’Isfort un’indagine campionaria su 201 imprese di spedizionieri in merito alle quali sono stati esaminati più ambiti della loro attività. Innanzitutto le modalità operative che caratterizzano l’erogazione del servizio (modalità di trasporto, tipologia dei veicoli impiegati, servizi offerti, ecc), quindi il livello di innovazione registrato in azienda in termini di strumentazioni impiegate ma anche di approccio ai servizi logistici avanzati apportatori di maggiore redditività, infine la rete di relazioni che rappresenta il vero valore aggiunto per queste imprese ma anche la loro propensione ai processi di internazionalizzazione. L’internazionalizzazione - nella duplice veste di attiva e passiva - è anche il tema centrale dell’analisi realizzata dal LabELT (Politecnico di Milano) che approfondisce quanto accennato in merito nell’ambito dell’indagine sugli spedizionieri restituendo un quadro aggiornato sullo sviluppo delle diverse forme di internazionalizzazione messe in atto dalle aziende italiane di logistica. Di diverso approccio il terzo e ultimo contributo del presente documento. Con il progetto Checklog, infatti, il TLSU (Transport Logistics and Supply Chain Management Unit del Centro Tedis della Venice International University) ha esaminato i connotati analitici e strategici del modello logistico italiano a partire da un monitoraggio sullo stato di salute dell’efficienza e dell’efficacia dei sistemi logistici che caratterizzano alcune delle principali filiere produttive del Paese: quella della meccanica e del bianco; quella del tessile-abbigliamento-calzatura; quella dell’arredocasa e quella, infine, della metallurgia."

Henri-David Waisman, Impacts environnementaux de la mobilité des marchandises: maîtrise en amont des flux de transport par une réorganisation des systèmes logistiques. Université de Paris X - Nanterre, Ecole Doctorale d’Economie et Mathématiques de Paris-Ouest, 2005, 126 p. [formato PDF, 1,20 MB]. "La première partie de ce rapport a permis de souligner le rôle croissant de la mobilité du fret dans les nuisances dues au transport, les évolutions prévues du transport de marchandises s'inscrivant dans un contexte d'explosion des trafics et des pollutions associées. L'orientation choisie ici cherche à aborder le problème beaucoup plus en amont en considérant que les entreprises sont des acteurs économiques qui adaptent leur mode de fonctionnement en fonction de signaux qu'ils reçoivent : le système de production/distribution est une variable endogène qui peut évoluer. Comme l'organisation logistique est le paramètre qui structure les flux de marchandises en fonction des contraintes imposées, l'idée est alors de développer un scénario de remise en cause des logiques actuelles qui permettrait une rerégionalisation de la production et une maîtrise en amont de la demande de transport."

Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (Drift), De Transitie naar Duurzam Goederenvervoer. (la transizione verso un trasporto merci sostenibile). Een Transitie Essay. Final Draft 2. December 2005, 23 p. [formato PDF, 347 KB]. Lo studio si occupa di logistica sostenibile come equilibrio tra gli aspetti economici, sociali ed ambientali del trasporto merci nei Paesi Bassi (studio commissionato dal governo olandese).

Osservatorio sul trasporto merci e la logistica, L'offerta di servizi logistici in conto terzi in Italia. Politecnico di Milano, ISFORT, Milano, settembre 2003, 48 p. [formato PDF, 334 KB] (per scaricare il documento è necessaria la registrazione gratuita sul sito ISFORT).

Confindustria, Logistica per crescere. Proposte, analisi ed approfondimenti del Progetto Logistica di Confindustria e del suo Sistema Associativo. Roma, febbraio 2006, 174 p. [formato PDF, 1,12 MB] "Il dossier è frutto del lavoro svolto negli anni 2004-2005 dal Nucleo Politiche territoriali e Infrastrutture di Confindustria."

Regione Lombardia, Logistica e trasporto merci. Verso una strategia condivisa, (Quaderni della Direzione Generale Infrastrutture e Mobilità). Milano, febbraio 2003, 47 p. [formato PDF, 1,83 MB]. Lo studio è stato arricchito: dagli approfondimenti svolti dal Gruppo di lavoro "Logistica e Trasporto Merci", composto da funzionari della Direzione Generale Infrastrutture e Mobilità e da esperti del settore; dall’indagine conoscitiva condotta presso un campione selezionato di oltre 100 ditte che forniscono servizi logistici e di trasporto; da incontri mirati su temi specifici con associazioni e rappresentanti di categoria, singoli operatori, enti pubblici, università ed enti di ricerca.

Regione Lombardia, Logistica e trasporto merci. Verso una strategia condivisa. Allegati, (Quaderni della Direzione Generale Infrastrutture e Mobilità). Milano, febbraio 2003, 129 p. [formato PDF, 3,92 MB]. Questo volume costituisce una raccolta del materiale di approfondimento, su temi specifici, distribuito dai relatori nelle riunioni del Gruppo di Lavoro regionale "Logistica e Trasporto Merci".

Piano per la logistica: un programma di settore per la competitività del sistema paese. Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, Roma, gennaio 2006, 164 p. [formato PDF, 0,97 MB]. Redatto da un gruppo di esperti per conto della Consulta Generale dell’Autotrasporto, e’ stato approvato dal CIPE il 22 marzo 2006. "Il Piano ... è strumento di attuazione del Patto per la logistica siglato a Palazzo Chigi il 1° luglio 2005 dalle realtà rappresentanti il mondo della domanda e dell'offerta di trasporto e logistica". Contiene dati sul trasporto combinato terrestre e marittimo.

Andrea Appetecchia, Mario Sommariva, Opzione mediterranea 2006 : alla ricerca della competitività del sistema logistico italiano oltre l’alibi del gap infrastrutturale. ISFORT, Roma, 23 marzo 2006, 65 p. [formato PDF, 374 kB]. Presentato al convegno ISFORT-ANCIP su “L’Italia e il Mediterraneo tra opportunità di sviluppo e minacce di declino”. Lo studio è centrato sul sistema portuale italiano e i traffici tra Europa e Estremo Oriente. Documento gratuito, necessaria la registrazione sul sito.

Andrea Appetecchia, Opzione mediterranea 2006 : alla ricerca della competitività del sistema logistico italiano oltre l’alibi del gap infrastrutturale. ISFORT, Roma, 23 marzo 2006, 34 slides [formato PDF, 832 kB]. Presentato al convegno ISFORT-ANCIP su “L’Italia e il Mediterraneo tra opportunità di sviluppo e minacce di declino”. Presentazione dello studio centrato sul sistema portuale italiano e i traffici tra Europa e Estremo Oriente. Documento gratuito, necessaria la registrazione sul sito.

Elena Maggi, La pianificazione logistica strategica nella supply chain: il caso della scelta marittimo-portuale nella filiera del mobile, riunione annuale della Società Italiana degli Economisti dei Trasporti, Palermo, 13-14 novembre 2003, 21 p. [formato PDF, 281 kB].


Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Innovationen im Kombinierten Verkehr (innovazioni nel trasporto combinato). Harald Bollman, Hans Hagen, Helmut Pripfl (Hrsg.), Tagungsband (ÖVG Spezial Band 78), im Rahmen der transport logistik 2007, 14. Juni 2007 München. Wien, 2007, 110 p. [formato PDF, 17,6 MB]. (contiene relazioni in inglese e tedesco, con presentazioni da PowerPoint, sullo Short Sea Shipping a Rotterdam, il trasporto di container sul Danubio, il trasporto ferroviario intermodale, le reti logistiche europee).


Diane Mollenkopf, Ivan Russo, Robert Frankel, The returns management process in supply chain strategy. 2007, 28 p. [formato PDF, 184 kB]

Ivan Russo, Antonio Borghesi (Univ. Verona), Servizio al cliente e gestione dei resi: un ulteriore legame tra marketing e logistica lungo la supply chain. Relazione al IV convegno annuale della Società Italiana di Marketing, Roma, 5-6 ottobre 2007, 24 p. [formato PDF, 130 kB]

Sven Verstrepen, Frans Cruijssen, Marisa P. de Brito and Wout Dullaert, An Exploratory Analysis of Reverse Logistics in Flanders. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 7 (2007) 301-316 [formato PDF, 103 kB]. "This paper reports on a reverse logistics survey of shippers and logistics service providers in Flanders, one of the leading logistics regions in Europe. We characterise the reverse logistics activities with respect to return reasons, recovery options, outsourcing, lifecycle length and value of products."

Michael Feitó Cespón, Logística Inversa, una alternativa al deterioro Medioambiental . 2006, 14 p. [formato Word, 182 kB]

Marisa P. de Brito, Simme D.P. Flapper, Rommert Dekker, Reverse Logistics: a review of case studies. Econometric Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam, May 2002, 32 p. [formato PDF, 228 kB]


Masuch, Kristin; Harnischmacher, Christine; Greve, Maike; and Trang, Simon (Georg-August-University Göttingen), Why Electrify? - A Qualitative-Empirical Study on Electrification of Fleet Transportation Systems. Research-in-Progress Papers, 74. ECIS 2020 Proceedings at AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2020, 11 p. [formato PDF, 729 kB]. "Global climate change is one of the most pressing matters needing to be addressed by the worldwide community. The deployment of electric vehicles in logistical fleets offers a promising approach to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Nevertheless, organizations barely adopt this technology. Thus, this study aims to understand the factors that enable and hinder the innovation adoption process. In this context, we focus on the perceived characteristics of the electrified fleet as an innovation and on the characteristics of the organizations as the adopters of the innovation. Our study conducted semistructured interviews to assess and gain a comprehensive understanding of the influencing factors. The preliminary results suggest that the relevant characteristics of the decision-making unit such as corporate reputation, EV action radius requirements, and driving forces in the organization have positive and negative effects on the perceived characteristics of the innovation, which are cost of ownership, technical requirements, and environmental superiority. Both sets of characteristics in turn, determine whether the innovation of the electrification of the organization's transportation fleet is adopted or rejected."


Il Consorzio "FAI MENO Strada" attraverso i propri consorziati, ha come obiettivo la realizzazione di economie attraverso i gruppi d'acquisto, utilizzando questi risparmi per la costruzione della rete. Da circa 3 anni, un gruppo di autotrasportatori per conto terzi, investendo in innovazione, hanno creato il primo nodo di quella che sarà la futura rete telematica FAI MENO Strada. FAI MENO Strada è il primo esempio funzionante di rete telematica di proprietà delle aziende di trasporto gestita in modalità NO PROFIT UTILITY.

Consulta Generale per l’autotrasporto e per la logistica era un organismo istituito, presso il Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, nel novembre 2005 per svolgere «attività propositiva, di studio, di monitoraggio, di consulenza delle autorità politiche, per la definizione delle politiche di intervento e delle strategie di governo nel settore dell'autotrasporto e della logistica, anche in materia di controlli tecnici ed amministrativi sull'esercizio dell'attività di autotrasporto». Ai sensi di quanto previsto dal comma 20 dell’articolo 12 del decreto legge 95/2012, convertito con legge 135/2012, a decorrere dal 28 luglio 2012 la Consulta è stata soppressa.

RELOADER, REverse LOgistics And Development of Environment Research. Associazione e piattaforma tecnologica per la Reverse Logistics.

AILOG, Associazione Italiana di Logistica e di supply chain management

Assologistica, organizzazione imprenditoriale di categoria

C-LOG, Centro di Ricerca sulla Logistica dell’Università Carlo Cattaneo – LIUC (Castellanza (Varese)

Freight Leaders Council (già Freight Leaders Club), associazione privata, che riunisce aziende leader della filiera della logistica (produttori, caricatori, operatori, trasportatori, gestori di infrastrutture per tutte le modalità di movimentazione possibili: strada, ferrovia, aria e mare, con lo scopo di formulare pareri, giudizi ed indirizzi rivolti alle istituzioni per contribuire allo sviluppo e alla competitività della logistica sostenibile.

intermodale24-rail.net is a news&utilities web platform created in June 2009 implementing results of a private research lasted since decades, with the aim of promoting the culture of the rail freight transports mainly through road-rail intermodality. Questo spazio di comunicazione nasce da un progetto privato di ricerca sul trasporto intermodale lungo l’asse ferroviario nord-sud che collega il Mare del Nord con il Mediterraneo attraversando le Alpi Svizzere, corrispondente al “corridoio europeo TEN-T 24 Genova - Rotterdam/Antwerpen”.

Logistica economica, Università di Napoli (a cura di Ennio Forte)

ISFORT, Osservatorio Nazionale sul Trasporto Merci e la Logistica, Roma (accesso ai documenti con registrazione gratuita)

SOSLOGistica, Associazione per la Logistica Sostenibile (Milano-Genova).

UIR (Unione Interporti Riuniti) è l’associazione nazionale che riunisce la totalità degli Interporti italiani. Ha come obiettivo principale quello di consolidare e sviluppare l’intermodalità nel trasporto e nella logistica attraverso un rapporto stabile tra interporti, porti, società ed enti, intesi quali sistemi d’interscambio merci nel cluster "terra-mare".


Heriot-Watt University, Logistics Research Centre (LRC)(Edinburgh, UK)

ILV, Institut fuer Logistik und Verkehrsmanagement GmbH

TRAIL Research School Delft (NL): TRAIL is the Netherlands Research School for Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics, a joint initiative of the Delft University of Technology, the Erasmus University of Rotterdam and the University of Groningen. TRAIL is accredited by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science in 1997 and re-accredited in 2002 for the 2002 - 2006 period

ISL, Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics - Institut für Seeverkehrswirtschaft und Logistik (Bremen, D)

Webpicking. Portale sulla logistica in America Latina.


CEDM, Centro Ecologico per la Distribuzione delle Merci. LIFE CEDM e' un progetto pilota con l'obiettivo di realizzare e sperimentare soluzioni innovative di e-Logistica e un Centro Ecologico per la Distribuzione delle Merci nel centro storico di Lucca. (Il progetto è stato concluso nel 2008).

START (Short Term Actions to Reorganize Transport of goods) : progetto europeo per la distribuzione urbana delle merci (per ridurre l’inquinamento atmosferico ed i consumi energetici

Comune di Bologna, Piano per la distribuzione e la raccolta delle merci in ambito urbano 2005 (denominato MERCI BO2)

Regione Emilia-Romagna, Progetto City Ports: rapporto intermedio. Assessorato Mobilità e Trasporti, Bologna, dicembre 2004, 193 p. [formato PDF, 1,28 MB] . Rapporto sul progetto europeo City Ports, riguardante 12 città europee, per il trasporto e la distribuzione di merci nelle città.

Cityporto (Padova) una delle poche esperienze di City Logistics funzionanti in Italia, si avvale dell’interporto di Padova

Ecoporto (Ferrara), sistema di logistica distributiva gestito dalla ditta CoopSer (utilizza veicoli a metano per la distribuzione)

Comune e Università di Genova, Il progetto di Genova: la distribuzione delle merci con veicoli a basso e nullo impatto ambientale [presentazione Powerpoint, 664 kB]

Vito Maria Contursi (Comune di Genova), Progetto distribuzione merci a Genova: esito della sperimentazione, 22 settembre 2004, 32 slides [formato PDF, 421 kB]

Institute for City Logistics (ICL), Kyoto, Japan

DOCAPOLIS logistique urbaine, banca dati e piattaforma interattiva (in francese e inglese) sulla logistica urbana

BESTUFS II, Best Urban Freight Solutions. The project is a follow-up initiative of the successful BESTUFS project and aims to maintain and expand an open European network between urban freight transport experts, user groups/associations, ongoing projects, the relevant European Commission Directorates and representatives of national, regional and local transport administrations and transport operators in order to identify, describe and disseminate best practices, success criteria and bottlenecks with respect to City Logistics Solutions (CLS).


C. Castillo, M. Viu-Roig, E.J. Alvarez-Palau (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), COVID-19 lockdown as an opportunity to rethink urban freight distribution: Lessons from the Barcelona metropolitan area. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 14 (2022) 100605 (9 p.) [formato PDF, 592 kB]. Open Access. "The COVID-19 health crisis has had a strong impact on societies around the world, affecting both the health of populations and countries' economies. While lockdowns imposed to stop the spread of infection reduced urban mobility and had a positive impact on air quality, lowering the emission of polluting particles and greenhouse gases, they had the opposite effect on urban freight distribution (UFD). With the population remaining at home, ecommerce-driven shipments surged, and total freight traffic increased. In order to have a better understanding of this phenomenon, the aim of this study was to identify the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on the daily operation of the region's main logistics agents. Lessons learned from this cyclical scenario could be used to define more sustainable public policies regarding UFD in the post-COVID era. To meet the above objectives, semi-structured interviews were conducted with public administrations and private operators, before being transcribed and encoded for later analysis. The results of our study show that common problems in UFD, such as traffic congestion or problems finding parking in the loading and unloading (L/U) zones, temporarily disappeared during the lockdown phase. Delivery times were consequently reduced, despite an increase in operations due to ecommerce. In addition, the public administrations took advantage of this situation to adapt the urban space and force a transition towards new delivery systems, such as cargo-bikes, to guarantee sustainable last-mile operations in specific zones."

Till Bunsen and Pierpaolo Cazzola, How Urban Delivery Vehicles can Boost Electric Mobility. ITF Policy Papers No. 81. International Transport Forum, Paris, 2020, 58 p. [formato PDF, 3,4 MB]. "This study explores how fleet operators, vehicle manufacturers and policy makers can scale up the electrification of light commercial vehicles (LCVs). The research focuses on challenges such as the limited number of available models, the small production scale, the current levels of battery costs and availability of charging infrastructure. It also compares life-cycle environmental impacts and total cost of ownership of alternative technology options for LCVs."

European Environment Agency, The first and last mile - the key to sustainable urban transport. Transport and environment report 2019. EEA Report No 18/2019. European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 2020, 83 p. [formato PDF, 6,4 MB]. "This report provides a comprehensive overview of all main F/L/O mile options for passenger and freight transport. It describes their urban mobility and policy contexts and presents the current state of scientific knowledge on their environment and health effects. It also describes the limits of F/L/O mile options and the framework in which they can be most effective. The objective is to help policy makers, planners and transport users make well-informed choices."

Katrien De Langhe, Hilde Meersman, Christa Sys, Eddy Van de Voorde and Thierry Vanelslander (University of Antwerp), How to make urban freight transport by tram successful?. Journal of Shipping and Trade (2019) 4:13 (23 p.) [formato PDF, 4,6 MB]. Open Access. "Many national and international bodies, such as the European Commission, encourage the use of environment-friendly transport modes. Local and national authorities take more and more measures, for instance road pricing, loading/ unloading spaces and low-emission zones, to prevent negative transport-related externalities in urban areas. Hence, transport and logistics operators consider alternative ways to deliver goods in urban areas by using electric vehicles, cargo bikes, inland vessels and rail transport. Which of these alternative modes is appropriate for which transport flow depends on multiple factors, including the available transport infrastructure, the goods volume, the measures taken by the authorities and the presence of congestion. This paper focuses on urban freight transport by tram and the conditions for a successful implementation. A successful implementation is defined as an implementation that is viable, i.e. the difference between the change of the costs and the change of the benefits exceeds a certain threshold value. The viability is studied from a business-economic and a socio- economic perspective for a dedicated freight tram, a freight wagon behind a passenger tram and the transport of parcels by a passenger tram. A viability model is developed, based on a social cost-benefit analysis. The working of this model is illustrated by applying it to the city of Antwerp. The main findings show that the use of a freight wagon attached to a passenger tram provides more potential than a dedicated freight tram. A courier taking the tram to deliver some parcels can be viable as well. For all three types of tram transport, the socio-economic benefits exceed the business-economic ones. Critical factors affecting the viability include the transported volume, the efficiency of the current road transport, the timing of the transport, the need for post-haulage and the operational costs of both road and rail."

Sally Cairns and Lynn Sloman, Potential for e-cargo bikes to reduce congestion and pollution from vans in cities. Developing the evidence base on the contribution of the bicycle industry to Britain's industrial strategy. Transport for Quality of Life Ltd, July 2019, 40 p. [formato PDF, 1,7 MB]. "Cargo bikes and electrically-assisted cargo bikes have significant potential to replace vans in urban areas, and to help reduce congestion and pollution. Scale and nature of the opportunity. Vans (light goods vehicles) already account for about 15% of motorised vehicle miles in urban areas in Britain, and rapid growth of van traffic is a cause of worsening traffic congestion. In large cities, up to a quarter (25%) of all traffic may be trips by delivery and service companies in vans, cars and lorries, according to European research. Estimates suggest about 10-30% of trips by delivery and service companies might be substitutable by (e-)cargo bikes. The potential is likely to be greater in areas where traffic is restricted, for reasons such as poor air quality. Taken together, these figures suggest that there is potential for traffic mileage in urban areas to be reduced by about 1.5-7.5%, if (e-)cargo bikes took over from delivery and service vehicles for suitable trips. E-cargo bikes are particularly suitable for dense urban areas, where there is a high concentration of suitable delivery work and individual trips are short. In some cases, use of e-cargo bikes might be a straight switch; in others, it could involve reorganisation of supply chains, including use of micro-consolidation centres, with (e-)cargo bikes used for the last part of the deliveries. The mail and parcel delivery sector has received the greatest attention. However, there is also significant potential for the use of (e-)cargo bikes for delivery of both food and non-food items, by tradesmen and service providers, by public sector workers, and (for smaller items) by the construction industry. There is also substantial potential for use of (e-)cargo bikes for personal journeys, in particular for shopping and transporting children. Benefits of (e-)cargo bikes. (E-)cargo bikes take up less road-space than conventional vans, and can often make use of cycle lanes. When making deliveries, their smaller size also means that they can be conveniently parked. Vans emit over 30% of all NOx and particulates from road vehicle exhausts, and so replacing vans with (e-)cargo bikes disproportionately improves air quality. Replacing vans with (e-)cargo bikes also reduces emissions of greenhouse gases. Vans in the parcel and delivery sector may each emit more than 10 tonnes of CO2 per year. Trials by DHL, where two vans are replaced by a 'City Hub' and four e-cargo bikes, are estimated to reduce CO2 emissions by 16 tonnes p.a.. In Maastricht, four companies that replaced a conventional van with an e-cargo bike saved more than a tonne of CO2 in six months. In London, a butcher that began using an e-cargo bike instead of a van whenever possible was able to reduce CO2 emissions by 75%. (E-)cargo bikes are also efficient. They can take shorter, faster routes (using cycle and bus lanes, or being wheeled through pedestrianised areas); they are easier to park and so deliveries can be made more quickly; and they are cheaper to buy, insure and repair than vans. Restaurants using e-cargo bikes to deliver take-away meals report that it is easier to recruit riders than van drivers or moped riders. Measures to encourage take-up of (e-)cargo bikes In Europe, use of e-cargo bikes is growing fast, but in the UK, numbers are small. The recent grants for (e-)cargo bikes announced by the Department for Transport should encourage take-up. Similar (e-)cargo bike grants at national and city level in other European countries have been successful. However, grants are unlikely to be enough on their own. The government could also set up Sustainable Freight Demonstration Towns to show how e-cargo bikes work and how much difference they can make when used on a large scale."

Andrew R. Goetz, Serena Alexander, Urban Goods Movement and Local Climate Action Plans: Assessing Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Urban Freight Transportation. Mineta Transportation Institute, San José State University, San José, CA, April 2019, 38 p. [formato PDF, 1,1 MB]. "This report examines how freight transport/goods movement has been addressed in U.S. city climate action planning. Transportation generally is a major contributor of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and freight transport represents a growing component of transportation's share. Almost all climate action plans (CAPs) address transportation generally, but we wished to focus on efforts to reduce GHG emissions from freight transport specifically. We analyzed 27 advanced local CAPs to determine the degree to which freight transport was targeted in goals and strategies to reduce GHG emissions. We found only six CAPs that included direct measures or programs to reduce freight emissions. Many of the CAPs mentioned general transportation objectives such as lowering vehicle miles traveled or reducing emissions from city-owned vehicle fleets, but most did not include strategies or actions that explicitly targeted freight transport. We identified the specific strategies and actions that cities are taking to address GHG emissions from freight transport, such as working with the freight community to promote anti-idling and encourage transitions to electric and alternative fuel delivery vehicles. We also analyzed freight transport plans relevant for the same cities, and found that most do not explicitly mention reducing GHG emissions. Most of the freight plans are focused on improving reliability and efficiency of freight movement, which would likely have the ancillary benefit of reducing GHG emissions, but that goal was not explicitly targeted in most of these plans. Based on our findings, we recommend that cities specifically target freight transport goals and strategies in their CAPs and better coordinate with planners developing freight transport plans to identify GHG emission reduction approaches."

Philippe Lebeau, Towards the electrification of city logistics?. Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Business Economics / Doctor in Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Faculty of Economics, Social and Political Sciences, 21 March 2016, 193 p. [formato PDF, 4,2 MB]. "City logistics is facing an important challenge. It is one of the most polluting segments of the transport sector but policy makers want it to become one of the cleanest in the future. The European Commission, for example, has set the goal of reaching CO 2 free city logistics by 2030. Battery electric vehicles represent in that context a potential solution. They can indeed reduce CO 2 emissions, especially if electricity is generated from renewables. Moreover, they can improve air quality and reduce noise generated by traffic in cities. However their adoption by freight transport operators remains limited despite the recent development of electric vans and trucks on the market. The objective of this thesis is therefore to investigate the feasibility of introducing battery electric vehicles in city logistics. The PhD is structured around three main research questions that address (1) the potential adoption of battery electric vehicles in city logistics, (2) the strategies to reduce or solve their economic and operational constraints and (3) the stakeholders' support regarding a shift from conventional to battery electric vehicles. By tackling these three aspects, the thesis demon- strates that an electrification of city logistics is possible. The different stakeholders of city lo- gistics are indeed found to support that transition. But the adoption of battery electric vehicles remains limited because of their economic and operational constraints. The thesis identifies therefore the different conditions where battery electric vehicles can become profitable for freight transport operators. It recommends also a range of policies that can further stimulate the adoption of battery electric vehicles."

Richard Vahrenkamp, 25 Years City Logistic: Why failed the urban consolidation centres?. European Transport \ Trasporti Europei (2016), Issue 60, Paper n° 4 (6 p.) [formato PDF, 70 kB]. "The paper considers projects to improve the delivery traffic in European cities during the last 25 years. The projects were strongly influenced by the research programs of the European Union. The paper identifies the conditions under which the projects were successful. The author explores the obstacles to get the desired consolidation of freight. Examples from Paris and Bristol are given."

Alexandra Lagorio, Roberto Pinto, Ruggero Golini (University of Bergamo), City logistics research streams: a systematic literature review. XX Summer School "Francesco Turco" - Industrial Systems Engineering, Naples, Italy, September 16-18, 2015. p. 79-84 (6 p.) [formato PDF, 198 kB]. "The pursuit of sustainable solutions for moving goods in urban areas with minimum impacts on the society and the environment is nowadays a broadly discussed subject. To better frame the research interests in this area, in this paper we discuss the main evidences emerged from a systematic literature review regarding the field of city logistics, which encompasses (but is not limited to) the transportation of goods inside and across urban centers. Following our research protocol, we collected and analyzed a corpus of papers from which we identified i) the most popular research methodologies adopted to study city logistics issues, ii) how research methodologies and topics have evolved through years, and iii) the emerging gaps. This study represents a starting point to understand the future evolution and topics to investigate concerning city logistics."

Xiaoxia Wang, Zhanqiang Li, Yanbo Cui (Beijing Jiaotong University), Urban Logistics under the Internet. WHICEB 2016 Proceedings. Paper 46. 9 p. [formato PDF, 318 kB]. "With the promotion of "Internet + efficient logistics" and refer Tomorrow's Elastic Mobility Adaptive(TEAM), this paper extends the framework of urban logistics based on the Internet and cloud computing environment, specifies the challenges and transitions experienced by the commodity market, transport market, infrastructure market, then discusses several key technologies of IT application in urban freight transportation including dynamic regulation of the transport market for administrator, "last mile" solutions, coding system and green vehicles. Now IT building blocks of digitally free open source software not only provide the IT infrastructure but also facilitate "Share more - Develop less" for mass innovation convenience of cities. It no doubts that an efficient, environmentally friendly and intelligent urban freight system will come true in the near future."

Hans Quak, Nina Nesterova, Tariq van Rooijen (TNO), Possibilities and barriers for using electric-powered vehicles in city logistics practice. Transportation Research Procedia 12 (2016) 157-169 (13 p.) [formato PDF, 183 kB]. Open Access. The 9th International Conference on City Logistics, Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain), 17-19 June 2015. "This paper discusses the current developments, as well as the barriers and opportunities for using electric freight vehicles in daily city logistics operations based on the experiences from a number of running demonstrations. This paper discusses results from other studies and demonstrations that were published on electro mobility in city logistics in the last three years, as an update of an earlier state of the art review. Next, we present recent narratives based on the more than 100 electric freight vehicles (EFVs) deployed in the European project FREVUE and the experiences of TransMission in using four battery electric Cargohoppers to perform their urban deliveries in Amsterdam. Over the years the attention shifted from a focus on the limitations of EFVs in comparison to conventional vehicles, such as the limited range, towards the question how to better adapt the operations to deal with the EFV characteristics. Although, the business case for using EFVs, in comparison to conventional vehicles, is still suffering from high vehicle purchase price and uncertainty about its residual value, the use of EFVs in daily operations shows that in the majority of cases the current generation of EFVs have a good technical performance. Companies using EFVs are generally satisfied with these vehicles. Obviously still a number of barriers has to be levelled, but large scale EFV usage seems more feasible than before."

Yoshikazu Imanishi, Eiichi Taniguchi, Framework of the Urban Road Freight Transport - Lessons Learned from Case Studies. Transportation Research Procedia 12 (2016) 627-633 (7 p.) [formato PDF, 1,81 MB]. Open Access. The 9th International Conference on City Logistics, Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain), 17-19 June 2015. "This study focuses on overall city-wide Urban Road Freight Transport Management (URFTM) including plans and individual measures which are implemented in cities or metropolitan areas. The study attempted to understand the overall picture of URFTM using case studies collected by World Road Association, Technical Committee 2.3 (Freight Transport). The study has identified existence of plans of freight transport management, cooperation for development of plans and measures among municipality governments, related public bodies and private sectors, provision of legal system and structures of measures that have been introduced."

Philippe Lebeau, Cathy Macharis, Joeri Van Mierlo, Kenneth Lebeau (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Electrifying light commercial vehicles for city logistics? A total cost of ownership analysis. EJTIR (European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research) Issue 15(4), 2015, pp. 551-569 (19 p.) [formato PDF, 693 kB]. Open Access. "Different measures are considered by the authorities to tackle the negative impacts of city logistics. Among them, battery electric vehicles are seen as a promising solution, but high purchase cost represents an important barrier to their adoption. However, these vehicles benefit also from low operational costs. This different cost structure between electric and conventional vehicles makes therefore a comprehensive cost analysis necessary for fleet managers who want to assess the real competitiveness of the vehicles. Hence, we developed a total cost of ownership model to assess the competitiveness of quadricycles and light commercial vehicles for freight transport companies. This paper presents the results for 7 battery electric vehicles, 5 diesel vehicles and 3 petrol vehicles. The results of a sensitivity analysis explored also the possible measures that can support their competitiveness. The model shows that battery electric vehicles have a better competitive position than petrol vehicles but they do not compete yet with diesel vehicles. A sensitivity analysis shows however that their total cost of ownership can become lower than diesel vehicles depending on their utilization, future market conditions or government support. Still, electric quadricycles appear to be currently an affordable solution for transport operators to adopt electric vehicles since their total costs of ownership is lower than diesel light commercial vehicles."

Alex Dampier, Marin Marinov (Newcastle University), A Study of the Feasibility and Potential Implementation of Metro-Based Freight Transportation in Newcastle upon Tyne. Urban Rail Transit 2015-08-19 (19 p.) [formato PDF, 1,81 MB]. Open Access. "This paper discusses the concept of using a metropolitan railway network to transport freight directly to a city centre from the surrounding businesses. Specifically we look in depth at the Tyne and Wear Metro system, situated in Newcastle upon Tyne, to determine if such a scheme would be feasible. Through research into the modes of transport available, along with a review of literature and case studies, it was found that the current method of transporting the majority of freight by road is unsustainable and damaging to both the environment and local communities. Other options for the transportation of freight have been reviewed, and results showed that a modal shift will be necessary in the near future. The system was then modelled using software provided by the Department for Transport, which demonstrated that the implementation of such a scheme would provide vast accident savings, a reduction in the number of casualties on the road, and a monetary saving as a result of the lower casualty rate. The conclusion was reached that the scheme is viable; however, further research and study are necessary before implementation."

Olav Eidhammer, Jardar Andersen, Strategi for 50 % redusert miljøgassutslipp fra varedistribusjon i Oslo innen 2020 (Strategy for 50 % reduced emissions from goods distribution in Oslo within 2020). (TØI rapport 1394/2015). Transportøkonomisk institutt, Oslo, mars 2015, 68 p. [formato PDF, 2,26 MB]. Language of report: Norwegian. "Objectives of the study were to summarize the effects and experiences of measures that contribute to reduced emissions in cities. The study indicates that the most effective is multiple initiatives with consolidation center(s) dedicated for deliveries to specific zones in the city coupled with requirements on use of environmentally friendly goods vehicles. Electric vehicles or freight bikes, trucks with Euro VI engine or fossil fuel to be used for last mile distribution. The municipality can contribute to reduced emissions by combining their own purchases and shift to electric or Euro VI vehicles in their own vehicle fleet. Other measures that contribute to reduced emissions is zero-emission zones, increased number of loading - unloading bays and increased use of evening and night deliveries. Collection points for e-commerce deliveries and use of ITS information with real-time information about traffic and infrastructure are other solutions that provide significant effects. To ensure that the most cost-effective measures is prioritized a separate Sustainable Urban Logistic Plan (SULP) should be established."

Martin Ruesch, Cornelia Petz, Philipp Hegi, Ueli Haefeli, Phillipp Rütsche, Handbuch. Güterverkehrsplanung in städtischen Gebieten. (Fachpublikation des NFP 54). Schweizerischer Nationalfonds SNF, Schweizerische Vereinigung der Verkehrsingenieure und Verkehrsexperten SVI, Zürich/Luzern, 2013, 164 p. [formato PDF, 6,14 MB]. "Das Planungshandbuch fasst die Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen aus dem Projekt «Nachhaltige Güterversorgung und -transporte in Agglomerationen» des Nationalen Forschungsprogramms 54 «Nachhaltige Siedlungs- und Infrastrukturentwicklung» zusammen und macht sie in anschaulicher Form einer breiten Leserschaft bekannt. Dieses Handbuch dient der Sensibilisierung der Akteure für Fragestellungen des Güterverkehrs in urbanen Gebieten. Das Planungshandbuch beleuchtet die Probleme und den Handlungsbedarf im Güterverkehr in Agglomerationen, zeigt die Einbindung des Güterverkehrs in die Planungspraxis auf und entwickelt Strategien, Konzepte und Massnahmen für einen nachhaltigeren Güterverkehr in urbanen Räumen. Anhand von Good-Practice-Fällen werden erfolgreiche Beispiele dargestellt. Das Planungshandbuch richtet sich an Behörden und Verwaltungen von Bund, Kantonen und Gemeinden, an Investoren und Bauherren, Verlader, Logistik- und Transportdienstleister, Verbände, Planungs- und Beratungsunternehmen, an die Wissenschaft und die breite Öffentlichkeit."

Michael Browne, Julian Allen, Steve Meyrick, Wisinee Wisetjindawat, Yan Peng, Hussein S. Lidasan, Sustainable Urban Freight Transport. Transport and Communications Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific no. 80, 2011, 110 p. [formato PDF, 2,11 MB]. "In order to address and overcome the negative impacts of urban freight transport, it is necessary for policymakers to develop sustainability strategies that attempt to balance the economic, social and environmental impacts of urban freight transport operations. In devising these sustainability objectives and measures it is important that policymakers work in close cooperation with companies involved in the operation of urban supply chains. The first paper outlines a set of urban freight policy measures and company actions that can be part of a sustainability strategy, and also non-freight transport policy measures that can have unintended effects on urban freight sustainability. The second paper focuses on two issues: what governments can do to promote more eco-efficient and sustainable transport; and how the progress in this endeavour can be measured. The paper considers a number of 'attack points' on which governments can focus in order to achieve the required improvements and a range of instruments that governments can employ in order to influence outcomes on each of these points. The paper identifies a range of policies that are available to governments and suggests some specific measures that could be undertaken in implementing these policies. It also develops a framework for prioritising policy action. The third paper provides case studies on freight transport policies and measures implemented in several countries in Asia, Europe and North America. It considers three main objectives for sustainable freight development as reducing energy consumption, decreasing the usage of less sustainable transport modes and increasing the usage of more environmentally friendly transport modes. The policies and measures in each of the categories are discussed based on their contribution to achieving the objectives, and their practicality is analyzed. Issues of concern with each policy are also presented. With the rapid growth in road freight vehicle numbers and the corresponding increase in road freight tonnage, the road freight sector has become a major consumer of energy resources and a contributor to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. In order to address the issues of the road freight sector, China has undertaken various policy, legal and regulatory, and other measures including introducing pilot projects at different levels of the government. The fourth paper focuses on lessons learned from the Guangzhou Green Trucks Project, aiming to promote an alternative approach towards sustainable road freight transportation. Urban logistics systems, involving physical distribution and supply chains in urban areas, is a promising subject that can be looked at in developing a framework on how to address the issues in urban environment in the context of transport and land use. Measures, involving transport planning and logistics in urban areas under the term of city logistics have been found promising in dealing with many traffic and transport problems. The concept of city logistics has a potential to contribute to meeting the objectives of logistics related to efficiency, economy and environment. The fifth and last paper presents how logistics and transport initiatives can be instrumental in developing a framework which can eventually contribute to alleviating the negative impacts of freight transport on urban environment."

Robert Regué, Abigail L. Bristow, Appraising Freight Tram Schemes: A Case Study of Barcelona. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 13 (2013) 56-78 [formato PDF, 636 kB]. "Urban goods distribution has gained in importance in recent years since its optimization not only has the potential to increase productivity and operational efficiency but also to achieve broader goals related to the reduction of externalities including congestion, accidents, noise, air pollution and CO2 emissions. The focus of this paper is to explore the costs and benefits related to freight trams and appraise, by means of a cost benefit analysis a hypothetical freight tram scheme in the centre of Barcelona, to identify the factors that critically influence the potential success or failure of such schemes and to examine through sensitivity testing ways of improving performance. Thus, this paper aims to enhance our understanding of the potential for freight trams to contribute to mitigating a range of transport externalities. Two freight tram scenarios were developed for detailed investigation: the first for retail deliveries and the second for domestic waste collection. Cost benefit analysis (CBA) was carried out based on the best available public domain information and with clearly specified assumptions. The waste tram scenario yields a high Net Present Value (NPV) and rapid return on investment due to the low set up costs and significant operating cost savings. On the other hand, in the initial specification, the retail delivery tram has a very negative NPV due to high initial investment costs and annual costs exceeding annual benefits. Sensitivity tests indicate that both the initial infrastructure costs and the costs and efficiency levels of the consolidation centres are critical to the performance of a freight tram."

SUGAR (Sustainable Urban Goods Logistics Achieved by Regional and Local Policies), City Logistics Best Practices: a Handbook for Authorities. Regione Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, November 2011, 276 p. [formato PDF, 5,75 MB]. Final SUGAR project publication.

Michèle Léglise, Les émissions de CO2 des véhicules utilitaires légers. Commissariat Général au Développement Durable, La Défense, Septembre 2011, 20 p. [formato PDF, 1,05 MB]. "Comme pour les véhicules particuliers, le Conseil de l’Union européenne a adopté le 11 mai 2011 un règlement limitant les émissions de CO2 des VUL neufs à une moyenne de 175 g/km à partir de 2017. Il devrait à terme permettre d’avoir un parc moins émetteur. Cette étude propose une évaluation des émissions en CO2 des véhicules utilitaires légers (VUL) et compare leur évolution avec celle des voitures particulières et des poids lourds. L’évaluation est faite à partir des résultats de l’enquête 2006 sur les VUL (dernière enquête disponible) et à partir des comptes des transports de la Nation (CCTN) de 1990 à 2010. Cette analyse montre que les émissions de CO2 des véhicules utilitaires légers ont représenté 17,7 millions de tonnes en 2005. Mises en regard des émissions des autres véhicules routiers, les émissions des VUL représentent 18% des émissions de l’ensemble du trafic routier national. La part des émissions liées aux VUL n’a cessé de croître au cours des vingt dernières années. De 1990 à 2007, le taux de croissance annuel moyen des émissions en CO2 a presque atteint 2% pour les VUL, plus élevé que pour les PL (+1,3%) et surtout que les VP (+0,7%). La progression plus faible en 2008 et 2009 résulte d’une légère baisse du trafic en 2008, moins accentuée toutefois que pour les voitures particulières et surtout les poids lourds qui ont plus fortement réagi à la crise, mais avec amorce d’une reprise en 2010."

Quelles orientations pour la logistique urbaine en Aquitaine? Analyse des besoins et des attentes à court et moyen termes de transports durables sur les courtes distances par bassin d'activités en Aquitaine. Bureau d’études Interface Transport, en collaboration avec le CETE du Sud Ouest (Centre d'Études Techniques de l'Équipement), mai 2010, 100 p. [formato PDF, 12,7 MB]

Masato Shimizu, Tetsuro Hyodo, Yasukatsu Hagino, Hirohito Kuse, Hideki Takebayashi, Study of delivery distribution in the central area by Tokyo metropolitan freight survey. 5th International Conference on City Logistics, 11-13 July 2007, Crete, Greece, 33 slides [formato PDF, 2,75 MB].

Heicke Flämig (Hamburg University of Technology), Policy making in Germany? Integrated commercial traffic concept of Berlin. 5th International Conference on City Logistics, 11-13 July 2007, Crete, Greece, 24 slides [formato PDF, 3,48 MB].

Wanda Debauche (Belgian Road Research Centre), An investigation into the delivery of goods to the city centre of Liege. 5th International Conference on City Logistics, 11-13 July 2007, Crete, Greece, 30 slides [formato PDF, 2,03 MB].

Martin Ruesch (Rapp Trans AG), Sustainable goods supply and transport in conurbations: Freight patterns and developments in Switzerland. 5th International Conference on City Logistics, 11-13 July 2007, Crete, Greece, 38 slides [formato PDF, 1,82 MB].

Nikolas Geroliminis and Carlos F. Daganzo (University of California, Berkeley), A review of green logistics schemes used in cities around the world. National Urban Freight Conference 2006, February 1-3, 2006, Long Beach, CA, 32 p. [formato PDF, 100 kB]. "Freight Carriers strive to provide higher levels of transportation service with lower costs. However, the economic and environmental viability of cities are negatively affected by the present organization of urban goods distribution. Can these two competitive goals be harmonized to create efficient and environmental friendly urban logistics systems? This paper presents several examples of “green logistics” schemes tried in a number of forward-looking cities around the world. The review highlights the basic qualitative ideas of these schemes and the results of field tests. Most of the ideas can be applied to other cities, but analysis is needed to figure out which combination of schemes is best for a particular location. This should be an item of some research priority." Una rassegna sulle esperienze di city logistics aggiornata al 2006.

G. Dezi, C. Sangiorgi, M. Marinelli (Univ. di Bologna), City logistics: pianificazione spazio-temporale del trasporto merci in ambito urbano. Paper, XVII Convegno nazionale SIIV, Enna, 10/12 settembre 2008, 16 p. [formato PDF, 516 kB]. "Many European and overseas studies have brought into focus the issues related with urban freight transport in order to find possible solutions (city logistic). Urban areas, instead of being living, commercial and resting places may have their functions jeopardized either due to the intense and short range road good’s transport and to the infrastructural lacking. Commercial vehicles are detrimental for the urban environment, polluting with gasses and noises. The “just in time” policy of no warehousing enhance this kind of transportation. This paper describes some technical solutions for the management of stop and access for the goods transport vehicles in order to allow the ontime delivery as well as to mitigate the traffic induced issues towards citizens." "Nella presente memoria vengono trattati alcuni aspetti logistici di regolamentazione della sosta e degli accessi per i mezzi di trasporto merci, in grado di rendere più efficiente la distribuzione dei beni, mitigando le problematiche indotte dal traffico e, quindi, salvaguardando la qualità di vita nei centri cittadini."

Hans-Joachim Becker, Diana Runge, Urte Schwedler, Michael Abraham, Commercial Transport in European Cities. How do European cities meet the challenges of commercial transport? Experiences and case studies from the CIVITAS Programme of the European Commission. (IVP-Schriften, N. 21). Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Juli 2008, 128 p. [formato PDF, 0,97 MB]. "Within the CIVITAS-Initiative twenty cities got together to face the challenge of dealing with commercial transport. In order to meet the specific local conditions and cope with the problems caused by commercial transport the cities searched for appropriate solutions. The result is a surprisingly broad spectrum of strategies and measures indicating the complexity and variety of the urban commercial transport in European cities. A total of 47 measures could be identified, that have been applied by the 20 cities."

Michael A.P. Taylor (Univ. of South Australia), The City Logistics paradigm for urban freight transport. Paper of the conference "State of Australian Cities 2005", Griffith University, Brisbane, 30th November - 2nd December 2005, 19 p. [formato PDF, 178 kB].

Claudia Burlando, Trasporto urbano di merci a Genova: Centro di Distribuzione Urbana e ipotesi di governo attraverso i permessi scambiabili. C.I.E.L.I., Genova, 17 p. [formato PDF, 288 kB].

Dix ans d'expérimentations en matière de livraisons en ville. Premier bilan critique. CERTU, Lyon, 2007, 81 p. [formato PDF, 1,06 MB]. "L'objectif général de la présente étude est de dresser un bilan critique de certains de ces projets, afin d’en tirer des enseignements utiles pour le programme national « Marchandises en ville » et le Prédit. L'étude a aussi pour objectif d'analyser et de comprendre les motivations ou les réticences des différents acteurs locaux vis-à-vis de la thématique marchandises en ville en général et des projets d'expérimentations innovantes dans ce domaine en particulier. Cette analyse concerne aussi bien les projets qui ont abouti à des réalisations que ceux qui ont été abandonnés en cours de route ou qui ont échoué. L'étude s'efforce de reconstituer par recoupements entre différentes sources, y compris le témoignage des principaux acteurs concernés, l'historique de ces projets et leurs différentes phases d'évolution. Au-delà de chacun de ces cas particuliers, il s'agit ensuite de réaliser une analyse transversale et d'en tirer les enseignements concrets pour l'avenir." (Documento gratuito, necessaria registrazione gratuita).

Michael Browne, Michael Sweet, Allan Woodburn and Julian Allen (Transport Studies Group, University of Westminster), Urban Freight Consolidation Centres. Final Report. Transport Studies Group, University of Westminster, London, November 2005, 190 p. [formato PDF, 4,13 MB]. "The main components of the study have been: a thorough literature review of UCC initiatives; analysis of specific examples of different UCC types; discussions relating to the concept with a sample of interested supply chain parties; preliminary evaluation of different types of consolidation centre, incorporating the development of an evaluation methodology."

Le transport léger. Situation et perspectives, DAEI-SESP, Paris, Juin 2005, 113 p. [formato PDF, 990 kB]. Analisi dei veicoli leggeri per il trasporto di merci (véhicules utilitaires légers, VUL).

D. Patier (LET), The conditions of Modal Shift in the dense urban areas. 5th Conference on City Logistics, July 11 to 13, 2007, Crete, 19 slides [formato PDF, 2,44 MB]. Proposta di trasferimento modale, cioè per via fluviale, di parte (3%) del trasporto di merci in ambito urbano a Parigi.

Michael Müller, Achim Volkamer, Leitfaden städtischer Güterverkehr. Umwelt schonen und kosten sparen. Verkehrsclub Deutschland e.V. (VCD), Berlin, 2006, 91 p. [formato PDF, 1,88 MB]. Manuale sul trasporto urbano delle merci (city logistics) con esempi di 7 città europee.

J. Allen, G. Thorne and M. Browne (Univ. of Westminster), BESTUFS. Buone pratiche di trasporto merci in ambito urbano. Consorzio BESTUFS, 2007, 84 p. [formato PDF, 4,71 MB]. Good Practice Guide on urban freight transport, translated into 16 European languages. "Questo documento sulle buone pratiche è basato su precedenti Manuali di “Best Practice” prodotti nell’ambito di BESTUFS. Il suo scopo è di fornire linee guida a chiunque sia interessato al trasporto merci in ambito urbano, sia che intenda adottare misure per ottimizzare l’afflusso di prodotti nelle aree urbane sia che intenda ridurre l’impatto ambientale. Il documento (rivolto a urbanisti, ad aziende di trasporto e ad altri attori della supply chain affinché possano aumentare la sostenibilità del trasporto merci in ambito urbano) è articolato nelle seguenti tre parti: Accesso dei veicoli commerciali in area urbana e carico/scarico merci (Parte I); Soluzioni per l’ultimo miglio (Parte II); Centri di consolidamento urbani (Parte III)."

H.J. Quak and M.B.M. de Koster (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam), Urban distribution: the impact of different governmental time-window schemes. Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Rotterdam, October 2006, 23 p. [formato PDF, 282 KB] "Local authorities increasingly use time-access regulations to improve social sustainability issues, such as the attractiveness of a city centre, the shopping climate, or to reduce the nuisance caused by urban freight transport. However, these time-windows increase delivery costs and the environmental burden. This paper evaluates five different time-window schemes on their social, environmental, and economic impacts."

Antonio Giacoma, La distribuzione delle merci in ambito urbano, ISFORT/Osservatorio Nazionale sul Trasporto Merci e la Logistica, aprile 2002, 6 p. [formato pdf, 8 kB]. (Registrazione gratuita per accedere al documento.) Breve intervento a un convegno del Vice presidente CONFETRA.

ISFORT, City Logistics: valutazione delle esperienze e prospettive, 2003, p. 130-189 [4 files formato Word, zipped 340 kB] Registrazione gratuita per accedere al documento. Rapporto sulle esperienze di City Logistics nelle città italiane.

Francesco Russo, Antonio Comi, A state of the art on urban freight distribution at European scale, ECOMM 2004, May 5-7, Lyon, 10 p. [formato pdf, 182 kB]. Sintesi di progetti, modelli e realizzazioni nel trasporto urbano di merci.

Elena Maggi, City logistics: un approccio innovativo per la gestione del trasporto urbano delle merci, Working Paper, Politecnico di Milano, 2001, 36 p. [formato PDF, 227 kB)

Elena Maggi, La logistica merci urbana: criticità e proposte di soluzione, Atti della XXII Conferenza AISRe, Venezia, 2001, 24 p. [formato PDF, 170 kB]

Elena Maggi, Michele Corradi, City logistics a Brescia: il tentativo di un approccio integrato, 2002, 4 p. [formato PDF, 61 kB]

Soren Kjaersgard, Henrk Jess Jensen, Sustainable City Logistics Solutions (gli esempi di tre città danesi: Aalborg, Aarhus e Copenhagen), 5 p. [formato World, 89 kB]

Claus C. Berg (hrsg.), City Logistik: das Muenchner Modell, ILV - Institut fuer Logistik und Verkehrsmanagement GmbH, Ottobrunn, 1999, 165 p. [formato Word, 1,59 MB]

Regione Lombardia, Breve glossario su logistica e trasporto merci, 4 p. [file pdf, 173 kB]