

South African Network for Women in Transport (SANWIT). SANWIT is an association of women who support the idea of strengthening the role of women in transport.

World Resources Institute, EMBARQ, the WRI Center for Sustainable Transport. El Centro de Transporte Sustentable de WRI.

genanet, Leitstelle Gender (Geschlechtergerechtigkeit), Umwelt, Nachhaltigkeit. Focal point gender, environment, sustainability. "Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitspolitik sind nicht geschlechtsneutral".

ITDP Institute for Transportation & Development Policy

Global Transport Atlas.

GeneroUrban. Es un foro abierto sobre la integración de la perspectiva de género en el urbanismo, la planificación urbana y el desarrollo local.


Wei-Shiuen Ng and Ashley Acker, Understanding Urban Travel Behaviour by Gender for Efficient and Equitable Transport Policies. Discussion Paper No. 2018-01. International Transport Forum, Paris, France, February 2018, 21 p. [formato PDF, 1,5 MB]. "Gender is one of the key socio-demographic variables that can influence travel behaviour, but it is often the least understood. Understanding travel behaviour by gender will help better design transport policies that are efficient and equitable. Due to the gendered division of work in households, women often have multiple tasks and activities. As a result, women are more likely to have shorter commute distances, to chain trips, to have more non-work related trips, to travel at off-peak hours, and to choose more flexible modes. This study examines travel behaviour by gender in eight different cities, across three different continents, focusing on transport mode, trip purpose, travel distance and departure time for Auckland, Dublin, Hanoi, Helsinki, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Lisbon and Manila. The most common trends found in the cities are that women tend to travel shorter distances and prefer public transport and taxi services to cars more than men."

Carolyn Szczepanski, Women on a roll. Benchmarking women's bicycling in the United States and five keys to get more women on wheels. The League of American Bicyclists, Washington DC, August 2013, 22 p. [formato PDF, 1,58 MB] "A first-of-its-kind report from the Women Bike program, Women on a Roll compiles more than 100 original and trusted sources of data to showcase the growth and potential of female bicyclists in the United States. It also suggest five key focus areas — the 5 Cs — to increase women's ridership."

Manuela Samek Lodovici, Flavia Pesce, Patrizia Malgieri, Silvia Maffi, Caterina Rosa, The role of women in the green economy: the issue of mobility. European Parliament, 2012, 83 p. [formato PDF, 1,07 MB]. "This note highlights the characteristics and determinants of gender differences in mobility patterns emerging from the literature and presents an overview of how transport policies have been adapted to support women’s mobility needs, focusing on examples of practices implemented in four European countries. The results show significant, albeit declining, gender differences related to gender roles within households and the labour market as well as demographic trends. The policy recommendations underline the need to consider gender and environment mainstreaming in transport policies."

Carme Miralles-Guasch, Dones, mobilitat, temps i ciutats. (Quaderns de l’Institut ; 14). Institut Català de les Dones, Barcelona, 2010, 95 p. [formato PDF, 559 kB]. "Les ciutats han evolucionat en diferents èpoques a partir d'uns models únics que no han tingut prou en compte les necessitats i les aportacions de la meitat de la població: les dones. En aquesta publicació l’autora, Carme Miralles-Guasch, analitza l’evolució de la mobilitat a les ciutats al llarg de l’últim segle des de la perspectiva de gènere."

Chantal Duchène, Gender and Transport. (Discussion Paper No. 2011-11). OECD/International Transport Forum, April 2011, 20 p. [formato PDF, 673 kB]. "While greater account is increasingly being taken of gender in a variety of areas, little progress has been made in this respect in the transport sector. In both developed and developing countries, our societies are gendered in that women and men play different roles, notably because household chores and children are mainly the preserve of women, which reduces the time they have available for activities for which they are responsible and for the trips they need to make in order to perform these activities. Development, employment and even health policies must take account of the issue of travel. And to do this successfully, it is essential to seek ways in which to incorporate the issue of gender into policies relating to mobility and transport. At present, it is no longer women’s non-governmental organisations that stress this point, but the community as a whole. It is for this reasons that this theme is now being examined in greater depth by the International Transport Forum which commissioned this report. The report begins with an overview of the situation, and then presents good practices and a set of recommendations. It addresses both developed and developing countries, urban and rural areas, and infrastructure and services."

Imanol Ilárraz Rodríguez, Movilidad sostenible y equidad. Comunicación al XVI Congreso de Estudios Vascos, Bilbao, 2005. Donostia-San Sebastián, Eusko Ikaskuntza, 2006, p.337-342 [formato PDF, 67 kB]. "Hoy día las mujeres tienen menor acceso a los medios de transporte que los hombres, y el diseño del transporte público a menudo no responde a sus necesidades. Por ello, la movilidad sostenible pasa por el acceso igualitario al transporte y la concienciación de todos y todas respecto a los medios de transporte que resultan más sostenibles."

Andrés Monzón, Cristina Valdés and Geng Xue, Social Drivers of Gender-Based Mobility Patterns In Madrid. (TRANSyT Working Paper 2008-02-EN). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2008, 29 p. [formato PDF, 2,31 MB]. "Mobility patterns in the Madrid Region have experienced considerable changes over the past decade. There are two main causes for this: population growth and urban sprawl. Analyses have been carried out, targeted to explain these changes and their consequences for public transport and car-oriented demand in each part of the region. Most of these studies however make aggregated analyses of different mobility issues. This report attempts to look at mobility in the Madrid Region from a different angle. We attempt to analyse the differences between women and men, whether they use the same transport modes, whether their trips have the same characteristics, etc. After a general analysis of gender-based mobility, we focus our analysis on working trips, where differences are higher because women and men have different roles in our society. Finally we complete the study with a brief analysis of gender-based mobility patterns among foreign travellers in the Madrid Region."

VCÖ, Gender Gap im Verkehrs- und Mobilitätsbereich. Hintergrundbericht. VCÖ, Wien, April 2009, 37 p. [formato PDF, 90 kB]. [necessaria registrazione gratuita].

Margaret Walsh, Gender and the Automobile in the United States. Automobile in American Life and Society, 2004 [formato MHTML, 90 kB].

Merritt Polk, Gender equality and sustainable development: the need for debate in transportation policy in Sweden. Vinnova, Stockholm, 2001, 52 p. [formato PDF, 383 kB]. "Do men and women enjoy equal access to the car and to all that automobiles represent in today's society such as freedom, control, success, and sexual prowess? If not, would striving for an increase in women's access and use of transportation technologies contradict the principles of sustainable development that have become so central in political and scientific debates? Gender equality and sustainable development are two goals that are gaining more and more importance within transportation policy in Sweden. The current goal of the Swedish government regarding transportation policy is that it should contribute to social, cultural, economic, and ecological sustainable development."

Jeff Turner, Kerry Hamilton, Meike Spitzner, Women and Transport. Study . European Parliament, Brussels, 2006, 91 p. [formato PDF, 1,25 MB]. "The study of the data on gender differences in transport shows that “Normal” transport research and transport policies emerge to be androcentric. Men’s travel patterns are the ones which are represented in transport policy reports and decision making as “common” and seems to be its focus, in spite of significant gender differences, that are relevant to transport operations, management and decision making."

Research on Women's Issues in Transportation. Report from a Conference. Volume 1: Conference overview and plenary papers. November 18-20, 2004, Chicago, Illinois. Conference Proceedings 35. Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2006, 76 p. [formato PDF, 3,66 MB].

Research on Women's Issues in Transportation. Report from a Conference. Volume 2: Technical papers. November 18-20, 2004, Chicago, Illinois. Conference Proceedings 35. Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2006, 223 p. [formato PDF, 6,37 MB].

Kerry Hamilton, Linda Jenkins, Frances Hodgson, Jeff Turner, Promoting gender equality in transport. (EOC Working Paper Series 34). Equal Opportunities Commission, 2005, 96 p. [formato PDF, 1,23 MB]. "The Equal Opportunities Commission has commissioned the University of East London, in collaboration with Jeff Turner Transport & Social Development Consultancy Ltd and the Institute of Transport Studies, University of Leeds, to explore how the transport sector may need to respond to gender issues. A review of existing research, an analysis of available national data on the travel patterns of women and men and an assessment of policy documentation have been undertaken to achieve this."

Nathalie Hahn und Angela Fuhrmann, Gleiche Mobilitätschancen für alle! Gender Mainstreaming im Öffentlichen Personennahverkehr. Zusammenfassung der Tagung vom 20.02.2006 in der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin, Juni 2006, 38 p. [formato PDF, 615 KB]. "Die Broschüre versammelt theoretische Überlegungen zu gendersensibler Verkehrsplanung mit Praxisbeispielen aus Bielefeld, Freiburg und München."

La ceramica di Silvia.